During pregnancy, can I dye my hair

  • 1 Can I dye my hair during pregnancy?
    • 1.1 All for and against
    • 1.2 What color can you dye your hair during pregnancy

Any girl who is used to watching herself, with the onset of pregnancy, starts to worry about the question, you can dye your hair during pregnancy.
Living a normal life before pregnancy, we often conduct experiments with hair, trying to find our own style and just be beautiful. All this requires frequent staining.

So is it worth to give up this procedure? Or can you still visit a hairdresser? Is it true that the paint is so dangerous? Whether it is necessary to observe signs? Let's talk about this later.

Can I dye my hair during pregnancy?

In general, it is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of the benefits or disadvantages of staining. At this time, the sense of smell becomes sharper, and the sensitivity of the skin increases. The chemical constituents of the paint can cause allergies, even if previously it was not.

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Studies of paints on their harmfulness were carried out by several centers and it was revealed that the risk of cancer when using the paint becomes more than three times. In the paint there are toxins that get into the body, affect the skin and the respiratory tract.

Although, for example, stars even during pregnancy constantly dye their hair and make up, because they need to always be in shape. But what are the arguments "for" and "against" you need to know to a simple person who, though not a star, but is afraid, for the health of a future child.

All pros and cons of

Most women know about the ban and just stop doing this procedure as soon as they become pregnant. But let's first give all the arguments for and against.

Arguments for

Most modern young girls are not used to follow generally accepted rules. All the superstitions about staining, haircuts and so on, they ignore. Also, few wonder whether it is possible to cut hair, trim nails in the second trimester or later, and during feeding. At first it may seem that this is just lightheadedness, but in reality - proven facts.

Science has proven that ammonia is harmful only when it gets on the skin and inhaled. Today, manufacturers produce bezammia paints based on natural ingredients. In addition, there are special staining techniques, when the paint does not come into contact with the skin.

Moreover, many doctors believe that the baby is sufficiently protected from exposure to harmful substances, which means that he is not in danger. Especially today's ecology, air and water are more important than hair coloring. Some experts believe that today people have already adapted to the negative influence of the environment, from which the conclusion suggests that the child is unlikely to feel a change from the use of paint. And this gives some advantages:

- beautiful appearance;
- psychological state;
- lack of complexes due to poorly maintained appearance;
- use of high-quality paint;
- pleasure and joy of reflection in the mirror.

Even Dr. Komarovsky says that it can not be safe to paint, but not as dangerous as some think.

But, no matter how many, there were advantages, you should never forget about the sense of proportion. If you dye your hair no more than two or three times a week, then it does not hurt the body. But frequent stains can lead to disastrous results. So it's worth thinking about before you do something. Now it's worth talking about why you can not dye your hair during pregnancy.

Arguments against

- Possible harm from chemical constituents of paint. The composition of paints mainly includes ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, parafenidenediamine and resorcinol, which are toxic and harmful to everyone.

- The unpleasant odor that most colors have is associated with the content of hydrogen peroxide or amines in them. Sharp smells are harmful to pregnant women. This can lead to nausea and vomiting, especially in the first trimester.

- The result is different than expected. During pregnancy, the hair also changes. As a result, instead of the usual, you can get an unexpected color. Not necessarily, of course, if you were painted in black, but it turns out white. But for a couple of tones the discrepancy will be. In addition, the paint may lie unevenly or quickly disappear due to hormonal changes.

- Allergy, which was not previously. Even if you have not had such a problem before, hormonal restructuring can trigger a strong allergic reaction. To ensure that all the girls were radiant before staining with mousse or anything else, they should conduct an allergy test and see how strong the skin reacts to the paint. In the end, it's not a game, because inside you live a kid and he needs a healthy mother.

Before dyeing hair, you must first weigh all the pros and cons and only then make the final decision.

What color can you dye your hair during pregnancy?

If you still decide to dye your hair, then it's better to use henna or basma, because they consist of natural ingredients. Perfectly suits hair supra. You can also use a shade shampoo.

There are also folk remedies, thanks to which even gray hair can be painted over. This onion husks and chamomile. Of course, strongly the color will not change, but you can lighten up.

In expensive salons today, organic hair coloring is offered. At the same time, the paint is almost 100% natural. Mainly used dyes brand Aveda, Lebel, Organic Color Systems, Loreal.

In addition, on the shelves you can find paints without the addition of ammonia, which are no different from traditional, according to the producers.
For the time of pregnancy, it is best to forget about full hair coloring and replace it with highlights, coloring tips or coloring. In such methods, the paint does not come in contact with the scalp, and the growing roots are not so noticeable.
For the care of hair can use the means of the brand Kapus.

You can search on the Internet reviews about different colors, see photos and videos before and after staining, and also how to use tonic, balm, cosmetics, how to apply makeup during pregnancy and so on.
Choosing one of the proposed methods, you can say for sure that you can dye your pregnant hair in a gentle way to always be beautiful and well-groomed.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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