The right sandwich

Quite often instead of a full lunch or dinner, to save money and time, many working in the production or office people prefer classic sandwiches with sausage or cheese. And some use them in huge numbers. Is it worth it to do so and how to make sandwiches so that they are tasty and useful?

Of course, to replace the full-value sandwiches with food is not worth it. They are good as a snack or complement to food, but not as a full breakfast or dinner, not to mention lunch. If you still can not do without sandwiches, then adhere to the following rules for their preparation and use.

How to eat sandwiches

The first and most important rule to ensure that a sandwich does not harm your health and shape is that you can eat no more than two sandwiches for breakfast. And secondly, if you took a sandwich for a snack, then you should eat it no later than half past two.

But for a mid-afternoon snack, from three to five o'clock in the afternoon, it's better to eat some fruit. Better fresh fruit - a pear or an apple. You can also prepare a simple and traditional vegetable salad from tomatoes, cucumbers, Bulgarian sweet fleshy peppers and a green onion, dressed with olive oil, for another snack.

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For complete assimilation of sandwiches by the body, it is recommended that they be washed down with mineral water without gas or a cocktail of natural juice with mineral water in proportion to three parts of juice, one part of the mineral water.

Choosing bread for a sandwich

It is very important when preparing a sandwich to choose the right bread for its base. Bread from wholemeal or whole-wheat flour, this is the choice and will be ideal for a sandwich. Such bread saturates the human body with cellulose and useful minerals. The feeling of hunger after a snack with a sandwich with such bread will come after a few hours.

It is necessary to remember: the beloved white bread is not only not useful, but also harmful. After a sandwich with a white fresh bun, the feeling of hunger will appear in thirty minutes.

What to put on a sandwich

You can often meet recommendations instead of high-calorie butter to spread bread spread, "light" butter or margarine. However, it is better not to follow such advice. Caloric content of these oil substitutes is not much lower, but they are saturated with harmful homogenized fats.

Choosing between cheese and sausage, it is better to bend towards cheese. And it is even better to take low-fat cheese, goat or sheep. And it would be more correct to make a sandwich not with cheese or sausage, but with boiled meat or boiled chicken.

Add a sandwich with a lettuce leaf, pieces of cucumber and tomato. Decorate with sprigs of dill and parsley, as well as a celery feather. Such additives will give a juicy sandwich and somewhat neutralize the effect of saturated fats.

If the preference is given to sausages or high-calorie cheese, try to eat such sandwiches no more often than twice a week.

Selection, storage, preparation
  • Mar 24, 2018
  • 6
  • 425