Many diseases of the female genital area, caused by protozoan parasites, require continuous therapy for a certain time. The course of taking medications can coincide with the onset of menstruation. If metronidazole is chosen for treatment, during monthly periods it is possible or impossible to appoint it to patients?
This drug is one of the main medicinal ways to fight lamblia or amoebas in the human body. Good results are obtained by specialists in the treatment of this drug with trichomoniasis in patients. Like any other aggressive drug, metronidazole has its own specificity, which often depends on the medicinal form used in the medical practice.
- 1 content When and how the drug works
- 2 Forms of the drug for the treatment of female pathologies
- 2.1 Intravenous solution
- 2.2 Vaginal suppositories
- 2.3 Tablets
- 2.4 Creams and ointments
- 3 Contraindications to the use of the drug
- 4 What a woman should fear when taking
- 5 How does Metronidazole affect the menstrual cycle of
? When and how does the drug work
? The medical literature clearly outlines the range of diseases in which gynecologists appointayut their patients this drug. As specialists consider its antimicrobial and antihelminthic effect to be the main advantage of metronidozole, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:
- First of all, these are inflammations of the vagina and urethra caused by trichomonads.
- Diseases of the intestines caused by lamblia or amoeba. Giardiasis can also provoke various inflammatory processes from the female genital organs.
- Various skin diseases caused by the simplest bacteria, are perfectly amenable to treatment with the ointment form of the drug. Experts note the positive effect of the drug even with cutaneous leishmaniasis.
- Do not forget about the various pathologies in the ovaries and pipes caused by infection. In the absence of proper therapy, the disease can spread to the kidneys, ureters and urethra.
- Well, finally, diseases of the uterus, such as endometritis, caused by protozoa microorganisms.
It says that the composition of the drug does not have the slightest relation to the menstrual cycle of a woman and absolutely does not affect the hormonal background of the patient. The drug acts directly on protozoa and microbes, causing the death of cells of these microorganisms.
Modern medical studies indicate a negative effect of metronidozole on the very reproduction of amoebas, lamblia and trichomonads, which is the key to complete recovery of patients with this medication. Among other things, gynecologists note that this tool has the property of accumulating in the tissues and fluids of the human body, thus creating a protective background from repeated infection for a fairly long time.
Forms of the drug for the treatment of female pathologies
Modern pharmacology recommends to patients for the treatment of inflammation and intestinal problems caused by protozoa, several dosage forms of metronidazole. Each of them is appointed by the doctor in the presence of a certain pathology in the lady. Quite often, these forms are combined in one treatment course.
We recommend reading an article on the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. From it you will learn about the disease and the causes of its occurrence, the impact on the cycle and menstruation, the methods of therapy.
Solution for intravenous administration
This form of medication is used for severe inflammatory diseases or for preventing various effects in surgical interventions on the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity.
Given the rate of absorption of metronidazole in the patient's blood, regular admission can not be performed earlier than 8 hours later. This rule is taken into account in the gynecological hospital with the appointment of complex therapy.
There are several features in the treatment of inflammatory processes with a solution of the drug. In the first, the rate of drug administration should be 1 ml per second, and secondly, when using solutions, other dosage forms are not used. This will help avoid drug overdose.
Often patients are worried whether metronidazole can be taken with menstruation. If the drug is used in solution, then the patient's condition raises fears, therefore any interruption in treatment can be detrimental to a woman's health.
Vaginal suppositories
This form of the drug is quite popular among specialists, since it allows to work directly on the inflammatory process in the field of female genital organs or intestines. Each candle contains up to 500 mg of active ingredient.
A distinctive feature of this medical form is a low probability of drug overdose or appearance of pronounced side effects. This positive feature of vaginal suppositories is due to the fact that the drug in smaller doses enters the bloodstream of the patient.
Usually the treatment period lasts from 7 to 14 days. The pharmacy package contains 7 suppositories, which is quite convenient for a woman.
Candles metronidazole during menstruation prefer not to appoint, because under the influence of the changed flora of the vagina and under the influence of the outgoing blood, their therapeutic effect decreases several times. Therefore, the strategy for the treatment of the inflammatory process is designed so that during the period of a month's bleeding the use of this form of the drug can be completed and, if necessary, switched to tablets.
