Many girls noticed that on the eve of the new cycle, appetite is noticeably increased and you want to eat constantly, despite the fact that it is not particularly useful for a figure. In order to resist such a desire, one must have an enviable willpower. In general, not every girl is able to resist the temptation to eat, something like that, so it turns out that in a few days the weight is gaining, and all the remaining time you have to limit yourself to bring it back to normal. So why do you want to eat before the months and how to resist gluttony?
Content of
- 1 Reason - in the body
- 2 Accent on the sweet
- 2.1 The main reasons are two:
- 3 How to fight?
- 3.1 "Total and more"
- 3.2 What to do and how to lose weight during menstruation?
Reason - in the body
Strong appetite before the monthly - this is a mass phenomenon. To date, it has been well researched, and scientists can give an unambiguous answer as to why this happens. The whole matter is in the peculiarities of the female body:
- First of all, it will be right to say that the zeol comes not before the monthly, but after ovulation - it is it that provokes further processes in the body. After ovulation, metabolism slows down, food is slower to digest and more is stored in fatty tissues. Increases the amount of fluid in the body. This will be the very kilograms and centimeters that make you worry. When asked whether weight is added during menstruation, it is clear that yes!
- Also a sharp hormonal surge and the subsequent decrease in hormones. Their lack and gives rise to that familiar feeling of not hunger, but appetite. That is, it can not be said that an additional portion of sweet, floury, salty needs to be eaten - this just wants to. But I want so much that I can not deny myself.
Emphasis on sweet
Among all the variety of products most often you want not an apple or cottage cheese, but something from desserts - a cake, ice cream, chocolate, or even a whole chocolate cake. It's time to think: why do you want a sweet one during your period? The one that is sweet in the favorite, there is an explanation. And it is the same for everyone.
The main reasons are two:
- endorphin deficiency;
- deficiency of blood sugar.
What is endorphin, or a hormone of joy, many know. And, of course, they know that one of its best sources is chocolate. But few know that for the most part endorphin, necessary for a good mood, is produced by the body itself. This process is especially active during the period of ovulation.
But as soon as that cycle period passes, the amount of the hormone decreases dramatically. Eloquent evidence of this is a bad mood, irritability, constant dissatisfaction with anything. But even if the woman is satisfied with everything, the body is not satisfied with this state of affairs - and requires the delivery of endorphin from outside. That is why the zhor before the monthly increases, and there is an irresistible craving for sweets.
The second reason is also due to the lack of endorphin. A low amount of insulin in the blood causes a familiar reaction: the growth of appetite before the monthly and the decline of it immediately after their termination.
How to fight?
It is impossible to refuse to itself in sweets: it will cause both physical and psychological discomfort. It is better to remember a simple truth: good - a little bit. That is, do not go past shelves with bars or showcases with cakes, with longing in the heart looking at something less caloric. We already know why before the months you want to eat something sweet, and we know that this is important. Therefore, sweet must be present, but in a limited number.
Instead of a dozen candies at a time, you can limit to two or three, but fully enjoy their taste. In the desktop box, the chocolates should be replaced with gluten-free bars: it's easier to resist temptation, and if the temptation wins, it will not be so fraught for the figure. And do not have to reproach yourself for the fact that for some reason during the months you want a sweet. It really works.
"In total and more"
What to do and how to lose weight during menstruation?
The easiest way is to satisfy your nutritional needs and consequently increase weight during menstruation, but not so many will risk this aesthetic. After all, returning a flat stomach is much more difficult than getting it and even more difficult than simply saying "no."But the body strongly insists on food, and therefore there is a dilemma.
If this is not possible, pay attention to low-fat food. This is not necessarily fresh mashed potatoes or boiled meat. Not fatty food, it can also be delicious if you expand the range of dishes and beat them with spices. Thanks to this, you do not have to wonder why the ICP again wants to eat.
In fact, already to the next ovulation the metabolism will accelerate, and all unnecessary will go away. But for the best result it is worthwhile to make extra efforts:
- days off - once a week
- diet during monthly
- sport loads
All this will help to bring back an attractive look faster, and if it is done regularly, then the question is why, when PMS is hungry, in generalwill lose its relevance. Increased appetite on the eve of menstruation - this is natural. Overcoming this craving is difficult. It is better to pay attention to what is and how it is: with a reasonable approach, increased appetite will not cause any inconvenience.
With regard to dietary recommendations, many are wondering whether it is possible to drink alcohol during menstruation - definitely not. Alcohol has a negative effect on the hormonal background, also directly on the newly formed egg. This can serve in the future as a big problem for conception and pregnancy. Alcohol contributes to increased pressure in the body, thereby increasing blood vessels and increasing bleeding, which can lead to dizziness and anemia.