The best beautiful varieties of indoor violets

Indoor violets are one of the most popular types of house plants. They are convenient in care and breeding, and their flowering is long and varied. Attracts a wide range of varieties of this plant, the ability to plant them on a flower bed or take out in the summer on the street, as well as incredible palette of shades. Below are the best of them.

  • Abendglyut
  • Adonis
  • Alpensia Resort
  • Aphrodite
  • Sire
  • Spring Rose( Spring rose)
  • Williams
  • Water
  • Helios
  • Greene
  • Joker F2
  • Pearl Zephyr
  • Winter smiling( Makoun)
  • Caprice
  • Cardinal
  • Lord Beaconsfield
  • Magiclove
  • Mars
  • Macho
  • Morenkenig
  • Marine wolf
  • Fire moths
  • Lovely Creole
  • Regal F1
  • Retro
  • Wind rose
  • Rosemary
  • Rococo
  • Silver Samurai
  • uper Majestic Giants F1
  • tarabarskom
  • Pham F1
  • Flamenco F1
  • Foreranner
  • Fancy F1
  • Hemalis
  • reigning beauty( Reigning beauty)
  • Chalon Supriya
  • Shanson
  • Jupiter
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Spotted violet Abendglut bushes has a compact height of 25 centimeters. The color of the leaves is gray-green, the flowers in diameter reach 6 centimeters and have a cherry-red or purple color. At the base there are tiny red-brown round spots. Blossoms in mid-April to the first August, then from mid-September to October. The plant is unpretentious, it hibernates well. At the same time, it opens up to 18 flowers.

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This variety was bred in France at the end of the 19th century. The main feature of Adonis is the yellow eye in the center of the flower. The plant is unpretentious, can be grown both on the window and in the garden. Sprawling bush 25 centimeters high, the leaves have a light green color. Brown bases are observed at the base of the three lower petals. Blossoms april-august and september-october. Winter passes satisfactorily.

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The variety of these violets has a rich blue color with dark spots. Advantages - early flowering, abundant flowering, excellent winter hardiness. The variety was bred in 1927, it is also called the Swiss giant.

See also the names and photos of the room shade-loving plants
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The variety is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love. The variety has white terry flowers with pink-lilac spots and the same border. As the temperature rises, the color becomes brightly lilac. Blooms abundantly, usually in a peduncle up to 7 flowers. Complex care does not require, for flowering a lighting norm of 12-13 hours is necessary.

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Your Majesty

Violet with fairly large, thick-flowered colors and unusual "curly".Fimbriated flowers are successfully combined with jagged light green leaves. They have a gently pink color. The variety is not whimsical, it blooms early, while the flowers are large at the first flowering. Violets of a variety look great when planted in groups.

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Spring rose(

). A large-sized variety has white rose flowers with a spectacular greenish edge. The unpretentious "Spring Rose" is very accommodating, early blooms and blossoms with a hat, rising slightly above the light green foliage. Flowers on small pedicels last for a long time. Variety from the collection of Sorano, flowers abundant bouquets, large flowers.

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The variety is many years old, it has abundant flowering. The average bud is about 2-5 centimeters in diameter. The color of this variety can be varied, from white to coal-black with all sorts of spots and strokes of other shades. The beginning of flowering is April( third decade) and until September. Prefers loose soils and semi-shady places. The grade is cold-resistant. Perfectly takes root in pots and hanging baskets, and is widely used as a flower bed.

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Blue large-sized flowers with clarified fragments along the edges of the petals, which have a rich green rucosa. Quilted green leaf with a wavy edge. Buds open gradually and keep in cool weather for more than a month. Peduncles strong, low, keep from 4 to 6 flowers-balls. Socket of medium size. All the beauty of the variety is manifested in the second flowering.

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The variety is abundantly growing, it amazes with its splendor the flower growers, the plant is unpretentious. Petals have a violet-orange color, in diameter measuring 7 centimeters. Perfectly suitable for decorating a flower garden, rock hills, balconies. The leaf is dark green, wide. It is distinguished by early flowering and winter hardiness.

