Pain in the legs as a sign of PMS

The premenstrual period is able to turn an optimist into a meager or apathetic creature. There are at this time and other unpleasant changes in health. But usually they do not cause bewilderment, especially anxiety. When the legs hurt before the menstrual period, many of them seem strange. It would seem that there should be no connection between these aspects of health. But repeating the symptom from the cycle into the cycle causes a desire to understand what it means, and how to get rid of discomfort.


  • 1 Why does discomfort occur in adolescents
  • 2 Pain in limbs of childbearing age
  • 3 Foot problems with climax
  • 4 How to get rid of pain

Why discomfort in adolescents appears

Adolescence is the first period in a girl's life characterized by great changes. First of all it concerns hormones. But the substances have a huge impact on literally all the departments and functions of the body. In girls, the pain in the legs in the premenstrual period is due to several reasons:

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  • Elongation of the skeleton, including the bones of the legs, muscle growth. Changes often occur so quickly that the vascular system does not keep pace with them. Discomfort in the legs is caused by insufficient blood supply and at the same time irritation of nerve endings. From this there is not only a nagging sensation, but also a feeling of numbness. The pain can be quite strong, like after a long and intense exercise.
  • Overexcitation of the nervous system. In adolescence, many girls become uncontrollable, break out at the slightest occasion, crying for a trifle. That is, their nervous reactions are sudden and sometimes stormy. Irritation concerns not only the central nervous system, but also leads to a stressed state those parts of the system that are in other parts of the body. This can provoke headaches, generally wandering sensations throughout the body. The girl complains that she has legs or limps, pulls. This can occur even at night.
  • Algomenomenorrhea. This is a pathological condition in which the main pain point is located in the area of ​​the uterus. The abdomen begins to ache, then the sensation captures the back area and gives away, that is, to the hips. Of all the causes of premenstrual pain in the legs, this is the most painful and most difficult to eliminate. Sensations that are seen in the limbs, are only part of the syndrome, and not the most painful.
Pains in the legs in the premenstrual period in girls in most cases go themselves as the hormonal background stabilizes.

This can be helped if the teenager is provided with a calm, measured life, adequate nutrition and physical exertion.

Pain in the extremities of childbearing age

Sometimes it's the first time that a person is aware of discomfort in the legs before menstruation at a fairly mature age, when there is a normal intimate life, possibly children. Why do men's legs hurt before menstruation? After all, their hormonal system should work fine. And the reproductive organs( like everyone else) have reached maturity in development, and there should be no conflicts between different parts of the body, as happens in adolescents.

But all of the above does not negate the variability of the hormonal balance. This is its natural property and provides a monthly update of the mucous membrane of the uterus. And if so, then the phenomenon that before the menstrual feet in adult women, have several different explanations:

Cause Why this happens
Postponed surgical intervention It's not just about gynecological surgery, abortion or childbirth. To cause discomfort in the lower extremities can be another cavity or laparoscopic operation, performed qualitatively and without complications. It can serve as an extra stimulus for irritation of nerve endings in the pelvic area. A slight change in the location of bones, organs, ligaments, the presence of internal sutures affects the blood supply, making it different. Influence on the nerve roots passing in this zone can increase. It becomes noticeable before menstruation, when the uterus begins to contract, increasing it. Pain gives to the feet or can be felt only in them.
PMS For , the premenstrual period is characterized by a change in the concentration of hormones. Virtually all women, it causes a whole set of different signs. One of them - violation of the circulation of fluid in the body, more precisely, its delay. If swollen legs before menstruation, often this is the manifestation of PMS.Pain in this case is not felt, but there is a feeling of bursting and heaviness. Fathers are hands, especially the fingers.
Gynecological pathology If a woman rarely visits a specialist, some diseases have the opportunity to remain unidentified and without treatment for years. Endometriosis, fibroids( slowly growing), sluggish inflammatory process do not cause severe pain. But weak sensations in the lower back, abdomen are growing before menstruation, as this is a period of exacerbation of diseases. Oppression of sex hormones reduces immunity. Pain is found not only where pathology is present. A woman feels like pulling her legs before the months, although initially the sensation is born in a completely different place.
Problems with the spine If from osteochondrosis or scoliosis, other diseases of this part of the skeleton suffers from its lower part, discomfort will also show up in the legs. A decrease in immunity, characteristic of premenstrual time, causes a new coil of the disease. Importantly, there is a violation of blood supply, which is characteristic of diseases of the spine. A woman feels like she is racking her legs before a month, because irritation of the nerves due to pathology in the area of ​​the cross or waist extends downward, to the hips, even the legs.

Foot problems with menopause

Menopause is the same changeable period as a teenage one. Only in it does not grow, but the extinction of many functions. This can not but affect your health. One of the manifestations becomes heaviness in the legs, a different kind of discomfort, pains that build up before the rare menstruation.

The symptom may be caused by the same reasons as in women in the reproductive period. But new ones are added:

  • Horseracing hormones. This is typical of premenopause. Sometimes there is a feeling that the months are about to begin. There is a headache, breast engorgement, abdominal discomfort, that is, many signs of PMS.But menstruation in this state can be expected for a long time, and the symptoms do not disappear, and they are joined by painful sensations in the legs.
  • Diseases caused by aging. Here the list is huge: from gynecological pathologies to endocrine and oncological. Diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia, arthritis, neuropathy, even avitaminosis lead to the fact that the legs twist before the monthly, they can show painful cramps, puffiness, heaviness. This symptom, like the pathologies themselves, will soon overtake those women who pass to a passive lifestyle with age, do not follow the diet. And also those who suffer severe manifestations of menopause, just to not take hormones. Or appoint them yourself, choosing the wrong dose and the wrong drug.

We recommend reading the article on back pain with menstruation. From it you will learn about the causes of unpleasant sensations in the back before menstruation, lumbar colic in critical days, possible diagnoses, ways to get rid of discomfort.

How to get rid of pain

Naturally, the painful syndrome in the lower limbs will pass as soon as its cause is eliminated. But this is if the disease is guilty of it. And menstruation can not be eliminated without harm to health. And yet, when the legs are numb before the menstrual period, they ache, swell, cause other anxiety, there are several universal ways to relieve the condition:

  • to make contrasting foot baths;
  • always wear comfortable shoes;
  • strengthen the muscles of the legs;
  • doing self-massage.

The problem, at whatever age it appeared, can not be ignored. Perhaps this is the first reminder of the disease. Therefore, it is always worthwhile to find out what causes pain in the legs in the days before menstruation, that is, go to the doctor if the symptom has become regular.

  • Mar 24, 2018
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