How to tie a crocheted description and outline

  • 1 Catch - description and diagram
    • 1.1 Beret: how to crochet?
    • 1.2 Summer, spring and autumn beret crochet
    • 1.3 How to crochet beret for beginners: video
  • 2 Knitted female berets crochet 2016-2017 with diagrams describing: photo
    • 2.1 Crochet crocheted with patterns and description: new warm models
    • 2.2 Crochet for beginners hats and berets master class: video
  • 3 Crochets for fall 2016 scheme and description
    • 3.1 Diagram and description - crochet for girl

Crochet berets are needed by any woman or girl in the guardrobe. And, not only in the cold season: in the summer they will protect our hair from ultraviolet rays, and in autumn and winter this headdress will warm us from frost.

Crochet beret - very exciting work, especially if you pick up a beautiful yarn. Of course, it may take more time to complete it if you are new to this business. But, thanks to a clear scheme and a detailed description, any beginner can connect the easiest beret for a couple of hours! Below you will find crochet berets for women with descriptions and diagrams for free.

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Crabs - description and diagram

The street is already autumn , but it's still not so cold to wear beautiful winter headdress , so we suggest you consider new models of knitted berets for this cool season. You do not even need to take off to measure the girth of the head - crochet allows you to try on products during work.

So, first you need to decide which one you want to take, and from what material .You can choose cotton or acrylic for this season. In general, the best material is cotton. he heats, but allows the head to breathe. And this is an excellent choice for a child. In addition, it is possible to choose the color of the future product( blue, red, black, yellow ), model( with pompon, normal, with mesh, original rastaman ), yarn( from thick, thin ).For beginners, we propose to do without decorating, in this our step-by-step description of the binding of the mating will help.

We offer a small master class for knitting a beret of fine white thread ( 100% cotton).Such white beret( from the yarn "snowball") will not leave anyone indifferent! It's very airy, it just fits in, you can finish the works within an hour if you read and understand the diagram with the description correctly.

  • Chain from 6 the ring with the help of SS.
  • Knit the product in a circle according to the scheme( C / X) 1.
  • To make the climb in the new R.-3 VP.
  • When you finish binding beret, wash it with your hands once, preferably with baby soap, starch. This step is necessary for shaping the headdress. When it is dry - safely put on! Such an interesting story can easily be done for a child.

Takes: How to crochet?

Crochet Beret Crochet for Beginners has a detailed description. The viscous should be voluminous, and try on the steps in a step-by-step manner. Yarns take 100 grams of two colors: pink and gray. Next, select two hooks: # 3,5 and # 3.You can print the scheme in advance if you are uncomfortable reading it from the site. So needlework can be marked on the sheet: which series to knit, how many cm is left, where and when to change the color of the thread. Catch: a chart and description for beginners:

  • Guided by C / X 1 we knit a circle with a diameter of 24 centimeters SBN.
  • So we bind 4 - 5 R.
  • For C / X 2 make a rim about 4 cm.
  • Such ready beret will be approximately the size of 56. If you need a smaller one, you can reduce the hinges.

Summer, spring and autumn berets by hook

If you want to make women's berets: spring, classic summer and light autumn - you do not have to look long, our article has such products! Be fashionable and beautiful all year round! Master class below you in this podsobit.

Crocheted for spring for women: 250 grams of angora, hook number 4,5 - 5.

  • According to C / X 3, tie 10 r. Crowns.
  • In P. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 we are working without adding loops.
  • С / Х 1: 6 R. on the pattern. Close each R. with the help of SS.
  • Next bind 1 R.S.B.N.
  • After all the steps above, cut the thread.
  • The thing should be about 58 cm in girth.
  • You can wet or wash beret, let it dry, and then - wear it with pleasure!

A new summer trend - pink delicate beret for real fashionistas and their kids! It resembles the pattern "grid" from the descriptions above. The scheme will tell you in detail how to properly associate such a work of art! The pattern of this model is very similar to a star or a flower.
Takes a summer crochet for a woman: Scheme:

The long-awaited option for autumn from warmer yarn and more dense knitting, becausewe will execute it with a double thread and a large hook at number 4.

  • The chain of 5 the SS ring. Then we work S.B.N.all the same double thread .
  • 1 R.: 7 С.Б.Н.
  • 2P.: double number of loops - 14 SBN
  • 3 R: 2 one P., 1 relief S.T.- repeat to the end of R.
  • 4 R: 1 S.B.N., 2 the next P. of the previous P., 1 relief S.T.for the relief S.T.the previous R. - repeat 6 times before the end of R.
  • In each 2nd R. double 6 times, in each 4 R. - 2 times.
  • To make for the slats another 1, green, blue, yellow, blue, blue and take off the flowers.

