What kind of skin cleansing is better and can peeling be done with menstruation?

Every woman wants to look irresistible. And modern cosmetology salons offer a wide range of different procedures for rejuvenating, improving the appearance of the skin, eliminating various pigmentations, stretch marks, etc. One and popular methods are peeling. There are a lot of varieties of this procedure. How to choose the right one? Is it possible to do peeling with monthly, what can be the undesirable consequences when performing on "critical" days?


  • 1 benefits of
  • 2 procedures Types of peelings
    • 2.1 Mechanical peeling
    • 2.2 Chemical peeling
    • 2.3 Useful video about the procedure peeling
    • 2.4 Hardware peeling
    • 2.5 Physical peeling
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 Side effects
  • 5 possible to do at monthly

Benefitsfrom the procedure

Peeling - the process of removing the upper layers of the skin-epidermis. It is carried out with the use of various additional devices - chemical solutions, special compounds or apparatus, etc.

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Every day the cells of the epidermis die, and under them new ones form. But by a certain time, the upper, already unviable, create the effect of a "clutch" for the face and the whole body. As a result, the growth of new cells slows down, wrinkles appear and deepen, the skin color acquires a grayish shade. All this does not make a woman more attractive. Peeling helps to remove the "muff", giving youth and a pleasant appearance to the skin. Also with this procedure you can get rid of small scars, traces of acne, etc.

Indications for the peeling procedure

Kinds of peeling

Peeling differs in the way and depth of impact. In the long run, only a specialist can choose the right type for a particular woman. The choice depends not only on the properties of the skin and the required degree of purification, but also on the pores of the year, the state of health, etc. Each species has its advantages and disadvantages.

The effect can be concentrated on the surface layer of the epidermis, middle and deep. Light peeling does not entail complications in most cases. It is suitable for cleansing the skin and eliminating small wrinkles. Deep can also cope with serious mimic wrinkles, but complications from it happen more often, and the healing process takes longer.

Mechanical peeling

This variety is available to everyone. It is enough to take a sediment from insoluble coffee - and the peeling scrub is already ready. Exfoliation of layers of the epidermis occurs under the influence of friction between the skin with a special composition. Usually, in such scrubs, a crushed peach stone, coffee, sugar, etc. is added. And sometimes in this role are special synthetic components, for example, silicone balls.

Mechanical peeling can be carried out with the help of various brushes( brushing), cosmetic cutters. In the latter case, the procedure is called microdermabrasion.

Clear advantage of mechanical peeling is its availability, the possibility of using at home with minimal knowledge about skin care. During the procedure, only the most superficial cells of the epidermis are removed, so the likelihood of complications and unpleasant consequences( redness, swelling, etc.) is extremely small.

Some girls are wondering whether it is possible to do almond peeling with menstruation. Since the damaging effect is minimal, this procedure is allowed without risk in any day of the cycle.

Chemical peeling

This kind of procedure is carried out with the help of various chemical reagents. The essence of chemical peeling is reduced to treating the skin with acid solutions. The result is a slight burn of the surface layer. After a while, these epidermal cells slough, allowing for enhanced regeneration of the underlying layers.

Advantage of chemical peeling in the ease of application of the technique, relative price availability.

The most primitive form is using gommage. Each girl can buy the composition and conduct the procedures independently at home. But this is only a superficial cleansing of the skin.

With the help of fruit and milk formulas, as well as compositions based on retinoic acid, it is possible to treat already deeper layers, but it is still a superficial peeling. Some of these lotions can be prepared even on their own.

Also used is trichloroacetic acid, phenol for medium and deep peeling, respectively. The effect of them, of course, more noticeable: you can significantly reduce the manifestations of "crow's feet" and other small wrinkles. But the danger of performing the procedures is also present. Illiterate and careless actions can lead to a deep burn of the skin and the appearance of dark spots. Also, do not do chemical peeling during menstruation. At this time, all tissues have less ability to regenerate, and the skin is more sensitive to the effects of aggressive substances.

Useful video about the peeling procedure

For how the chemical peeling is performed and its results, see in this video:

Hardware peeling

These kinds of effects on the skin of a woman involve the use of laser and ultrasound devices.

As a result, the layers of the epidermis are destroyed, which stimulates the growth and maturation of new cells, as well as collagen and elastic fibers. As a result, the skin acquires a youthful appearance, small wrinkles, irregularities, and pigmented spots leave.

Surface peeling is carried out using an erbium laser. A medium and deep - based on carbon dioxide. Sometimes for the procedure, local anesthesia is necessary. After applying the laser peel, it takes time to restore the skin, it varies from a few weeks to months. But small troubles in most cases are worth the result, which can be obtained in the end.

