The concept and the very possibility of adhesion allows you to restore the dentition with the existing defects. Destruction and damage are easily eliminated, and the smile acquires a remarkable aesthetic appearance.
In Latin, this word is translated as "sticking" of different hard surfaces to each other.
Adhesive systems have been used in dentistry for more than 30 years, but their composition has been improved quite recently. In addition, it was possible to identify new ways of adhesion of substances to the dental tissue, which made it possible to apply adhesives with a wider list of indications.
- Place in dentistry
- Principle of operation
- Classification of
- Seven generations - seven steps to successful restoration
- Characteristics of modern adhesive
- TOP-15 of the most popular materials
Place in dentistry
Adhesive is a chemical compound that is complex in composition. With its help provides a tight connection of the material for sealing with etched enamel.
Before installing the seal, the substance is applied to the enamel and dentin, since without it, the dental materials can not be properly sealed. The dentine fabric and the adhesive system are joined together, providing resistance to disengagement, transferring the load through the bonding surface.
Qualitative and reliable sealing does not do without adhesion. Filling materials can not independently create a bond with a dentine cloth for the following reasons:
- high viscosity of materials;
- no chemical affinity with enamel, detninom and gasket.
Principle of operation
Composite materials require additional substances, so that the attachment to the dental tissue is reliable and qualitative. Such substances are adhesion systems, in another they are also called bonds. They have a chemical similarity with the dentine tissue and a micromechanical ability to bind firmly to it.
If you do not use adhesives during sealing, this treatment will lead to a breakdown in the bonding of dentin to the composite. Due to this treatment, the composite material will shrink during polymerization and an edge slit will appear.
Such consequences lead to the formation of secondary caries, in the worst case the pulp is damaged. Most of the composite materials are characterized by sufficient adhesion to the surface of the enamel. But the dentine tissue is damp and does not allow the seal to fit securely to the surface.
Adhesive bonding process can be divided into three main stages:
- substrate preparation;
- application of the adhesive and its processing;
- sealing and its processing.
To carry out a qualitative restoration of a tooth it is possible only by means of adhesion. To ensure reliable bonding of materials, many different tools and techniques have been developed. Requirements for the quality of adhesive substances can be compared with industrial ones.
In modern dentistry, adhesive systems are divided into two types:
- For enamel .They include liquid hydrophobic monomers of the composite material. Thanks to the micromechanical type clutch, they are well attached to the surface of the enamel. Provide adhesion to dentin, they can not, so the use of an insulating pad is required to prevent toxic effects on the dentin. The kit includes adhesives with chemical polymerization.
- For dentin( primers) .This system developed throughout its existence. The procedure for using the system, the composition of the material, was changed. On the pharmaceutical market there are several generations of dentine adhesion, which differ from each other in all respects.
Seven generations - seven steps to the successful restoration of
As the adhesive materials for dentine tissue developed, scientists developed several of their types. In dentistry, different systems are called generations. Each of them differs from the others in the technique of adhesion to dentin, binding force.
There are seven generations of adhesives in total, consider the properties of each of them separately:
- The first .This generation was developed in the 70s. A distinctive feature of this system is the use of chelation and ionic bonds with dentine components, mainly with calcium. Characterized by excellent adhesion to the surface of the enamel. With dentin, reliable adhesion is not formed, due to the presence of moisture in the tissues, which gradually reduces the quality of adhesion. After the treatment, an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel is observed.
- Second .Developed in the 80-ies. In this case, the lubricated layer was improved from 2 to 8 MPa. The bond with dentin was increased threefold. It is worth noting that the system is imperfect, as micro-leakage is observed, and after treatment, patients complain of tooth sensitivity. The properties of the system declined by 30% a year later. As a supplement to treatment, the method of etching dentine was often applied, followed by the introduction of iron ions into it. The principle of ionic bonding provided good adhesion to calcium dentine.
- The third generation appeared a little later than the second, also in the 80s. Adhesion rates were increased to 15 MPa. Scientists were able to significantly reduce the level of sensitivity after surgery. This period marked the beginning of a new era in dentistry. The characteristic qualities of the binding system were lost after a few years. Alumonitrates, aluminosilicates are used as the main components.