How to crochet beret for beginners: video

Knitted female berets crochet 2016-2017 with diagrams with description: photo

Below you are waiting for knitted beret crochet for women - the best and fashionable photo selection of 2016 - 2017 .Buy or knit the most fashionable models of hats this season!

Crochet berets with patterns and descriptions: new warm models

It will take a melange yarn for such a cute cap ( the scheme can be downloaded free of charge) and hook No. 3.5.
Dial chain 5 V.P.close in the ring. Knit C / X in a circle up to a diameter of 22 cm. For this, make additions to achieve this goal. Next - 19 cm straight mating. The last 6 R. - S.S.N., and 7 R. - the "stepping step" of .

Crochet for beginners hats and berets master class: video

Master class from Lilia Ulyanova - classic beret and hat:

Crochets for fall 2016 scheme and description

In this case, the thread of gray and will alternate with fuchsia .Berets fit on the size of the head - 56 centimeters .
We knit not as a normal beret - from the bottom edge of the - gum in a gray tint. We execute a chain of 60 the SS ring. The number in the order corresponds to the number of the product's circle.

  1. 1 V.P.lifting, 1 С.Б.Н.= 60 P .
  2. 1 VP, 1 each S.T.before the end of R., finish SS.= 60 P .
  3. 1 VP, 1 each S.T.before the end of R., finish SS.= 60 P.
  4. 1 VP, 1 each S.T.before the end of R., finish SS.= 60 P .
  5. 1 VP, 1 each S.T.before the end of R., finish SS.= 60 P.
  6. Hook No. 10 - thread of fuchsia .2 VP, 1 floor S.S.N.- skip, semi SSN to the end of R., close 2 P. of the ascent.
  7. Gray color: repeat 6 R.
  8. Fuchsia color: 2 V.P.lifting, 1 1 floorskip, sex(PSSSN) in the next 12 STs,( 2 semi ST with 1st vertex, 1 floor SSH in the next 13 ST) * 2, 2sex of S.N.with a common peak, SS. 2 P. elevation.
  9. Gray: 2 VP, 1 floor S.S.N.skip, 11 semi SSN,( 2nd floor SSN with common vertex, 12 semi SSN) * 2.2nd floor S.S.N.with a common vertex, SS.according to the second P. Lift = 52 P.
  10. Fuchsia : 2 V.P.lifting, 1 floorskip, 1 floorin each the end of R., the second rise.
  11. Gray: 2 VP, 1 floor S.S.N.skip, 10th floor of the SSN,( 2nd floor of the SSN from the common vertex, on the 1st floor of the SSN in the next 11 STs) * 2.2nd floor S.S.N.with a common vertex, the second rise.
  12. Fuchsia: 2 VP, 1 PSS.N.skip, 5 sex SSN,( 2 PSSN with common top, 6 PSSN) * 4.2 PSSSN.with a common vertex, the 2nd P. rise.
  13. Gray color: 2 VP, 1 P.S.S.N.skip, 4 PSSSN,( 2 PSSN with a common top, 5 PSSSN) * 4.2 PSSSN.with a common vertex, the 2nd P. rise.= 36 P.
  14. Fuchsia: 2 VP, 1 PSS.N.skip, 3 PSSSN,( 2 PSKSN with a common top, 4PS.SN) * 4.2 PSSSN.with a common vertex, the 2nd P. rise.= 30 P.
  15. Gray color: 2 VP, 1 PSS.N.skip, 2 PSSSN,( 2 PSKSN with a common top, 3 PSSN) * 4.2 PSSSN.with a common vertex, the 2nd P. rise.= 24 P.
  16. Fuchsia: 2 VP, 1 PSS.N.skip, 1st floor of the SSN,( 2nd floor of the SSN with a common vertex, 2nd floor of the SSN) * 4.2nd floor S.S.N.with a common vertex, the 2nd P. rise.= 18 P.
  17. Gray color: 2 VP, 1 P.S.S.N.skip,( 2 PSSN with a common vertex, 1 PSSSN) * 4.2nd floor S.S.N.with a common vertex, the 2nd P. rise.= 12 P.
  18. Fuchsia: 2 VP, 1 PSS.N.skip, 11 PSSSN, 5 times on 2 PSSN.with a common vertex, skip 2 the beginning of the circular R., the first PSNSN.= 6 P.

Scheme and description - crochet for girl

Crochet for spring / autumn for the girl knits on a simple outline below:

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