Features of the diet - raw food
So, what do yoga fans advise? They advise the use of vegetable products in food - all kinds of fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, greens, berries, cereals, legumes, seeds, honey, nuts, infusions and decoctions of berries and herbs( currants, raspberries, oregano, mint,).
It is preferable to minimize the cooking of products. Raw food is an ideal option. It is recommended to consume fresh raw vegetables, fruits, honey, nuts, legumes, berries, seeds and herbs. The biological value of food, according to the concept of yogic nutrition, is determined by the ability to increase the charge of vital energy in the body. To a large extent, the value of nutrition depends on the content of phosphorus compounds in the food, which are rich in energy. Phosphorus compounds are necessary for the operation of sodium-potassium and other membrane pumps of the body cells that maintain ionic equilibrium in the cell environment. Fresh products that receive energy from the sun - this is the best battery of this energy.
The result of exposure to heat during heat treatment and under adverse storage conditions is the decomposition of some of the bonds of organic compounds that make up their composition - some scientists believe. It is accompanied by the release of energy in the form of portions of electromagnetic energy. This liberated energy is lost, since this decay occurs outside the body. We recharge our body with electromagnetic energy in the process of eating fresh plant foods.
In the water, air and vegetable food contains solar( cosmic) energy, controlling which and consuming that, a person becomes a carrier of cosmic forces, so consider yoga. In this case, a person is able to reveal super abilities. Rapid saturation, development of smell and taste is facilitated by a variety of raw vegetable products. Thanks to this, a person becomes more developed, delicate smells and aromas become available to him, as well as new taste sensations.
The biological modification of vegetable products is facilitated by heat treatment, especially long-term treatment. Protein substances are partially folded during cooking, which makes it difficult to further digest. At the same time, the body's need for protein increases. This need burdens the work of the kidneys, the digestive system. When cooking, the food becomes fresh. This leads to the need to add salt to food. This, in turn, leads to leaching of boiled food and a decrease in the activity of vitamins, enzymes and other biologically active substances that are contained in plant products. Therefore, at least 60% of all food should be eaten raw. An approximate daily diet is as follows: 150 g of dried fruits soaked in water for several hours before consumption;600 g of fresh fruit;1560 grams of vegetables( this includes vegetables that are used to prepare juices);100 g of kernels of nuts, such as almonds, oil seeds, etc.; 70 g of honey;50 grams of herbal flour.
Raw food should not be interrupted by the days of taking the food that has been thermally treated. This weakens the body, knocking it down from an optimal level of functioning. Fresh raw vegetable products, juices should be tried to include in every meal. The use of baked and cooked vegetable products, such as wheat, potatoes, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, corn, and others, allows yogis. It is desirable to exclude crushed rice and semolina from the ration.
Thermal treatment of plant products should be carried out in a gentle manner. Since many useful substances are cooked from boiled products, so it is better to use baked products. Water in which pre-washed vegetables were cooked, yoga is recommended to be included in the diet. Vegetables cook better in a pressure cooker, because due to the reduction in processing time, their nutritional properties are less likely to be lost. Smoked and fried foods should not be consumed, since they contain substances harmful to the liver and stomach, formed from fats. Also these vegetables are worse absorbed by the body. The above information should be used when harvesting fruits, greens, vegetables and berries. Keep in the raw or dried form those vegetables that can be stored. And from the rest do compotes without sugar( with honey) and juices.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"