The most common household injury can be safely called a sky burn( see photo).
Most often, such an injury is given to children, as well as adults with a very tight schedule, because they take food in a hurry.
The main problem is that the mucosa is very vulnerable, and it is not always possible to determine the degree of damage yourself.
Get injured due to the following factors:
- consuming hot food or drinks;
- exposure to chemical elements( alkali, acid, salt and others);
- drugs, which include aggressive components;
- in the course of irradiation;
- influence of electric current.
- Pathogenesis and Burn Symptoms
- Symptomatic manifestations
- Severity and classification of the sky burn
- Classification of palate burns in the mouth
- Who is most prone to injury
- Diagnosis and first aid
- First aid sequence
- What can not be done with a sky burn
- Treatment methods
- How to treat a chemical burn
- How to treat a burned sky at home
- Traditional medicine
- Prognosis of treatment and possible consequences
- Results of treatment
- Complications and consequences
- Prevention measures
Pathogenesis and burn symptoms
The degree of damage always depends on the time of exposure of the injuring element and its temperature. There are two affected areas: the center( multiple injuries) and the periphery( zone of least damage).
The inflammatory reaction plays an enormous role in the pathogenesis. In mucous tissues permeability increases, as a result of which macromolecules of the serum enter the wound, and inflammatory edema begins.
Symptomatic manifestations of
In order to damage the oral cavity, just a couple of minutes. Immediately after this, the following unpleasant sensations arise:
- burning of the sky;
- edema;
- painful sensations when the wound touches anything;
- presence of blisters;
- mucosal detachment;
- unpleasant taste of metal in the mouth;
- pain when eating something warm.
Severity and classification of the sky burn
There are three degrees of oral cavity damage and each of them is accompanied by certain symptoms, namely:
- First .It is characterized by mucosal edema and slight burning. All signs pass in 4-5 days.
- The second .It is expressed by the appearance of a plaque on the mucosa, deformation of the tissue form, acute pain, possibly accompanied by bleeding, decreased body temperature. The recovery phase begins in 14 days.
- Third .There is a general intoxication of the body, you can observe the appearance of deep ulcers. Be sure to provide first aid and call ambulance. In some cases, resuscitation may be required.
Classification of palate burns in the mouth
Depending on the impact factor, burns fall into several categories:
- Thermal( household) .Most often, at home, hence the name. These include the defeat of the sky with hot food, drinks( a burning of the sky with hot tea) or steam.
- Chemicals .Occur as a result of exposure to alkali or acid. They are the most dangerous and need prompt first aid.
- Tube-quartz .It is used in the treatment of the respiratory tract and can cause damage if you do not observe the required time of the procedure.
Who is most susceptible to injury
Most often this kind of injury is received:
- Cooks .The work involves direct contact with hot dishes, their sample and quick execution.
- Auto mechanic .Sometimes this profession requires action with welding, hot parts and other no less dangerous objects.
- Firefighters .Going to the challenges are always endangered.
- Smokers .Do not exclude damage by cigarettes.
- Children .Because of ignorance of some things, they do not understand what consequences their actions may have.
- People with a busy schedule. Take food in a hurry due to lack of time.
Diagnosis and first aid
If a symptom of a first and second degree burn is detected, it is not necessary to visit a specialist. But with the third one, be sure to go to the dentist or the katabustiologist. Only they can prescribe the right treatment and prescribe the necessary drugs.
First aid sequence
Initially, the wound is disinfected with lotions of hydrogen peroxide and a cotton pad. Further it is recommended to hold cool water in your mouth. It is best to perform such actions until the burning sensation becomes dull.
Sequence of actions for diagnosis and first aid to the victim:
- treatment of the sky with analgesics and bactericidal preparations for disinfection and acceleration of healing;
- removal of exfoliated mucous and formed crust;
- administration of treatment, ultraviolet therapy is possible.
What can not be done with a scorch of the sky
In order not to aggravate the situation it is strictly prohibited:
- use food products as a cooling object, because this way one can put an infection;
- for severe burns, self-medicate, it is more appropriate and useful to consult a doctor.
