Agarik Brazilian - the fungus of life and longevity on guard of health


  1. History of the discovery of the Brazilian agarik
  2. Botanical description and classification
  3. Benefits and harm
  4. How to take the agarik

Nature has provided humanity everything necessary for a comfortable and healthy life. This idea is confirmed by regular discoveries made by scientists in the field of the use of medicinal herbs and plants to fight a variety of diseases. One of the recent discoveries was the Brazilian agaric - a fungus growing in the south-eastern part of Brazil.

Agarik of Brazil, also known as the sun mushroom, the mushroom of God, the fungus of life and many others

The history of the discovery of the Brazilian agaric

The Brazilian agaric was first discovered in 1917 by the American biologist UA Murill, in honor of which the fungus received one of its names- Agaricus blazei Murill. Almost 50 years later, other American researchers, W. Jay Sinden and Dr. E. D. Lambert, noted that residents of a small area of ​​São Paulo, with a center in the town of Piedadi, located in the southeast of Brazil, are extremely rare in dealing with oncological diseases. In this case, the basis of their cuisine was the mushroom Piedadi, another name for the Brazilian agar.

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Two years after the publication of these studies, Japanese biologist Ferumoto decided to continue studying the properties of the fungus and brought his samples to Japan. Further research work was carried out by Sogdi Sibata, professor at the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Tokyo, and Dr. Ikebata, working in the cancer department of the Japan National Cancer Center.

These were the first steps in the scientific study of the antitumor properties of the Brazilian agaric. It was then that the antitumor properties of beta-glucans were discovered and studied, with a high content of the Brazilian agaric.

For the first time this fungus and scientific articles confirming the effectiveness of agaric in the fight against tumors were presented in 1980 at the 39th meeting of the Japanese Academy of Cancer Control Professors Hitoshi Ito, Keishiro Shimura and Sensuka Naruse. After that, the study of the medicinal properties of the Brazilian acaric began in many other countries, and Japan and China began to actively cultivate it. According to statistics, these two countries consume the greatest amount of agaric, and in 2002 even released Coca-Cola containing its extract.

To date, the Brazilian agar is a fungus that enters the gold collection of anti-cancer fungi. It is actively used as a primary or auxiliary means for combating tumors, various studies, transmissions, sites and books are devoted to it.

Botanical Description and Classification of

The Brazilian agaric refers to the family of Shapmignon or Agaric. The genus Acaricus has up to 30 species, but the healing properties were found only in the Brazilian agaric. These mushrooms have a sweetish taste with a touch of almonds or anise, so one of the names is almond mushroom.

It is a plate-shaped fungus with a small white or reddish-brown cap flattened-conical in shape, with time changing more convex. In a natural habitat, these fungi are practically invisible in the grass, since they grow quite low, barely protruding above the surface of the earth. In this case, the diameter of the cap can vary from a small 5 cm to an impressive 19 cm.

The Brazilian agaric is also grown under artificial conditions. For the most part - in Japan and China

The downed leg can reach 5-15 cm in length, at the base it usually expands. With age, the firmness decreases and the leg becomes hollow, with a solid ring adorned with a detached coverlet, which initially connected the stem with the cap.

Despite its name, the Brazilian agaric in its natural habitat is found not only in Brazil, but also in many other regions and countries, including:

  • in the northeast of the USA and Canada;
  • in California;
  • of Great Britain;
  • in Hawaii;
  • in Taiwan;
  • Netherlands;
  • Philippines.

It can grow either singly or in small groups, giving preference to fertile soils of tropical forests. Artificially, the agaric is actively grown in Japan and China, from where it is supplied to almost all pharmacological companies.

Benefits and harms

Indications and useful effect

First of all, the Brazilian agar is used to combat cancerous tumors, namely:

  • for the prevention of development and treatment of existing malignant tumors;
  • for the treatment and prevention of benign tumors;
  • as an additional agent that protects the body from the harmful effects of chemo- and radiotherapy, and does not reduce their effectiveness in the fight against cancer cells.

In addition to oncology, this fungus can also be used to fight diseases:

  • GIT;
  • of the liver( toxic, viral hepatitis B, C, D, J, initial stages of cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, hepatosis, etc.);
  • of the kidney;
  • of the genitourinary system;
  • lymphatic system and blood;
  • for epilepsy and encephalopathies;
  • in autoimmune diseases.

