Millions of women are on the verge of menopause every year. But do they know what will bring this period into their life? Doctors believe that no. Therefore, the International Organization for Menopause, together with WHO, has set a special date.
This is not a holiday that comes with flags. Menopause day is needed to ensure that society and, above all, women themselves are informed about what this period is, what myths are around it, which will help to maintain health.
Why you need to talk about menopause
Menopause brings with it a lot of changes, bearing both immediate problems in wellness, and promising.
It is necessary to speak about them because for a long time everything related to women's health( and in some countries even now) was not considered a subject for discussion.
The false shame of the society turned out to be deadly. After all, many diseases are aggravated and first appear in menopause, including cancer, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and osteoporosis. And prepare for the period of fading of the ovaries is necessary since adolescence: to avoid abortions and venereal infections, until the end to cure gynecological diseases, to give birth in time, to be examined, to eat right. The list of necessary is infinite.
But the climax itself does not all flow without cloud. Hormonal restructuring sometimes requires increased attention to health. And what exactly to do, how can help relatives and women themselves, they do not know everything.
The whole truth about the climax
Climax, despite the fact that this stage is survived by many generations of women, is surrounded by myths. Most of them society could perceive, as the truth, several decades ago. But modern medicine provides an opportunity to better understand the nature of climacteric changes. What is known about the period now:
- It's not old age yet. Many people considered the climax as the completion of the female life and the last door before the transition to another world. In fact, ovaries slow down their work by the age of 35.Obviously, it becomes in 45-55 years, when menstruation becomes more rare guests, and the volume of sex hormones noticeably decreases. But the average life expectancy is 70 years. Thus, after the complete end of the reproductive period, there is still a minimum of 15. That is, the extinction of ovarian function is just a stage in the development of the organism. And it is necessary, as before, to protect it, taking care of health, and not expecting death. A day reminiscent of the existence of menopause, informs first of all about this;
- Menopause is not a disease. But the changes taking place in it, having a natural character, concern first of all the state of health. Hot flashes to the face and chest, exaggerated emotionality, other initial signs suggest thoughts of malaise, cause fears in women. The same can be said about their loved ones, who often do not know how to behave. But if you understand that these are temporary manifestations, and also realize what they are caused, it is easier to help yourself. And it will be easier for relatives to develop tactics of behavior with a woman in the initial stage of menopause, because she is not capricious, but is experiencing hormonal reorganization;
- Menopause causes a special health control. Like any transition period, it occurs with reduced immunity, which increases the risk of illness. Its very complicated course can provoke many of them. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should go to the doctor for the appointment of therapy. And with good it should be done for the prevention of diseases, since some of them begin asymptomatically. This is the most important aspect, on which the world day of menopause tries to pay attention to women;
- Climax can be treated. Speech, of course, is not about returning the previous level of ovarian work. But there are drugs to restore normal health, eliminate severe symptoms. Medicinal herbs, which used to be the only way to cope with climacteric syndrome, have now become only one way. Hormone therapy, aligning the general background, eliminates the tides, restores emotional stability, relieves dryness of mucous membranes, protects bones from wear, the body in general - from premature aging. Women who do not have the opportunity to take these funds for health reasons, the medicine provided herbal preparations.
We recommend reading the article about hormonal therapy with menopause. You will learn about the indications for the use of drugs with the content of hormones prescribed by doctors means.
Climax does not take away the joy of life. A day that reminds the public of the existence of menopause, explains that this is more a period of the highest freedom, when children can take care of themselves, a career is built, there is more free time.