Periodontitis is one of the most dangerous diseases of the oral cavity of an inflammatory nature, as the neglected forms increase the risk of losing healthy teeth and the development of irreversible pathological processes in the tissues of the gums and bones.
Therefore, it is advisable to treat the disease at the very beginning of its development, when measures taken at home that are approved by a dentist are sufficiently effective.
- Unpleasant and dangerous acquaintance
- Use of antibiotics
- Than to rinse your mouth?
- Gels for gums
- What does folk medicine offer?
- Gum massage
- Soda, salt and honey - a magic trio for cleaning teeth
- Preventive measures
Unpleasant and dangerous acquaintance of
Periodontitis refers to the inflammation of the surrounding tooth of soft periodontal tissue, which leads to a violation of the attachment density of the tooth to the jaw. As a result, near the teeth in the gums are formed pockets in which the pathogenic flora accumulates. The result of the development of periodontitis is the bleeding of the gums, the mobility of the teeth, the appearance of purulent contents.
To prevent the most painful outcome in the form of complete loss of teeth, the treatment of periodontitis begins as early as possible using all available methods.
It is at an early stage when the first signs appear in the form of bleeding when chewing solid food, cleaning teeth, most of the treatment of periodontitis can be carried out at home, guided by the recommendations of a dentist or periodontist.
Use of antibiotics
Antibiotic therapy is mandatory for such inflammation of the gums. Medicinal preparations can be used in the form of tablets or ointments, rinses. Most commonly, the following drugs are prescribed:
- Levomycetin , which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Especially effective is the preparation in the presence of purulent contents in the periodontal pockets. Among the available release forms are tablets, alcohol solutions, aerosols( Olazole or Levovinisol), in which levomycetin is one of the active substances. Separately it is worth noting Olazole , which not only destroys microbes, but also speeds up the healing of tissues.
- Linkomycin hydrochloride - effective if inflammation is caused by a staphylococcal or streptococcal infection. The drug is rapidly absorbed, accumulating in bone tissue.
- Ciprofloxacin is highly active against gram-negative flora, which is the cause of chronic inflammation in the tissues of the gums. It is prescribed in a dose of 500 mg twice a day, with a course of 10 days, which allows to stop the inflammatory process.
- Trichopol .Effective against anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa, causing inflammation of the gums. It is used in complex therapy with other antibacterial agents, especially at the stage of a purulent-inflammatory process.
- Sumamed .It is especially indicated if periodontitis is at the stage of exacerbation, because it quickly stops inflammation.
Than to rinse your mouth?
Rinses using special anti-inflammatory drugs are one of the most effective methods of local treatment of periodontitis at home. The most popular solutions for dentists are Miramistine and Chlorhexidine.
The latter differs in affordable cost and effectively eliminates even severe inflammation. Rinses should be at least 2 times a day, after cleaning the teeth from the plaque. For the best effect after rinsing, the affected areas are treated with gel.
Also, for rinses you can use drug rinsers, the active ingredients of which are squeezed out of different herbs.
It should be remembered that the course of application of a number of such drugs is a maximum of 10 days, since some rinse aid along with herbs contain auxiliary components in the form of antibiotics, provoking long-term use of microflora disorders in the oral cavity and the development of candidiasis.
Gels for gums
One of the components of the complex treatment of periodontitis at home is special gels, fixed on the oral mucosa for a fairly long period.
As a result of this direct contact with the affected tissues, the drug components function as effectively as possible, penetrating to a sufficient depth.
Among the variants suitable for the treatment of periodontitis are Aseptu, Kamistad, Metrogil Denta and Holisal.
However, there is one nuance - gels are effective only in the absence of dental deposits in the oral cavity, therefore it is advisable to pre-sanitize the gums and teeth, otherwise the inflammation can proceed asymptomatically in the future, making it difficult to diagnose and treat.
About the treatment of gums in periodontitis will tell the professor of dentistry.
What does folk medicine offer?
