What to do if the cheek is swollen

Swelling of the cheeks is often associated with diseases of the oral cavity and in many cases - this is exactly so. However, there are other reasons that can provoke the appearance of puffiness and lead to complications. Therefore, it is necessary to know when to be worried, and what to do if the cheek is swollen.

  • From tooth
  • Flux
  • Inflammatory infiltrate
  • Periodontal disease
  • Wrong growth of wisdom tooth
  • After treatment
  • From stroke
  • Inflammation of trigeminal nerve
  • After anesthesia
  • Other causes
  • Child

From tooth

The cheeks may swell due to dental problems andinflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. There are a lot of such diseases, some of them are the following:

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If a person has a toothache and swollen cheek, then this is one of the symptoms of flux( periostitis), that is, inflammation of the periosteum. Additional signs of the disease include a sharp increase in pain when pressing on the damaged tooth, as well as visible swelling of the facial area from the side of the disease.

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With the gingiva flux becoming strongly swollen and hyperemic, in some cases a fistula appears - a white tubercle with purulent discharge. Also, the patient has worsened state of health, fever, weakness, severe headaches, etc.

If the flux is not complicated by a purulent infection, treatment can be done at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. The dentist selects antibacterial drugs, prescribes painkillers, and recommends local therapy methods, such as rinsing or cold compresses. Treatment of periostitis can last up to 3 weeks. If the flux is complicated by a purulent infection, the patient needs surgery and further monitoring in the hospital.

During the period of treatment it is recommended to reduce physical activity, refuse to attend procedures that overheat the body( solarium, sun baths, sauna, bath and others), the food should be taken in a warm and soft consistency.
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Inflammatory infiltrate

There is a disease in the maxillary tissues and often develops against the background of periodontitis or pulpitis. This is a dangerous disease that, without treatment, can lead to the development of abscesses and phlegmon, the development of sepsis.

The main signs of an inflammatory infiltrate, in addition to the swollen cheek, is a painful condition of the teeth a few days before the onset of swelling. The disease first passes to soft tissue, then it can affect the area under the eye, and then the brain or the area under the jaw. Inflammatory infiltrate requires an urgent appeal to a specialist.

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Periodontal disease

Quite often swelling of the cheek appears in people who lost most teeth due to periodontitis. However, patients do not feel painful discomfort, but simple rinses do not eliminate puffiness.

Tumor swelling on the background of periodontal disease is treated only by surgery - you need to remove all affected teeth and put removable dentures.

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Wrong growth of wisdom tooth

Swelling of the cheek can appear without the soreness of the wisdom tooth - this indicates its incorrect development. Such a phenomenon arises from the inflammation of the hood( a portion of the mucosa overhanging the crown of the tooth).The food remains stuck in the hood lead to inflammation, and as a result, swelling of the cheek or gum.

Also, swelling can indicate the development of a purulent inflammatory process. If the wisdom tooth has already erupted, sometimes during eating people bite the cheek, which leads to swelling.

In this situation, the best solution is to visit a dental clinic. In most cases, the only way to solve the problem is to remove the wisdom tooth. After the procedure, swelling of the cheek may remain, so in the first days you should try not to brush your teeth next to the area of ​​removal of the figure-eight. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with saline solution, and to avoid complications, you can not disturb the well, which remained after the removed tooth.

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After treatment with

Quite often swelling of the cheek appears after dental treatment for the following reasons:

  • After removal of the nerve. If during the treatment of the tooth the nerve was not completely removed, the result is an exacerbation in the form of a swelling of the cheek. In this situation, you should immediately contact the dentist to save the tooth.
  • An allergic reaction to the filling material, which often appears only the next day. To correct the situation, a dentist can remove the seal and put a new one from hypoallergenic material.
  • After tooth extraction. Puffiness occurs in the case of a complex operation. To avoid this, it is necessary to give up solid food, alcoholic and hot drinks within 24 hours after treatment. If the swelling is still there, you need to put ice on the sore spot and hold it for at least 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • After a cut on the gum. If the inflammatory process leads to the formation of pus, then to eliminate it the dentist makes a cut, after which the swelling of the cheek first increases, and then begins to decrease.
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From impact

Trauma is the second most common cause on which soft facial tissues can swell. Swelling of the cheeks and bleeding may occur after a severe stroke on the face or in case of self-injury.

If bone tissue is not damaged, treatment is done with cold or hot compresses. It is also recommended to use potato slices or special ointments as compresses. In case of increased swelling and pain - immediately consult a doctor.

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Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

The disease is accompanied by severe pain in one half of the face, distortion of expression, swelling of the cheek, twitching of the muscles in the affected nerve region, etc. Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve should begin without delay under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Therapeutic therapy includes the appointment of different groups of drugs: antiviral, analgesic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, glucocorticoids, antispasmodics, vitamins. Also the physician can recommend physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF, paraffin-ozocerite.

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After anesthesia

Puffiness of the cheek may appear after tooth treatment at the place where anesthesia was performed. It arises because of the allergy to the injected drug and is located exclusively at the puncture site. This changes skin color, itching appears, and in severe situations, necrosis of the shell occurs. To prevent this, before the beginning of treatment the doctor should know from the patient about the presence or absence of allergic reactions to certain drugs. First aid for such a swelling is taking antihistamines, then you need to consult a doctor.

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Other causes of

  • Infections introduced from the outside. Independently to determine which infection( viral or bacterial) caused edema and what to do for its treatment, it is impossible, therefore, an urgent appeal to the doctor is necessary.
  • Cyst of the sebaceous gland. In this case, the swelling looks like a round, swollen patch. A cyst is formed when the follicles are blocked, which secrete sebum. Treatment of swelling requires obligatory intervention by a dental surgeon, it may be necessary to perform an operation.
  • . Oncological diseases. In this situation, you need to contact an oncologist, who will perform the removal of the tumor and prescribe the subsequent restorative treatment.
Read also why women swollen legs and how to deal with it http://woman-l.ru/ot-chego-otekayut-nogi-u-shshshin-i-kak-s-etim-borotsya/
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The child

  • The first cause of swollen cheeks or gums is the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and face. This occurs as a result of infection in the mouth or the body of the child, as well as with colds.
  • Parotitis( mumps) is an infectious virus disease, which is most often affected by children. The disease is accompanied by high body temperature, swelling of the cheeks, worsening of the general condition( diarrhea, vomiting, nausea).The doctor after confirmation of the diagnosis appoints antiviral and antipyretic drugs, bed rest and a sparing diet.
  • Caries. Painful teeth can also be the cause, because of which there is swelling of the cheek. For example, periodontitis( a complication of caries) causes swelling of not only gums, but also cheeks and lips. In this case, all the sick teeth should be cured.
  • After tooth extraction. Children often swollen their cheeks after surgery, especially on the 3rd day and sometimes accompanied by bruises. A slight bleeding in the first 2 hours and pink saliva for several days after the procedure is also the norm.

In the case of physiological puffiness after tooth extraction, a child, like an adult, needs to apply ice to the cheek, and to give an anesthetic a medicine prescribed by the doctor. However, if the child's bleeding lasts more than 12 hours, and the pain intensifies, the temperature rises, the jaw and swelling grow numb, then you can not do anything yourself, you need to see a doctor immediately.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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