Even the most ardent optimists have serious failures and losses in their lives.
Some of them may be so "scary" that the taste for life disappears.
And then the question arises: what to do, if you do not want to live ?
What to do when you do not want to live: take on the analysis of
First of all, analyze the situation.
You can understand the "tragedy" alone, but better - in the company of a true friend.
Try to follow a simple algorithm:
Speak the situation.
Be clear about what happened.
For example: "I lost a high-paying job", "I owe the bank a huge amount", "I can not survive the parting of my beloved";
Imagine an even worse version of the situation.
Imagine that what happened could be even worse: "I was fired from work and destroyed my reputation", "I owed the bank several times the amount", "the beloved person died";
Think about why all this happened?
Maybe you were dismissed from work because they neglected their duties, and your loved one went away because you taught him horns?
Find the root of the problem in order not to repeat mistakes in the future!
Take a look around and compare your tragedy with the grief of other people.
What is the loss of work against the background of disability in general?
Is parting with your loved one more frightening than an incurably sick child?
Asking the question, what to do if you do not want to live , understand that it's even worse for others than for you!
Aimeless life: or a waste of time
Find a positive moment.
Loss of work is a chance to find another, even better and more promising.
Why continue relationships that initially do not have a future?
And now, when the whole situation is "shelved", you can find ways to solve the problem.
We'll talk about this later.
What to do if you do not want to live: simple truths
There are a lot of proverbs in the culture of any people.
At first it seems that these are empty words.
But it's not.
In fact, they store in themselves the wisdom that has been accumulated over the centuries.
If you still stand on your own: "I do not want to live !", Then remember these lines:
Time heals.
It really cures.
Just some "diseases" pass and are forgotten easily, and others need months. ..
Remember your past loss.
Is it still hurting now, as before?
In most cases, after a while, people become happier and already have a positive attitude to lost work in the past and the end of relationships.
After all, today's situation can evolve many times better!
Life goes on.
And she has prepared for you many more wonderful things.
Did you manage to try everything you dreamed of?
Wedge wedge kicking.
In most cases, you can find a replacement for your loss.
And it is likely that this replacement will be even better.
This is usually the case.
The man himself is the master of his destiny.
No matter how many friends and relatives, only you can correct the situation.
Find the strength to change your life for the better and it will change.
What if I do not want to live: 4 tips from the psychologist
There are several ways to get back to life.
You can concentrate on one thing, but better at all at once.
Live so that it was not painfully painful to remember that you spent your time in vain! In neither case, nor the soul in oneself, the desire to live and love - let emotions and feelings overwhelm you. Open your soul - no, not everyone, everyone does not need it, but for it to live, live every day! Rejoice in life, it is in your hands and how you feel it, so it will be, good or bad - it's up to you! But this is your life!
So, when searching for the answer to a question - what to do if you do not want to live on :
Concentrate on the children
Pure soul and immediate beings need you.
Remember how long you promised your daughter to go to the cinema with her, and your son is waiting for you to make a ship together.
Come up with a simple joint venture, for example, bake pies.
Children's laughter, jokes and excellent results - the one that will make you forget about the bad and begin to enjoy life.
And tomorrow, try something else.
Sadness will start to recede, you'll see.
Get your head down to the job of
Nothing is so distracting from sad meditations as it is.It is possible that after a while you will be surprised to notice your own career growth and improvement of material well-being.
And the money is very good mood!
Find a hobby for yourself
It will help to fill the emptiness formed in the soul.
You will discover new horizons of your capabilities, and the result will bring emotional satisfaction.
Change yourself and the environment
Change your hair, buy a new coat, move furniture, throw away the trash.
Tear out yourself from the images and the atmosphere, which remind you of past failures.
Maybe you have long wanted to move?
Then a better moment than to do it NOW and not find it!
And in order that in your head such ridiculous thoughts as:
"What to do if you do not want to live?" Do not arise: we are watching this video!
I think everyone will understand that life is the most valuable thing that we have. ..
Enough of whining over trifles, you and not so bad. ..
In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to one more thought. ..
Understand, we are notgive the burden is not within its power.
And the tests that you are going through are sent out from the calculation that you can overcome them.