Methods of treatment
One of the main methods of therapy is rinsing. With the help of what it is carried out, depends on the substance that caused the harm:
- for alcohol damage isotonic solution or ordinary drinking water;
- if injury is the result of contact with acid, it is best to use a soda or soap solution;
- wounds caused by alkali, are treated with a weak vinegar solution.
How to treat a chemical burn
This type of injury requires immediate action and rapid removal of chemical residues from the skin. Further actions depend on its type:
- Acid . The most dangerous is a burn obtained by diluting rather than concentrated acid, since a high saturation contributes to the formation of a crust that prevents the spread of the chemical. Treatment of the wound is carried out by washing with 2% soda solution, and after 0.5% ammonia.
- Hydrofluoric acid .Has a common toxic action, but almost no trace. The affected area is washed with an emulsion of magnesium oxide in glycerin or water.
- Alkali .The most dangerous type of burn, as the substance instantly penetrates deep into the skin. Rinse with a 2% solution of acetic or citric acid.
- Outstanding lime .Rinsing with water is excluded completely, instead, the wound is lubricated with a thick layer of fat.
- Pesticides and herbicides .Wounds are cleaned with ethyl alcohol.
Than to treat the scorched sky at home
It's unlikely that a visit to a polyclinic gives someone joy, because often people try to cope with various ailments on their own. The most effective ways to eliminate discomfort can be called:
- consumption of a mixture of egg protein and water in small sips;
- mouth rinse with water diluted with calendula tincture;
- lotion from aloe leaves( pre-tearing the skin of the plant);
- any kind of gels for removing gingivitis can also be helpful;
- in the absence of the above ingredients can resort to the use of sea buckthorn oil or margarine.
Traditional medicine
It is possible to resort to the advice of our great-grandmothers only with a mild form of burn. Treatment for severe degree of sky burn can only be prescribed by a specialist.
The most effective ways to cure a burn in the mouth and in the sky are:
- Chewing leaves of Kalanchoe and scarlet. For the procedure to be more pleasant it is allowed to add honey.
- Grease the wound with sea buckthorn oil. Promotes early recovery.
- If you have bleeding, you can chew a plantain or nettle. Both plants have long been known as powerful hemostatic agents.
- Cool dairy products can remove the inflammatory process. At the use of milk it is desirable to boil it and certainly to allow to cool down.
Prognosis of treatment and possible consequences of
The recovery time depends on how quickly the first aid was given, whether the treatment was chosen correctly and, of course, on the degree of damage.
Treatment results
Complete recovery is possible with all rules and due care of the wound. Do not forget that for each case, you need an individual approach and a full survey.
In an easy form, it takes about four days, and in a more severe one, up to two weeks, under the conditions that all received recommendations are observed.
Complications and consequences
Timely therapy and established diagnosis in 80% of cases are a guarantee of full recovery. If the damage is not treated in a timely manner in 70%, the appearance of metastases may occur.
The third degree of burn is a particular complication of treatment, therefore its presence is fraught with some complications. For example:
- general intoxication of the body( poisoning);
- tissue necrosis( necrosis);
- appearance of ulcers;
- presence of pus;
- bleeding.
To prevent this kind of trouble, repeated visits to the dentist are necessary.
Prevention measures
Precautions are very important, as most often the burns are caused by your own carelessness and haste. Particular attention must be paid to children, because by their age they can not understand everything.
Explain to your child what you can do, what you can not do, and what is fraught with his pranks. Also, remove all the dangerous medicines and chemicals that the baby can reach.
When serving freshly prepared meals and drinks, it is worth making sure of their safety. Eat food in a relaxed environment, it will not only protect you, but also promote normal digestion.
Despite the fact that the sky burn is very common and occurs quite often, it can still be avoided. For this, it is only necessary to observe the precautionary measures. But if it so happened that the damage was received, do not panic and try to remember what your actions should be.