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The Umbara violet of the genus hybrid. Fluffy terry flowers with a thick green ruche. The leaves are wavy, juicy-green, hanging from the pot. The rosette is formed evenly, abundant crowding is not observed. The flowers are white, there is a corrugated border with time disappears and the variety acquires a snow-white tinge. Blossoms for a long time, but slowly blossoms.

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Joker F2

Biennial plant. Height to 20 centimeters, flowers in diameter up to 7 centimeters. Leaves rounded, long-petioled. Prefer the places are sunny, but they can also settle down in the penumbra. For abundant flowering it is recommended to feed mineral fertilizers. Flowers have a crimson color with a barely noticeable white edging along the edge. Propagates for flower beds with seeds that are planted in the soil in June.

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Pearl Zephyr

These are quite large cream-white stars, officially the grade came out of Tender May. There are semi-double and double with arbitrary pink strokes. The leaves are light green, the rosette is large, in the process of blossoming simultaneously bloom at once 3-4 flowers. Peduncles are sturdy, strong. It grows quickly, in the heat it can blossom with usual white flowers. Do not tolerate the ingress of water droplets on the foliage.

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Winter smiles( Makuni)

Double flowers have a pink color with a red tint on the edges of the petals. On the edges there is a light green fringe. The foliage has a green color with olive tinge, a form slightly elongated. The rosette reaches 35 centimeters, but can grow even more. The fringe is more noticeable if the plant lives in a cool climate, becomes white in the heat. Petals measuring 5-6 centimeters. The variety is famous for its rich flowering. It is unpretentious in the street, but when laying buds it is better to place it on the windowsill.

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Terry flowers with small denticles of light green color along the edges of the petals. Leaves of this variety are usually curly. Has a small outlet. The peculiarity is slow growth, blooming in a year and a half. Cultivate better by applying a wick watering. Careful care is not required, most importantly, natural light, in the sun the leaves can twist.

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A simple, velvety red flower. Rosette variegated, dark green, small. The leaf is dark green with slightly twisted edges. Flowers-stars have a wavy border at the edges of the petals. Graceful and gorgeous variety. Perfectly takes root in pots and hanging baskets, as well as in flower beds. Flowers are kept long enough.

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Lord Beaconsfield

Variety will please the gardeners with their flowers, which have unusual color. The upper petals of the blue color are closer to the white, they are perfectly combined with the lower lobes of the lilac shade. Inflorescence large, on a short pedicel, is also used to decorate flower beds, ornamental flowerpots. For the cultivation of loose soil, the plant does not tolerate drought, so it needs daily watering. Flowering time from August to September. The height of the plant is 20 centimeters.

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Magic of love

Large-sized large flowers have a beet-red color. A white edge is clearly visible along the edges. Leaves are simple in shape, with emerald green color. Violet grows quickly and dense hat, so sometimes it is difficult to understand one is a flower in a flower bed or several. Because of its terry and densely populated flowers bloom for a long time, but retain their freshness for up to two months. Tsvetonos has 2 buds. The peculiarity of the variety is long peduncles, too large flowers fall under the weight of leaves. Reproduction occurs in leaf. He does not like direct exposure to ultraviolet light on the leaves, which makes them yellow.

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Large semi-double flowers of red color, have a lacy frame around the edges of white. The socket is green, compact, and under normal lighting it is smooth and symmetrical. Blooms early and immediately gives a large bud up to 7 centimeters. Does not burn out, perfectly reproduces with proper care.

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Daring burgundy-purple and black flowers of the Macho variety have a semi-double structure. Clearly expressed white border on the edge of the petals. The sheet is large. The flower-chameleon, under natural illumination prevails violet, almost black color, at illumination becomes burgundy. There are many peduncles, but they grow and develop unevenly. The leaves are raised, because of which the flowers are dense, so many growers have to pull them out.