In addition to all this, the Brazilian agaric is able to suppress the development of pathogenic fungal flora, therefore it is widely used for the treatment of fungal skin and nail lesions. And also it is considered as the effective agent, capable to slow down processes of aging of an organism and to prolong a life.

Unlike other fungi used to treat tumors, the Brazilian agaric has not one, but three mechanisms of struggle. The first of these is common for all such fungi. This is the presence in the agaric of polysaccharides - beta-glucans, which get into the blood activating the body's own forces to fight the tumor cells.

In a healthy body contain cells that can cope with cancer - these are three types of lymphocytes:

  • macrophage;
  • is a natural killer;
  • is a cytotoxic T lymphocyte( CTL).

By detecting a cancer cell, these three lymphocytes are capable of destroying it, thereby preventing further spread. However, if the cancer does appear, the number of these cells decreases, and their activity decreases. There is an opinion that tumor cells can inhibit the activity of lymphocytes, preventing their active work. In turn, beta-glucan, contained in mushrooms, on the contrary, activates these lymphocytes, restoring their own protective system of the body. In this case, agaric glucans also contribute to an increase in the rate of maturation of the necessary lymphocytes and a period of vital activity.

A similar mechanism is also characteristic of Shiitake mushrooms, Reishi, Maytake, multicolored tram. The Brazilian agarik, in addition, has two additional ones, which significantly increases its effectiveness.

As early as 2004, professors Yoshiki Kimura and Takeshi Takaku discovered the ability of the Brazilian agar to inhibit the development of their own circulatory system of a cancerous tumor due to the substances contained in it. In the course of its development, the tumor begins to release into the blood a special substance - vascular endothelial growth factor( VEGF), which causes the body to create new blood and lymph vessels that connect the tumor with the general blood flow. Through them, cancer cells receive basic nutrition and the ability to metastasize. These vessels die quickly, but new ones appear in their place.

Two substances were found in the agaric that can inhibit the release of VEGF into the blood. As a result, the destroyed vessels are not restored, and the tumor loses its nourishment and begins to die. These substances are ergosterol and sodium pyroglutamate.

The latter has the additional ability to cause apoptosis( death) of cancer cells. As a result, lymphocytes are able to penetrate deep into the tumor and destroy its cells not only on the surface, but also from the inside, which significantly increases the efficiency and speed of treatment.

Methods of cell death - necrosis and apoptosis
Ergosterol and sodium pyroglutamate did not become new substances, they were known for a long time, however, extracted from the fungus, their molecules have a completely unique configuration and structure, different from all known.

Contraindications and side effects of

Agaric brazilian almost never provokes the development of an allergic reaction of the body to its administration, and also does not cause side effects. However, its use is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation, it is prohibited for children under the age of 18 and for people with individual intolerance to the components of the fungus.

How to take agarik

The Brazilian agar is used in folk medicine since ancient times. Mention of it is found in the manuscripts of Byzantine healers, among the remnants of the culture of the Aztecs and other peoples. Since that time, the methods of applying the fungus have changed little, except that there is no need to personally collect and prepare raw materials.

Important! Before you begin treatment with the Brazilian agar, be sure to consult a specialist who will tell you how to take it correctly and without negative consequences for the body.

Preparations from this fungus can be used as biologically active additives to activate body forces, improve general condition. Infusions and broths of the Brazilian agar are prepared most often from powder extract or crushed dry mushrooms.

To prepare dietary supplements from agaric, you can use two recipes:

  1. Agaric powder is dissolved in water or rose hips( 50-100 ml).It is better to use a decoction, since in combination with vitamin C the agaric is absorbed more efficiently.
  2. 0.5 g of powder is brewed in 20 g of warm water, taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 hour before the first meal. To prepare the solution for future use is not recommended, it is the most effective fresh.

As a medicine in the fight against tumors, tincture of agaric on vodka is prepared. To do this, 5 grams of raw materials are poured into 150 ml of vodka, insist in the cold, take up to 3 times a day on a tablespoon.

The Brazilian agaric is one of the most effective anti-cancer fungi to date, capable of slowing the development of a tumor and destroying cancer cells. Due to its composition, it has not one, but three mechanisms of struggle, which increases its effectiveness, thereby facilitating the acceleration of treatment. At the same time, it has no side effects and does not cause allergic reactions, which allows using it in almost all cases.

  • Mar 24, 2018
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