How and why is the Valsalva test performed: deciphering the results

Varicose veins are a problem faced by a huge number of people around the world.

The sooner this disease is diagnosed, the sooner one can start treatment and get rid of the painful problem.

One of these methods of diagnosing the disease is the Valsalva trial.


  • "Take a sample" on varicocele and varicose
  • Characteristics of the method
  • Indications and contraindications to the diagnosis
    • Application of the technique in phlebology
      • Features of the sample for varicose
      • Varicocele test
    • Decoding results
      • Positive and negative sample

"Take the sample" on the varicocele andVaricose veins

Valsalva test with varicocele and varicose veins will help in the initial stage to determine the problem with the veins. Plus such a diagnosis is that the technique works even when other methods are powerless.

Valsalva test with varicocele is performed in order to determine the pathology of inguinal veins when examining men for the prevention and development of the disease.

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In varicose veins, this method helps to determine the disease even when there are no symptoms. The sample helps to establish the condition of the valve apparatus of the venous system.

Widely used in vascular surgery and performed before the appointment of ultrasound of the legs and vessels, and sometimes after it. Thus, in primary and secondary varicosity, the test provides an opportunity to assess the presence of reflux and the degree of increase in the diameter of the veins.

Characteristics of the

method In diving, a similar technique is widely used.

This test is named after the famous anatomist AM Valsalva and was originally aimed at treating otitis and removing pus from the middle ear.

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Another name for the method - voltage on Valsalva, speaks for itself: for the diagnosis it is necessary that the person

is forced to inhale, while closing his nose and mouth. Today this method is used much wider than before.

It is used by divers, when immersed in depth, passengers of aircraft, doctors, in the diagnosis of varicose veins and varicocele and many other diseases.

More research is often required to establish a more accurate diagnosis( eg, an ultrasound or an electrocardiogram).

After the first examination, the doctor-phlebologist can make a visual diagnosis for the presence of vascular asterisks, and then send for ultrasound using the Valsalva test. Such a study will show a complete picture of the state of the vessels and the presence of blood clots in them.

The test measures the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and pressure in the arteries.

What is important, at home, this test should not be used because of the possibility of a sharp drop in pressure in the heart.

Indications and contraindications for diagnosis

The Valsalva test is used to check or examine the following:

  • condition and function of the valve apparatus of the venous system of the lower limbs, in parallel with Doppler;
  • study of tachycardia, with simultaneous electrocardiogram;
  • study of patency of the auditory tubes;
  • study of heart rate after a previous myocardial infarction, assessment of the risk of death.

The method can be used alone at the moment of immersing divers under the water, during the flight on an airplane.

Contraindications to this diagnostic method also exist and are quite extensive:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • fever;
  • blood poisoning;
  • any disease during its exacerbation;
  • acute venous thrombosis;
  • acute infarction
  • acute stroke;
  • surgical diseases during an exacerbation;
  • thromboembolism;
  • problems with the retina of the eye.
This method can not be used alone in the case of manifestations of tachycardia, which is accompanied by pain in the heart, a sharp drop in blood pressure, suffocation, loss of consciousness. If such symptoms occur, emergency care should be urgently called for.

Application of the methodology in phlebology

Valsalva's technique in phlebology is used to study the state of vessels, the operation of valves and the presence of blood clots.

The sample is made by forcing air with inspiration, closing the mouth and nose. Thanks to this method, the intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure is increased, the respiratory muscles and the diaphragm contract, the voice gap is blocked.

Increased intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure does not allow the venous blood to flow back, and, consequently, ideal conditions for studying the condition of veins and valves are created.

Next, the patient is offered a tube connected to a pressure gauge, into which air is slowly exhaled for 15 seconds. After that, the pressure is measured. According to the instruments, the specialist in parallel determines the heart rate and blood pressure.

For the examination and Valsalva test, the patient is asked to sit down or lie down comfortably( the specialist will determine the required position, depending on the localization of the problem).The procedure is carried out under the strict supervision of the doctor and with the help of additional studies: ultrasound, electrocardiogram, and blood pressure measurement.

Features of the sample for varicose

In the study of varicose veins, the patient is placed on the couch. In this condition, the veins are affected by sleep. The specialist visually assesses the condition, probes the problem spots with his fingers.

After the preparatory phase, the patient is asked to exhale into the special mouthpiece for 15 seconds. Further, he can restore breathing, and the doctor will examine the received parameters of the cardiogram.

Also for the study of blood flow through the veins of the lower extremities in parallel with the Valsalva method, a Doppler study is used. In the process of research, veins with inconsistent valves are easily identified, because of the outflow of blood, their swelling occurs.

If this sample is produced for a longer time than necessary, then the volume of recurring blood back is greatly reduced, and this significantly reduces the pressure in the heart, which can be dangerous.

Varicocele test

To study the vascular status in men in the testicle area, this diagnostic method is also used. For this, the patient takes a deep breath and for a while holds the air.

At this time, by a palpation examination of the scrotum slightly above the location of the testicles, the doctor studies the state of the venous system of this site.

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Decoding of results

The results are decrypted exclusively by the attending physician, who takes into account the general condition of the patient, his concomitant diseases.

When assessing the patency of the vessels of the lower limbs, the result is different from the parameters of the study of the heart. So, the most important indicator here, is the rate of blood flow through the blood vessels.

If the speed exceeds 30 centimeters per second, the doctor can ascertain the pressure increase in the channel of the blood channel. It is this indicator that is the first "bell", which indicates the development of pathological processes.

Positive and negative assay

If the sample is positive, this means that the venous system is at risk, especially if the venous valves are closed( being a kind of "locks").

In this case, the blood can flow along the vessels in one direction and not be able to pass back. The positive test of Valsalva is a sign that the valves have flaws.

On the problems with the surface vessels can speak and the work of their valves, and also testify the pathological return blood flow.

If the study gives a positive result, the doctor can prescribe adequate treatment, medical manipulation and drug therapy for the rapid and effective treatment of the disease.

If the study of veins with a Valsalva test showed a negative result, the patient can be calm: the condition of his veins is normal and there are no anomalies.

The Valsalva method is an excellent way to examine the condition of the veins: both the lower extremities and the presence of varicocele.

Unlike other diagnostic methods, this test allows you to determine the deviations in the operation of vascular valves, the presence of thrombi and veins, even at the earliest stages of the disease, when visually the signs are not yet visible.

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  • Mar 25, 2018
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