- How to look and where to appear?
- Treatment
- Home procedures
Closed comedones are a problem familiar to many. They appear on the face and can spread even to the back. The cause of their occurrence may be stress, diseases of the internal organs, but most often they suffer from adolescents, when their body is experiencing a hormonal surge, as well as women during pregnancy, menopause and in case of malfunctions in the menstrual cycle.
Skin fat accumulates under the skin and turns into a small nodule. Often they are small and almost invisible, but sometimes they are quite large and also cause painful sensations. Being under the skin, they do not have the opportunity to finally ripen and go outside;and if such a comedian gets infected, then there is a high probability of developing a serious inflammation. How do you get rid of them? Let's figure it out.
How to look and where to appear?
Closed comedones have the appearance of small tubercles bodily or white. Because of the absence of the inflamed head, they are quite imperceptible, and you can detect them if you hold your fingers over the skin of the face.
In this photo you can see how closed comedies look.
. Before starting treatment of closed comedones, you should determine the cause of their appearance. Otherwise, they may appear again, which will require re-therapy, or all your efforts will not bring any result.
Important! In addition, if such comedos have arisen as a result of a disease, special treatment will be required, which begins precisely with the elimination of the cause, that is, the functions of the diseased organ are normalized and only after the comedones are eliminated.
Subcutaneous comedones have one feature - they can appear in everyone, with no significance being the age of the person and sex. But most often they suffer from adolescents who are experiencing puberty - almost 90% of young people aged 12-25 years have closed comedones on their faces. And what is characteristic - this problem has no symptoms;there is no itching or any other unpleasant sensations. Such comedones can remain unchanged under human skin for several years.
In the photo below you can see where the closed comedones on the face are located.
Sometimes they spread to the back, chest and scrotum. In newborn children, closed comedones appear on the back of the nose, and in rare cases are located throughout the body - this is called a generalized congenital milium.
The formation of closed comedones on the cheeks is not uncommon;they are located in small groups at a small distance from each other, but they are not characterized by a fusion between themselves.
Treatment of
In fact, getting rid of open comedones is much easier, because they "have the opportunity" to go outside. And this can be seen with the naked eye - the grease rod is removed simply, it is enough to thin the film located on the exit site and squeeze out the dirt. And in order to get rid of closed comedones, the mechanical method does not work. With pressure, they will become inflamed and subsequently develop into large pimples. How to correct this problem correctly?
Skin cleansing
If closed comedones have appeared on the forehead, cheeks, chin and other areas of the face, then this is a signal that your skin needs regular and proper cleansing. And even if you do not use makeup, dust and dirt still accumulates in the pores, which eventually get clogged. And if such contaminants are not removed daily, then the excretory function of the epidermis will be partially, and perhaps completely blocked - the sebum will fill the pores and solidify.
For skin cleansing, one of the following can be used:
- soft soap, preferably baby soap;wash daily in the morning and in the evening;
- lotions without alcohol - they are also used twice a day;
- special gels for washing - the pharmaceutical industry can offer a huge number of similar products and in almost every line will be a drug from comedones;
- is very good, if you have the opportunity to wipe the skin with thermal water - this can be done several times during the day.
Important! Remember that these methods are secondary - they are unable to remove closed comedones, but will only help you prepare the skin for treatment.
Visit to specialist
Treatment of closed comedones on the face will be most effective if you seek help from a dermatologist, so this problem often requires complex therapy. What can a specialist advise:
- antibiotics and hormonal drugs - they are prescription drugs, and their reception must necessarily be controlled by a doctor. Most often, they are prescribed in inflamed comedones, because they help stop the development of bacteria;
Important! Never do self-medication. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics and hormones can cause a lot of health problems, since they have side effects.
- after taking medications, as rules are prescribed cosmetic procedures that help to remove the keratinized skin particles and counterbalance the production of sebum. Most often closed comedones on the face begin to disappear after microdermabrasion and peelings based on fruit acids;
- interior in parallel with cosmetic procedures it is necessary to administer vitamin complexes, and also to revise your diet, eliminating fatty and sweet foods from it.
Home procedures
There is a fairly extensive list of tools that will tell you how to get rid of closed comedones at home. These include:
- primarily - it's washing with soft cleansing foam using sponges and brushes. The skin is moistened, the foam is applied to the face and whipped until the bubbles appear, after which it is washed off with a sponge. Thanks to this procedure, dirt and keratinized particles are removed from the skin;
- is daily peeling or a scrubbing agent containing fruit acids;
Important! You can not use two products at the same time, otherwise irritation will appear on the skin. It is enough to choose one of them.
- treatment of closed comedones at home can be supplemented with masks with cleansing clay or badyagi;
Recommendation! If you are simultaneously pilling, then the mask should be done no more than once a week;without additional procedures - three times in seven days.
- for dry skin, you need to choose a moisturizing cream that is applied after each cleansing procedure. However, he should not clog pores. The cream and serums with glycolic acid proved to be the best ones;
- to replace the purchased preparations are also capable of home masks from fresh vegetables: grate the cucumber, zucchini and carrots on a fine grater, add a couple drops of lemon juice and olive oil, apply on face and rinse after 15 minutes;
- do not forget about the universal means of closed comedones: Skinoren, Differin, Zinerit.
Additional measures for home treatment
- Going to bed never leave makeup on the face.
- Balance the diet - give up fatty and sweet food, pay attention to fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and porridges.
- When in the street hot, give preference to light friable powder and discard the heavy foundation.
Remember that home remedies help gradually and when using them you should not expect a quick result. If such a pace does not suit you, the only way out is to turn to a specialist.