Physical peeling

This includes cryotherapy. As a result of the effects of cold on the skin, dying and sloughing in the future of its upper layers occurs. As a result, regeneration mechanisms are activated, which entails the effect of rejuvenation and freshness.


Peeling is a procedure that, if done correctly, can significantly transform a woman. But in order to minimize the risk of complications, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications to be performed. These include:

  • Chronic skin diseases in the stage of exacerbation( eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and others).If the pathology is in deep remission, the procedure should be consulted with a dermatologist. Otherwise, you can provoke an aggravation of the process.
  • Any malignant skin pathology.
  • Diseases of the blood, especially with impaired coagulation ability.
  • In case of susceptibility to allergic reactions on the eve of exfoliation, a specialist should be warned in order to make a sample for sensitivity.
  • Skin diseases in their acute period( herpes, rubella, pustular rashes and the like).Carry out peeling only after treatment.
  • Do not do the procedure against the background of common infectious diseases, especially those accompanied by temperature and other symptoms of general intoxication. This can reduce the rate of skin regeneration and cause side effects.
  • It is also better to refrain from peeling during pregnancy and lactation. This particularly applies to procedures using a variety of chemical reagents.

Side effects of

The more superficial the peeling is, the fewer different complications, but the effect is not so bright and palpable. And often women want to get rid of mimic wrinkles, "crow's feet", etc. To get the result, you need to use medial and deep peelings.

Similar procedures are often accompanied by various kinds of consequences, usually of a temporary nature. Also, this type of peeling before the monthly should not be carried out, it is better to postpone the session until a new cycle.

The main possible side effects are:

  • Most often there is a slight reddening that occurs when all recommendations are observed for several days. Sometimes erythema can last up to several weeks or even months - with deep peelings.
  • Also, in most cases, noticeable peeling of the treated skin areas occurs. This is a normal and quite understandable phenomenon - the upper layers of the epidermis are sloughing. At this time, you should actively moisturize the skin.
  • Sometimes there is a small swelling. Especially often in places with thin skin - the eye area, for example. The intensity and likelihood of this side effect depends on the aggressiveness of the methods used and the correctness of the procedure.
  • In places of treatment, the skin may become dark for a while and be more sensitive to external influences. But the proper care and use of nutritious and protective creams will help to cope with this situation.
  • Sometimes infectious lesions may occur at the treatment sites. Women who are prone to herpetic infection may experience a relapse. There are also various pustular lesions.
  • In hypersensitivity, allergic reactions may develop.
  • If the techniques are not followed or the technique is incorrect, persistent skin color changes, such as marbling or, conversely, erythema, can occur and keloid scars may form.

Can I do with monthly

Many girls are wondering whether it is possible to do peeling during menstruation. After all, sometimes the salon has to be recorded in advance, and the course consists of several procedures. Is there any difference in what day of the cycle to peel?

The condition of a woman's koi depends on her hormonal background. The second phase of the cycle is under the auspices of progesterone. Also affects the effect of male sex hormones, especially when their excess. This leads to hyperproduction of sebum with sebaceous glands, more likely to form abscesses. Also, there is accumulation of fluid in the body on the eve of menstruation. Due to all of the above, the reparative processes in the skin can proceed more slowly. For these reasons, face peeling on the eve of menstruation is undesirable.

During menstruation, blood coagulability in women decreases, and, consequently, bleeding increases. Therefore, the risk of formation of bruises, scars and other complications, if you do face peeling during menstruation, is higher. Also there is a high probability of edema development, persistent hyperemia of the treated zones. Many women note an increase in the threshold of pain sensitivity these days. Therefore, even a minimal impact often brings significant discomfort.

The first phase is under the auspices of estrogens. At this time, minimal production of sebum, passes and pastose tissue. The woman's organism is ready for enhanced recovery processes in any part of it. That's why most cosmeticians recommend peeling in the first phase of the cycle.

So, what can be identified undesirable phenomena during the "critical days":

  • increased risk of hematomas and the formation of dark spots with deep peels;
  • longer lasting edema of the treated area;
  • often occurs with prolonged erythema;
  • is more often noted the painfulness of the procedure;
  • is higher risk of infection if non-compliance with all skin care rules.

We recommend reading the article about the solarium during the period. From it you will learn about the harm of the procedure for a woman during menstruation, recommendations for a safe visit to the solarium.

Peeling is a modern cosmetology procedure for obtaining a quick and meaningful result of rejuvenation. The range of techniques is very wide: from home use of gommage and scrubs to various hardware technologies. Qualitatively pick the procedure to achieve the maximum possible result can only specialist after assessing the condition of the skin of a woman. On the eve of the peeling, all possible provocateurs of complications should be ruled out so that the consequences do not bring their "spoonful of tar".Then very soon you can admire your reflection in the mirror.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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