How to store herbs

Among the many different food additives that give the dishes a special flavor and aroma, the herbs take their own place. They are used both fresh and dried. How correctly to collect, and the main thing to store grasses? Let's understand.

Collecting herbs

Grass is recommended to be collected in the morning, at the beginning of a warm and dry day. First you need to wait until the last dew, and then take up the collection. Usually( most species) cut the very tip of the plant - about a centimeter 15. Try to collect only undamaged and clean, non-contaminated plants.


Examine the collection for dirt and dust. Relatively clean leaves can not be washed, because natural oils are washed off with water. If you still have to wash, then do it neatly in cold water. Then shake off the drops, bind the stems into small bundles and hang them under the sun( until the water completely disappears).

Once the water has dried, the beams must be transferred to a dark place( where direct sunlight does not reach).If you did not wash the plants, then dry them immediately in the shade. It is important that the space for drying has good air ventilation

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Hanging grass inflorescence down. To protect the collection from particles of dust and dirt, it is recommended to wrap the bundles with a cut of gauze or put on a paper bag. In paper, a series of small holes should be made to ensure air access.

The drying process can go faster, for example in an oven. To do this, separate the leaves from the stems, then lay them on a baking tray, cover with a kitchen towel and everything, you can dry.

How to store dried herbs

Dried herb leaves can be stored whole or chopped. But in order to preserve as many natural oils and vitamins as possible, it is better not to grind immediately, but to crush it immediately before adding it to the dish.

To store, select a dry, cool, dark place. Tare is also better to choose opaque, with a lid.


If you decided not to dry the grass, but to freeze, then first you need to blanch them( dip into boiling water, how to rinse and remove from water).Then pat dry gently with a towel, separate the leaves from the stems. If desired, the leaves can be crushed or left whole.

Then lay out the leaves on waxed paper( each separately).Next, we make the package so that a paper layer forms between the leaves. The wrapping is packed in cellophane or a special container for freezing. Now everything is ready for freezing.

When you need to use herbs, break off as much as necessary, and add to the dish. Some housewives defrost the serving in the refrigerator before use. Frozen greens in the freezer can be stored all winter, defrosted in the refrigerator - up to seven days. It is impossible to re-freeze the herbs.

Another way to freeze greens is as follows: we separate the leaves from the stems, crush the leaves, fill them with handfuls into the ice mold, fill each dig with boiling water( as if blanching), then you can put it in the freezer. When ice cubes are frozen, then pour them into a plastic bag or other container and store everything in the same place, in the freezer.

Storage of
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