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This violet has an unusual coloring, the buds are charcoal black, reminiscent of velvet to the touch. The plant is bright and noticeable, with a specific shade of petals. Perfectly feels at home, and planted in the garden. Violet is cold-hard, not fastidious.

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Sea wolf

The variety has rather fleshy, drooping leaves of dark green color. Flowers large reach in diameter 8-9 centimeters. Semi-double corollas resemble bells. Flowers of blue color with wavy edges.

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Fire moths

For all lovers of indoor plants, this bizarre sort of terry violet becomes a great find. The flower has dark red petals, which along the edges are decorated with a white border. Gardeners insist that during flowering, the fringe can change color. This cultivar has a long, elegant floral stem. This flower feels great at room temperature.

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Beautiful Creole

The violet resembles the shape of a celestial star. Flowers have a dark blue saturated color. Each such a petal petal is highlighted by a white border, sometimes acquiring a light green hue. This is a very persistent and prolific variety. Elegant flower has a strong burgundy stem, blooms long and often. Buds are large, about 5 centimeters.

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Regal F1

The flowers have a gently pink color that blends perfectly with the blue veins, closer to the sapphire shade. It seems that the artist held a blue brush on each double petal. The flowers are very delicate and delicate. The number of them on the stem of 3 pieces, blooms year round with abundant light. Some varieties have more intense blue flowers, others have light colors.

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This is a sprawling and dense plant. Flowers have a purple color in combination with white and light green. The color of the petals is rather bizarre and has an unusual venous pattern. On the flower vividly stands out, their number on the stem is up to 8 pieces. This variety is not only beautiful, it grows rapidly and does not require a trembling care. Blooms often and for a long time.

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Wind rose

Luxurious delicate violet "Rose of the Winds" will certainly please any, even the most sophisticated collector. Double flowers remind a magnificent lady's skirt. White petals along the edges have an uneven, broken corrugated line of light or dark pink hue. The size of the flower is average, about 4 centimeters. They are located on a thin elegant stalk with spreading leaves. On each peduncle there are several double flowers that form a pompous pink bouquet.

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Flowers are rather large, terry. The background color is white. It is visible at the edges of the petal and slightly at the base. Above the white color is a soft pink color with purple or blue spray. Thanks to numerous petals, the flower itself looks like a fluffy pompon. The edges of the petals quirk curl, forming a wavy line. The amount of "spray" on the flower can be different. The breeder called these "fantasy" sprays."Rosemary" gives a lot of children and blooms for a long time.

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The flower is elegant and modest, but at the same time luxurious in its color and unusual form of petals. The flowers are bright pink. This shade was typical for the Rococo interior style. Petals of an interesting shape, quaintly located and resembling a rose. The stem is quite long and there is a dense cap of pink seductresses on it. Rosette at the violet neat. Blossoms such a variety for a long time and abundantly."Rococo" is easy to breed and easy to care for.

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Silver Samurai

Flowers have a lavender color. The stem grows arched. The leaves of the variety are greenish-blue with dissected margins. The veins are silver colored. Very interesting varieties of violets, like bells.

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Super Majestic Giants F1

This sort of violets has giant flowers. Sami bushes are quite low - no more than 15 centimeters, but the flowers are luxurious - 11 centimeters in diameter. Such a variety is referred to as early-flowering plants."Super Majestic Giants F1" is easy to clean and withstand the heat. Coloring is diverse. Often there are white and delicate lilac petals. Also there are bright shades, such as a dark purple color with a peephole in the central part. The series includes about 8 color variations.

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The Tarabara variegated violet has a modest but at the same time elegant appearance. It was removed by combining two varieties: Eisane and violet variegated violets. This variety is very common in Japan. The bushes are small, with narrow leaves stretched out. The flowers themselves have a purple hue. On them, you can see elegant thin veins of a darker shade. At the base of the petals are white, but they are few. The flower itself is miniature and elegant. When leaving, remember a lot of light and regular watering.

