Monthly for adnexitis

Inflammation of the uterine appendages among diseases of the female genital area is very common, since there are many reasons for their occurrence. These organs are directly involved in the production of hormones that control the menstrual cycle. Therefore, menstruation with adnexitis can become a sign of the disease, as they undergo obvious changes.

Contents of

  • 1 A little more about the disease
  • 2 Why the
  • 3 cycle changes? Adnexitis and menstruation: what is the difference with the previous characteristics
    • 3.1 Menstruation for chronic adnexitis
    • 3.2 Why does
  • 4 hurt so? How does the menstruation infection behave?
  • 5 Cycle recovery after illness
    • 5.1 Causes of delay and lack of menstruation after treatment
    • 5.2 Is there a strong discharge during menstruation after infection

A little more about the disease

Adnexitis or salpingooforitis is caused by the activity of bacteria that have penetrated through the genital tracts or with the bloodstream. This can occur after medical intervention affecting the uterine cavity, or as a complication from surgery on the abdominal organs.

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It is important that the disease develops simultaneously in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The first contain follicles, from which each cycle is dominant. Then it becomes a full-fledged sex cell, which fades away from conception, contributing to the arrival of menstruation. Ovaries produce the hormones necessary for it. Therefore, when an infection occurs in them, doubts about whether the monthly changes in adnexitis are superfluous. Not only they, but the whole cycle become different. The nature of the changes depends on the stage of the disease, as well as on the degree of organ damage.

Why the

cycle changes The cycle failure with adnexitis may have different manifestations. The hormonal causes of the disorder are more often associated with shortening the period between menstruations. Critical days are observed more often than before, bleeding can also occur in the intervals.

Another variant of the violation of the cycle, which provokes adnexitis - a delay in the menstrual cycle. Both types of malfunction have the same cause - wrong operation of the ovaries. Infection prevents the production of FSH and LH, which are necessary for the maturation of the egg. The surface of the ovary is covered with a connective tissue, thickens. The formed crust does not allow the finished sex cell to leave the shell. As a result, other bodies participating in the process are deprived of development opportunities. All processes are much slower. The further the disease went, the longer the interval between menstruations. The delay may last for several months if adnexitis affects both ovaries.

Adnexitis and menstruation: what is the difference with the previous characteristics of

? Numerous monthly with adnexitis is a frequent occurrence. They are caused by hormonal disorders and an inflammatory process that occurs in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The usual mucus is mixed with mucus produced by the reproductive organs, which increases quantitatively due to cell changes, as well as the products of the vital activity of bacteria. Brown menstruation with adnexitis caused by the addition of pus, uneven rejection of the endometrium. Due to a deficiency of sex hormones, it can not develop normally, so some of its areas are retained in the uterine cavity, causing the blood to fold and change color. For the same reason, women observe clots in the menstrual discharge.

An increase in the amount of mucus that provokes adnexitis, prolonged periods of time, also makes it more likely than before. They do not end in a week, leading to marked blood loss and anemia. Allocations occur between menstruation. Adnexitis long months makes possible due to inflammation, which prevents blood clotting. The rise in temperature, characteristic of the disease, contributes to the fragility of the vessels, through which the endometrium is permeated.

Menstruation for chronic adnexitis

Scarce menstruation during infection is also possible. Ovaries are amazed so much that ovulation does not occur. And this further reduces the amount of female hormones that affect the amount of secretions. Months with chronic adnexitis are accompanied by just such signs. Here, also affects the central nervous system, which is inevitable in such a course of the disease. A CNS is also responsible for the production of hormones. Therefore, before critical days and after them, a daub of a brown color may appear for several days. As it approaches the middle of the cycle, it turns into leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor, since a chronic course of infection often provokes the formation of colpitis and cervicitis.

Why is it so painful?

Pain is one of the main and most disturbing symptoms of adnexitis. It is felt and in addition to critical days, it is periodic or constant, changes the intensity.
Adnexitis of monthly pains significantly increases due to inflammation of the tissues and spreads them not only to the area of ​​the uterus, but also the waist, coccyx. Sensations are given in the thighs along the nerves. Painful, but quite intense. Its role in its enhancement is the reduction of smooth muscles of the uterus. But the most painful sensations are localized in the region of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Sometimes it can be compared with appendicular colic.

How the infection behaves when menstruating

Adnexitis during menstruation may occur for the first time or worsen, because in critical days the defenses of the body weaken, and the imbalance of hormones contributes to this even more. Therefore, the pain in the abdomen becomes stronger, the temperature rises, which makes the other signs of menstruation more pronounced:

  • More noticeable flatulence, the urge to defecate;
  • Lack of appetite may result in nausea;
  • Aching of aching muscles;
  • Headache, irritability and tearfulness increase;
  • There is a need to frequently urinate.

To menstrual secretions are mixed purulent, the stomach and after going to the toilet remains tense.

Monthly for acute or chronic adnexitis is a provoking factor due to excreta that favor the reproduction of bacteria and enhance their activity. It can neutralize only quality hygiene. Tampons during this period should not be used, it's better to avoid gaskets that need to be changed frequently.

Recovery of the cycle after

disease Adnexitis does not give up as easily as we would like. It requires complex therapy, which in all cases is selected individually, because the causes of the disease are different. The failure of treatment is often associated with the fact that women prescribe it on their own or from all prescribed medications take only antibiotics, ignoring restorative measures.

Causes of delay and lack of menstruation after treatment

Monthly after adnexitis, as a rule, do not differ in abundance. In order to get rid of the infection, a 10-day intake of strong antibacterial drugs is prescribed. They relieve the causative agents of the disease and the results of their presence in the body, but they affect the cycle and menstruation. Antibiotics are a stress factor for the reproductive system and organs that produce hormones. Therefore, after adnexitis, the monthly scant in the first cycle, which can be more stretched in time. The delay can last up to 2 weeks. Then everything should be normalized.

Monthly after acute adnexitis may not come for a long time because of serious damage to the ovaries. Due to the hormonal disorder caused by the disease, the female reproductive cell does not mature for a long time. Hence the significant delay. Menstruation several cycles can be accompanied by appreciable pain, but many doctors consider it normal. However, it will not hurt to be examined for evidence of adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which can cause it.

After the treatment of adnexitis, the monthly scant can cause the formation of scars in the tissues of the ovaries. The infection is eliminated, but the organs are still unable to function properly. The production of hormones does not occur in the right amount, so the egg does not ripen. Endometrium also remains abnormally thin and undeveloped at all stages of the cycle. The number of tissues that are excreted with menstruation is much less.

There are strong discharges during menstruation after infection

Very plentiful monthly after adnexitis may indicate unchanged hormonal disorders that will have to be eliminated with appropriate drugs. If the discharge is accompanied by severe pain, it may be a relapse of the disease. It happens with

  • Cold;
  • Early resumption of sexual life after therapy;
  • Inadequate or not fully completed treatment.

The latter cause is capable of giving the disease a dangerous current that will require surgical methods already. To bring the work of the reproductive sphere back to normal after them will take even longer.
However, after successfully conducted complex therapy the body is able to quickly recover. Ovaries, having the opportunity to work at full strength, begin to develop hormones. The result of this can be profuse menstruation, which, however, should not last longer than 7 days and require more than 1 puff in 3-4 hours.

It is not difficult to detect the disease at the initial stage because of sufficiently clear symptoms, if immediately come to a specialist. And therapy should be approached with all care and responsibility. Without this, men with unadulterated adnexitis may not return to normal, since the infection will pass into a persistent chronic form. And this is not only permanent pain, but also the probability of subsequent obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and hence, guaranteed infertility.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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