Water and water-salt exchange( V)
The high content of a chemical element such as strontium is dangerous. In biogeochemical provinces with its elevated level in water, children develop various disorders in the development of bone tissue, such as delay in the development of teeth, lengthening the period of overgrowing of the fontanelles. In severe cases, changes in the hip joints and curvature of the spine can be noted. An early sign of the disease caused by an increased content of strontium is a short-cut with symmetrically deformed and thickened joints. This disease is called the Tier disease or Kashin-Bek disease and arises from the competitive relationship of strontium and calcium in the body.
In some cases, an increased content of nitrates may be formed in water, which is caused by leaching from geological structures with deposits of saltpetre. In addition, nitrates can get into the water from industrial wastewater, as well as with agricultural wastewater. Increased intake of nitrates into the body can lead to the development of an endemic disease, such as nitrate methaemoglobinaemia. There is a hemic hypoxia with the corresponding manifestations. This disease is particularly susceptible to infants of early infancy.
About half of Russia's population uses water that does not meet hygiene requirements. However, the causative agents of many diseases can be transmitted by water. Their representatives in most cases are various intestinal infections, such as cholera, typhoid fever, paratyphoid and dysentery. The water factor also participates in the spread of viruses of pathogens of hepatitis, poliomyelitis, enteroviruses, and to a lesser extent - adenoviruses.
The waterway is also typical for the spread of some zoonoses - icteric leptospirosis( Vasiliev-Weil disease) and anicteric leptospirosis, tularemia B. A frequent cause of these diseases is the contamination of natural water sources by the release of infected rodents or the decomposition products of their corpses. There are atypical cases of infection with fever of Ku, sap, tuberculosis, brucellosis through water. Also pathogenic protozoa such as amoebic dysentery and helminth agents can be transmitted by water.
There are cases of transmission through the water of pathogenic fungi, in particular causative agents of the epidermophyte.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"