Bee honey is a unique product. It is formed in the goiter of honey bees in the process of partial digestion of flower nectar. Honey is very sweet - can replace other sweeteners, but, despite its high caloric content, is a dietary product.
Therefore, even those who follow the figure, go in for sports or try not to eat "after six", it does not hurt to take honey for the night. Dreams will be pleasant, and health will be strengthened. Harm from receiving a reasonable amount of this delicacy does not happen. The only problem that is associated with it is the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction.
The benefits of honey
Honey, as a natural product, is very complex in its composition. All its components are useful to humans, because there are proteins, minerals and trace elements( phosphorus, potassium, etc.), organic acids( lactic, apple), vitamins of group B, P, A. It contains enzymes that accelerate metabolism,- diastase, amylase, invertase, glycogenase, as well as sugar( glucose, fructose, sucrose and dextrin) and water.
All these components give a bee honey a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates the restoration of tissues and metabolism, normalizes sleep and stimulates immunity. It is effective in the treatment of cardiac muscle, gastritis and ulcers, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
Recommendation! To consume honey throughout the day should not be, especially if you need to go out into the street, because it causes sweating, so it will be more useful to take honey before bed.
Weight loss honey
The benefits of honey are invaluable in combating obesity. The fact is that after taking honey, blood sugar rises in our blood. For example, if half an hour before a meal you drink half a glass of water mixed with a spoonful of honey, an elevated blood sugar level will reduce the feeling of hunger, and will be eaten much less than usual.
Sweet at night to lose weight
Recipes and tips to eat honey at night, the benefit of which for weight loss is already known, came to us from sports, although for many it seems incredible. After all, honey is a very sweet and high-calorie product! However, sports doctors use exactly his diaphoretic property for weight reduction. Honey does not kill fat cells, but it removes excess fluid from the body and is also rich in trace elements. It increases the endurance of the body in such sports as cycling, mountaineering, marathon running.
If you are worried about not sports achievements, but only ways to lose weight, then it is possible with pleasure to eat a spoonful of honey at night with kefir, tea or water. The benefits of this are indisputable: after drinking a healthy drink, you will lose your appetite( especially if it is kefir with honey for the night), which wakes up in the evening, remove excess liquid from the body, reduce stress( especially with diets), and sleep soundly.
The most useful varieties of "sweet gold"
All varieties of bee honey have medicinal properties, but in some they are expressed most strongly:
- Buckwheat - has a dark brown hue, is collected from the flowers of buckwheat sowing. Contains a lot of iron and protein, so it is used for kidney and liver, blood and tissue regeneration. It is good for beriberi, stroke and hypertension. Many interesting things about the beneficial properties of this fragrant nectar you will learn from the article about buckwheat honey.
- Acacia - collected from white acacia flowers. It is considered to be the only variety that does not cause allergies, therefore it is used for baby food. Effective for nervous diseases and eye treatment. It does not crystallize very long, it remains liquid.
- Lime - it is collected from linden flowers. It is an excellent sweatshop, so it is widely used in folk medicine, for the treatment of colds and tonsillitis. In addition, it has a strong pleasant aroma, so it won the love of the general public.
- Donnikovy - is collected by bees from flowers of sweet potato, white and yellow, so the shade can be amber or white.
- Flower - it is collected on motley grass meadows and forest glades. It is very tasty and useful, it is applied, as well as lime, at treatment of catarrhal diseases. Also it is used for diseases of the stomach and liver, for the prevention of anemia.
- Chestnut - harvested from chestnut edible flowers. It has an original, unusual taste and aroma. Sometimes he has bitter notes in his taste, so not everyone appreciates and loves him, although his useful properties are unique. In essence, chestnut honey is a natural antibiotic, it has bactericidal properties, it even heals wounds and burns. A spoonful of honey for the night - and all the inflammatory processes in the body will pass faster when ingestion of this delicacy;this also applies to cystitis, angina, bronchitis, nephritis, and the like. Helps to increase appetite, gives strength and efficiency.
Allergy to honey
Bee products are much less likely to cause people allergic reactions than other foods and substances. And if this happens one-time, not in every reception of honey, then it is possible that the impurities, or even the pollen of those plants from which the bees collected it, were to blame for this accidentally entered into it. Also, the cause of an allergic reaction can be:
- treatment of bees with antibiotics, and you are allergic to a particular kind of medication;
- ingestion of a part of a preparation for handling hives;
- non-observance of hygiene and sanitary norms by the beekeeper or the seller;
- excessive consumption of honey.
Keep in mind - in order for this sweetness to bring benefits, not harm, it's worth limiting 150 grams.and do not exceed this rate. And, in general, the allergy to honey is rare in healthy people, most often it accompanies asthma, low immunity, slagging of the body.
Allergy to honey can manifest as skin reactions( rashes, blisters), perspiration and swelling in the throat and sneezing, lacrimation and stuffiness of the ears, as well as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea.
Tip! To check whether you or children have a painful reaction to this product, you need to hold a drop of honey in your mouth, and also apply a little on the inner crook of the elbow. If unpleasant sensations and manifestations a minute or two did not arise, then you can safely eat.