The main means are medicinal plants, from which they prepare decoctions and infusions. The most effective folk remedies contain: violet, chamomile, cowberry leaves, comfrey, linden, sage. Herbs can be used both individually and in the form of complex charges.
Among the undesirable tools can be identified the bark of oak, which provokes the formation of a dark pigmentation due to the large content of tannins.
Suggested Recipes:
- Calendula and Linden Flowers .Both components are taken in equal amounts and filled with boiling water, after which the mixture is left for 20 minutes for infusion. The strained infusion is used to rinse the gums, conducting the procedure 4 times a day.
- Comfrey .The roots of the plant are dried, crushed, poured with cool water and put on fire. After boiling, the broth is cooked for 20 minutes. You can use it in a cooled, strained form for rinsing. The best effect is provided by application twice a day.
- Violet and needles .Use separately, brewing 2 tablespoons of the drug in two glasses of water. Rinse after eating.
- Herbal compresses and lotions .Discomfort arising from the development of inflammation is helped by soothing compresses for which the Kalanchoe juice is used( the juice impregnated with the juice is applied to the affected area for approximately 1 hour).
- has a good anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, sea buckthorn oil , which is applied to a cotton swab and applied for 15 minutes to the inflamed area.
- Another effective tool is lotion from infusion brewed from inflorescences of calendula, coltsfoot leaves and St. John's wort .Soaked in infusion bandage should be left on the gums for the whole night.
Gum massage
Gum massage in periodontitis does not present any complexity and does not require special skills. The main thing is to patiently and regularly repeat the restoring normal condition of the gums sequence of massage movements.
As a result, blood circulation in the gingival tissues, supply of nutrients, and teeth are significantly improved. To achieve the effect, it is sufficient to give the procedure a couple of minutes twice a day.
All movements should be carried out very carefully to avoid injuring the inflamed gums. Positive changes become noticeable after a month, but it is necessary to carry out the procedure even after the improvement, turning the massage into an obligatory daily hygienic measure.
Vegetable oils help to increase the effectiveness of the massage. You can prepare special mixtures, mixing fir oil with sea-buckthorn, peach oil or fish oil.
Components are combined in equal amounts and mixed thoroughly, after which they are applied to the index finger wound around the bandage and gum massage is performed for 10 minutes, treating the gums from the inner and the outer side. You can carry out the procedure twice a day.
Another option of therapeutic massage is tooth cleaning with the use of tooth powder, one of the active ingredients of which is airy ordinary.
Such a powder is prepared in-house from toothpaste and ground grass, rich in biologically active ingredients.
Soda, salt and honey - a magic trio for cleaning teeth.
. Brush your teeth with a solution of sea salt( 10 g of active substance per glass of water) or a mixture of salt and honey( combine in a 1: 2 ratio).
Also, effectively cleans and massages the teeth and gums composition from 3 tablespoons of birch ashes, 2 teaspoons of soda, a teaspoon of salt, which is used every other day.
Preventive measures
Prevention of periodontitis is divided into:
- primary - is aimed at revealing the causes of the inflammatory process, increasing the body's defenses, improving immunity and metabolism;
- secondary - is the timely detection of diseases of the oral cavity and their immediate treatment;
- tertiary - includes measures to prevent the development of complications of the disease, it is a complex treatment to maintain a satisfactory condition of the gums.
In order to keep the question of the treatment of periodontitis up-to-date, the following fairly simple recommendations should be observed:
- daily and thoroughly conduct hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity;
- , after each meal, remove residual food from the interdental space by dental floss;
- remove tartar and plaque in time;
- not to pass preventive examinations at the dentist;
- does not neglect solid vegetable food.
Only such an integrated approach will ensure the health of your teeth and gums and reduce the risk of inflammation to a minimum.
If the negative changes do manifest themselves, immediate measures should be taken to stop the disease at an early stage.
The key to successful treatment is the effective combination of properly selected antibiotics and local anti-inflammatory drugs with herbs and oils that fill the tissues with missing substances and vitamins.