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Fama F1

Variety and "Fama F1" refers to the popular "Vittrock" variety. The second name is "Garden Pansies".This is a group of large-flowered violets. The size of the flower is 8-9 centimeters. The bush itself is quite low, but the flowers blossom on it, forming a full and rich bouquet. Flowers have a rounded shape. Their color varies from orange, white and violet to blue and red. On the lower petals you can see black spots. There are also varieties in which the lower petals contrast with the upper petals and have a completely different shade. The middle of the flower is often yellowish in color.

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Flamenco F1

Fast-growing variegated variety. The most common color is yellow-orange. In the middle of the flower there is a slight shading in the tone. The petals themselves resemble the lush skirts of beautiful Spanish girls dancing flamenco. Hence the name of the variety. Such violets are ideal for growing not only on balconies and windowsills, but also in garden areas. The flower loves an abundance of light and loose soil. The height of the bush is 15-20 centimeters. The diameter is 8 centimeters.

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The type of violets "Foreranner" is the most frost-resistant. It consists of 15 different varieties, having a different color tone. Pastel shades are common: soft pink, purple, lilac, white, light yellow and so on. This variety has rounded leaves of almond-shaped form. On the bush, usually an abundant number of flowers with a lot of petals. Since the species is winter-hardy, plants can be planted safely and in the garden area.

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Fancy F1

A representative of a terry violet, having a gentle color. This is a hybrid series of Vittrock's popular violet. The main color of the petal is lilac, and in its central part - white. Purple flowers are also common, golden yellow, red and soft blue. In the center there can be contrasting impregnations of red, black and other shades. The middle of the flower is yellow. The petals themselves are of a rounded shape and have a wavy, curved bend along the edges. Violet bush is low - no more than 15 centimeters. Flowers in diameter 5 centimeters. There are a lot of them on the bush, so the plant will look luxurious both in the house and in the flower garden.

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The variety is known since 1916.Collectors love and appreciate this kind of plant. Its main feature is that the flowers are extremely winter-hardy. The diameter of the flower is usually not more than 5 centimeters. It blooms early and blossoms quite a long time. The flowers are bright and juicy, they look very impressive in the suburban areas. The variety is unpretentious and resistant to diseases. Hemalis is divided into different subgroups, which the breeders divided into color shades: Jupiter, Mars, Helios and others.

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Reigning beauty( Reigning beauty)

Spectacular variety. Double flowers have a purple-saturated velvet color. Depending on the lighting, colors acquire a different shade: from thick blue to purple and purple. At the edges of the petals, you can see a lighter, elegant border. Breeders call flowers of this sort a half-marble star. The leaves, like the flower, are corrugated and saturated. The plant socket is neat and symmetrical. The variety gives a good number of "children".

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Chalon Suprem

The plant bush has a height of not more than 15 centimeters. Flowers are round and medium in size, 4-5 centimeters in diameter. Color colors can be different: soft blue flowers, rich red, bright purple, yellow. Each petal traditionally has a white corrugated border, the petals are covered with branched long veins of a darker color. The lower petals differ from the others in a dark tint. Most often this is either a purple color or black.

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The flowers have a rich velvety dark blue color. Petals quite a bit off the light pink or dark pink peas."Chanson" unpretentious in the care. The flower has many petals, hence its lush and luxurious appearance. The rose in the plant is symmetrical. Blossoms such a violet abundantly and for a long time.

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The variety is a sub-type of "Hemalis" and belongs to the variety of the most popular among the florists violet "Viola Wittrock".It is a winter plant species, it is easy to care for and is the most winter-hardy. Terry flowers have a white and purple-violet hue. The flowers themselves are rather large, with a diameter of more than 8 centimeters. Edges wavy, resemble fringe. The variety blooms very quickly and is pleased for a long time with its large flowers. Gives a large number of shoots.

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