- Fourth .The appearance of this system dates from the 90s of the last century. This time, the binding force was increased to 25 MPa. The level of sensitivity in the postoperative period decreased by half. This generation is characterized by the binding of a composite and a hybrid dentine layer. Thus, it was possible to create an intermediate layer. The substance was mixed, adhering to equal proportions. True, it turned out that in the laboratory it was very easy to do, but in practice it was a bit complicated. The main elements are the primer, air conditioner and a special system.
- Fifth .Further development led to the development of a one-component substance. The substance did not require mixing of the individual components and was quickly rejected. Characteristics of the adhesive and primer were combined in one substance. The use of the system was assumed in the same cases as the fourth generation. Only the application of the substance took place in two stages. The first half acted as a primer, and the second as an adhesive. Such a system greatly simplified the application and completely eliminated the random entanglement of bottles with individual substances.
- The systems of the sixth generation are one-step systems. They do not need a separate etching of the dentine surface. Typical features of this generation systems are self-etching and self-conditioning. Unhumidified dentin does not create problems for the connection. In parallel, there are two processes - demineralization and primimulation. With such a system, any composite material can be used to restore the teeth, while ensuring a reliable connection.
- Seventh .To date, these are the most popular adhesive systems in dentistry. They are one-component, light-curing. The substance of the substance is a desensitizer. Everything is contained in one bottle, which is very convenient and significantly reduces the time of the dentist. The system is characterized by a partial opening of the dentinal tubules with the formation of a structural bond. When used on the surface of enamel, it appreciably strengthens it, forming a strong surface layer. Due to the fact that such a system is able to penetrate deep into the dentin, it creates a reliable hermetic sealing of the tubules. This will help in the treatment of sensitive dentin tissue and enamel. In addition, it has been possible to achieve reliable protection against surface erasure, which increases the service life of the new seal.
7th generation adhesive. Characteristics of the modern
adhesiveA qualitative and reliable adhesive system should be characterized by the following basic properties:
- providing excellent bond strength of the connecting substance with dentin, enamel;
- long-term preservation of the result;
- good biological compatibility of the material and dentin;
- minimum amount of permeability;
- edge staining protection;
- prevention of secondary caries formation;
- simplicity and ease of use;
- large expiration date;
- compatibility with a wide range of composite materials;
- no toxicity;
- isolation of the tooth surface from fluid in the oral cavity.
If it is a dentine adhesive, then to all the above points, it is worth adding three more:
- penetration into the etched dentin;
- the presence of hydrophilic properties;
- Remove the greased layer.
With the help of such a material, the treatment and restoration of tooth surfaces will take place quickly, creating a qualitative result.
TOP-15 of the most popular materials
The most popular adhesives:
- Prime Bond NT is a one-component light curing material with a filler that increases the adhesion strength.
- Optibond Solo is a one-component light-curing adhesive with a filler of barium glass.
- Contax( DMG) - water-based without chemical solvents. It has no smell.
- Futuraborde HP is a one-component agent in the form of an ultra-stable emulsion of nanoparticles. Allocates fluorides to protect against caries.
- LuxaBond IntroKit is a three-component, double-cure agent.
- Gluma2Bond is a material with nanoparticles. Refers to the 4th generation. The technique of total etching is applied.
- Gluma Self Etch is the 7th generation of adhesives with the functions of desensitization.
- PQ 1 Refill is a one-component adhesive with total etching. Provides quality edge fit.
- PQ 1 is a single component radiopaque substance for tooth restoration.
- Gluma Bond 5 Bottle Refill is a light-curing single-component substance that belongs to the 5th generation.
- Peak Universal Bond is an ideal substance for direct and indirect adhesion.
- OptiBond solo Pleus( Optibond) is a universal adhesive for joining composite materials.
- OptiBond FL Kit - the system provides a strong connection with dentin and enamel. At the same time it acts as a gasket.
- Syntac - the substance provides a strong connection with the dental tissue with direct and indirect restorations.
- Surpass - Bonding system is recognized as the strongest of all joining materials.
Adhesion is a complex process, which is simply impossible to explain with one model. The quality of binding of surfaces is affected by different factors. The appearance of new adhesive systems does not always indicate the creation of a quality material. Simply, many pharmaceutical companies are developing new products, thereby increasing the range of products.