- Plant effect on the CNS
- Features of the application
- Useful recipes
Peppermint contains a high concentration of essential oils, bioflavonoids, phytoncides. A cup of fragrant hot or cool tea will help eliminate cold symptoms, regulate digestion and peristalsis, lower blood pressure. But most of all mint is valued because of its ability to normalize the work of the nervous system. Therapeutic infusion is used in case of loss of strength, rapid fatigue, increased anxiety. How mint calms or invigorates depends on the concentration of the brewed beverage and the number of cups of tea taken during the day.
Plant exposure to the CNS
The modern rhythm of life often causes nervous overexertion. A person develops not only chronic fatigue syndrome, but psychoemotional instability, neurological disorders, and sometimes depressive states. In the therapy of these pathologies, various methods are used:
- consultations with a psychologist or psychotherapist, including group sessions;
- reception of tranquilizers, antidepressants and sedatives.
As an auxiliary in the treatment of increased nervous excitability, anxiety, infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants are used. The highest therapeutic effectiveness is characteristic of peppermint. The leaves of the fragrant plant contain many bioactive compounds that have a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous system.
Warning: A high concentration of essential oils in mint provides not only its beneficial properties, but also significant side effects. Consuming more than 2 cups of tea a day can trigger heartburn, excessive gas production and insomnia.
Peppermint soothes a person due to the presence of essential oils menthol and citral. These biologically active compounds show spasmolytic and analgesic efficacy in the treatment of pathologies due to reflex dilatation of the vessels of the cardiovascular system. Mint tea is recommended for patients with spastic pain, the initial stage of angina pectoris, neuralgia of any origin, neurasthenia, migraine. Menthol - one of the active ingredients of popular pharmacological drugs:
- Valocordina;
- Validol.
Drugs are included in the therapeutic regimens of patients to resolve problems with falling asleep, arresting and preventing neurological disorders. And citral has not only a slight soothing effect, but also a pleasant lemon scent. Pharmacists in the prescription and production departments of pharmacies add it to medicines for toddlers. The use of a teaspoon of medicine will help to calm down with hyperactive children, will help fast falling asleep.
. Features of the application of
. If proper nutrition and long walks in the open air can not restore the nervous system, it can not do without sedatives or sedatives, and with a decrease in mental andphysical performance - adaptogens and biostimulants. All medicines have a fairly wide range of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, in the initial stages of neurosis, doctors resort to phytopreparations. The most effective of them is peppermint. It can be used as a single-component drug, and in various combinations with other medicinal herbs. Before the beginning of therapy it is necessary to remember about features of application of fragrant tea or broth:
- for normalization of falling asleep, elimination of increased nervous excitability, anxiety, psychoemotional instability should be taken twice a day for a cup of tea or 100 ml of decoction. Drinks from peppermint expand coronary vessels, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. The person relaxes, calms down, gets rid of excessive nervous tension;
- with memory impairment, concentration and loss of strength, you should drink a cup of sweet-smelling infusion or 100 ml of decoction before bed. The mint contains trace elements of iron, zinc, magnesium, as well as B group vitamins, which are used in the treatment of neurological disorders to restore normal innervation. Gradually, the body replenishes the stores of nutrients, accelerates the processes of metabolism and regeneration.
The use of mint drinks for 2-3 weeks normalizes the functional activity of the central nervous system. Increased mental and physical performance, a person ceases to react violently to trivial conflict situations. Freshly minted mint tea will eliminate all symptoms of menopause, including psychoemotional instability
Peppermint tea soothes women during natural menopause, when a variety of neurological disorders result from changes in the hormonal background. For menopause is characterized by an unstable psychoemotional state, when bouts of irritation alternate with tearfulness. All this occurs against a background of increased sweating, hot flashes, headaches and dizziness. Mint contains biologically active substances that quickly and effectively eliminate all clinical manifestations of menopause.
During a natural menopause, a woman can have painless causes of pain in the heart, it's worth a little nervous. This symptom of climacteric neurosis is able to kill menthol from essential oil of mint. Gynecologists recommend to reduce the symptoms of taking a cup of tea from the medicinal plant 2-3 times a day.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is a pathology very difficult to diagnose and treat. A person does not have congenital or acquired anomalies of the digestive tract, it does not have an inflammatory or infectious process. However, from time to time, strong urge to empty the intestine, accompanied by a loud rumbling in the abdomen. In the overwhelming majority of cases, pathology develops in women who are prone to long and deep experiences even of ordinary domestic conflict.
Important: Irritable bowel syndrome significantly complicates a person's life, restricting freedom of movement. Often, the disease becomes the cause of a dangerous depressive condition, which in turn provokes other chronic pathologies.
It is worth a woman to be a little nervous, as in the gastrointestinal tract begins to boil, and then develops diarrhea, and sometimes chronic constipation. Gastroenterologists recommend to prevent the clinical manifestations of the disease 2 times a day to take 0.5 cup of broth peppermint or 2-3 cups of fragrant tea. This method of treatment becomes an excellent prevention of pathology and avoids the use of pharmacological drugs.
Useful recipes
A decoction of dry or fresh vegetable matter has a pronounced sedative effect. Before using it, it should be taken into account that during the treatment it is better to abandon the work requiring concentration and attention. How to brew mint for soothing:
- in an enamel saucepan add 2 tablespoons of dry herb or put 10 fresh leaves of medium size;
- pour 2 cups of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer 4-5 minutes;
- cool, strain, add 2 tablespoons of dense flower honey.
The broth can be drunk hot or chilled. In the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies, it should be consumed only after eating.
It's interesting: Mint can be brewed together with St. John's wort, roots of valerian, sage, motherwort, oregano and melissa. And adding hawthorn berries will help to eliminate pain in the heart, to stabilize the frequency of myocardial contractions.
It is very easy to prepare fragrant mint tea. You need to pour a teaspoon of dry vegetable raw material into the ceramic kettle or throw 5 fresh leaves, and then pour a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, a tasty medical drink is ready for use. It can also add honey, thick jam, a slice of lime and lemon. Improve the taste of the drink forest berries or pieces of ripe fruit.