According to experts, this drug form of the drug is the most common for the treatment of protozoa microbes in the female body. Each tablet contains 250 mg of a drug substance.
Mostly they are used by specialists both for therapy of the female sexual sphere and for the treatment of intestinal pathology. If the patient is tortured by intestinal parasites or worms, it is usually recommended to take 2 tablets 3 times a day during the week.
But such a schedule is good in the absence of severe symptoms. If the amoebic lesion of the intestine has become chronic, the dose of the drug is increased to 2 grams per day, and the treatment period is doubled.
Also, medication tablets are prescribed for the diagnosis of trichomoniasis. This disease is treated with a course for 10 to 12 days for 250 mg. You can try to speed up the process. In this case, the dose should be doubled and, if necessary, strengthen the action of the drug by intravenous administration of metronidazole.
Good results show tableted drugs in the treatment of ureaplasmosis. This microbial pathology is perfectly suppressed by 2 tablets per day.
Look at the video about the preparation:
Creams and ointments
The modern pharmacological industry has developed a special form for the treatment of cutaneous manifestations of pathology in a woman caused by protozoan microorganisms. Most often, this dosage form is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the vagina and external genitalia.
The course of treatment should not exceed a week. At this time, 5 grams of the drug are applied to the affected area of the skin. This procedure is usually carried out twice a day.
Some patients believe that metronidazole causes menstruation. External application of the drug has no effect on the woman's menstrual cycle on the , and even if the medication is injected directly into the vagina, it does not affect the onset of menstruation.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
According to the pharmaceutical committee, the drug is prohibited in the following cases:
- In cases of pronounced allergic reactions to any dosage form, indicating complete individual intolerance to the drug.
- Do not recommend doctors to use metranidazole in acute renal and hepatic insufficiency. Although, according to various sources, the solution of the drug is included in the clinical regimen for the treatment of similar pathologies.
- The drug is prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Conversations about the possible delay of monthly after metronidazole are not supported by objective scientific data.
- Do not recommend this drug for CNS diseases and changes in the blood coagulation system.
The purpose of this drug is the full prerogative of a gynecologist, since this drug belongs to a group of very potent agents. Self-administration of metronidazole may be fraught with various complications.
What a woman should fear when taking
Most specialists refer this drug to the number of drugs that have a low toxic effect. According to the conclusion of the doctors, this drug most often causes:
- Disorders from the digestive organs. Patients note dryness of oral mucosa, nausea, urge to vomit, periodic pain in the stomach and intestines.
- Common allergic reactions are possible, such as dermatitis, nose and throat swelling, fever, shortness of breath.
- Often the drug is taken up by the genitourinary system. Possible rezi with urination, delay or incontinence of urine.
- Some specialists describe the problems with the CNS in such patients. Possible headaches, sleep disturbances and changes in the perception of the world. Similar symptoms usually occur with prolonged medication.
If a woman has been taking metronidazole and a delay in menstruation has arisen, do not link these two points. Doctors note when taking the drug thrush, disruption of the coagulation system, possible pain in the joints, but the failure of the cycle, it practically does not go. Such symptomatology is simply a coincidence, since the drug is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, which in itself can cause disturbances of the menstrual cycle.
We recommend that you read an article about menstruation with endometrium. From it you will learn about the causes of the disease and its effect on the menstrual cycle, the treatment of endometritis with metronidazole and other drugs.
How metronidazole affects the menstrual cycle of
If you carefully read the annotation to the drug, you can see that menstruation is not a reason for stopping treatment. Moreover, many gynecologists are confident that a break in the use of medication can adversely affect the health of women and reverse all previous treatment.
This drug is usually prescribed to young women by a specialist, so he should familiarize the woman with all the intricacies of treatment with the medicine in question. The only restrictive advice given to this contingent of patients may be a recommendation not to use metronidazole suppositories with menstruation. The point is not allergies or other pathological reactions when using a similar dosage form. Vaginal suppositories practically lose their healing power during this period, as the flora of the vagina neutralizes the healing effect of the drug.
Metronidazole can be successfully used to treat most diseases in women caused by protozoan parasites. However, the key to success in the treatment of such pathology will be scrupulous implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor by the patients.