With excessive ligament strain, colds and infectious diseases, unpleasant, often painful sensations in the throat can occur. If such symptoms occur, immediate treatment should be conducted, in which the tincture of the calendula for gargling will play the role of complementary therapy.
This remedy effectively relieves pain and promotes a speedy recovery. Today you will learn how to prepare and use a rinse solution, and also in what cases its use is unacceptable.
Rinsing solution
The use of calendula in folk medicine is rooted in the distant past. Our ancestors made from this plant healing ointments, infusions and decoctions. Today, alcoholic tincture based on calendula, which is used in the treatment of diseases of the throat and oral cavity, has become widespread. This drug has healing properties, due to which it is prescribed for complex treatment with antibiotics.
The rinse solution is very easy to prepare. To do this, in a glass, connect 200 ml of boiled water and 15 ml of pharmacy tincture. The resulting product rinses the oral cavity 5 times a day. Procedures should be performed daily for one week, until complete recovery.
How to rinse?
It would seem that it can be difficult to rinse? But many underestimate the importance of this procedure and often conduct it incorrectly. But it is precisely observance of all the subtleties that will allow you to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the throat and accelerate the process of recovery in a short time. Therefore, when treating colds, you need to know how to gargle with a tincture of calendula.
Important! The main factor is the water temperature, which should be as comfortable as possible for the oral cavity. Too cold solution will promote the development of the disease, and hot - will increase discomfort, irritating the mucous membrane.
To prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, cleanse the tonsils from viruses and effectively wash the throat, the procedure should be carried out as follows:
- throw back the head;
- the root of the tongue is lowered down;
- hold liquid in the larynx for 30 seconds, while saying "U".
Tip! For maximum benefit, you should alternate the rinses with the washing of the sinuses of the nose, since only active local therapy will provide the desired result.
When using tincture of calendula for gargling, you completely prevent further inflammation and quickly recover.
How does the rinse aid
Rinse the tincture of calendula is used as an additional measure for angina, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis and stomatitis. The procedure is often used not only for medical purposes, but also for the prevention of various kinds of infectious diseases.tincture. The warm solution helps to wash the pharynx and tonsils, having a positive effect on the sore throat. A spirituous infusion exhibits the following properties:
- disinfectant;
- expectorant;
- is an analgesic;
- wound healing;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- is a bactericide.
Often tincture of marigold for mouthwash is absolutely safe. But nevertheless, as well as any preparation created on a plant basis, has a number of contraindications:
- individual intolerance of the components of the agent;
- allergic diseases, in particular bronchial asthma and urticaria;
- bradycardia;
- hypotension.
Important! Before using this remedy, consult your doctor, especially if there are doubts about the risk of adverse reactions.
It is necessary to single out the period of pregnancy as a separate item, since it is at this time that the female organism is the most vulnerable. A cold can harm not only the future mother, but also the child. As soon as there were feelings of perspiration in the throat, headache, general weakness and redness of the tonsils, it is first of all necessary to seek qualified medical help.
The doctor will conduct a survey and only after it will be able to answer if you can rinse with the addition of a tincture of calendula. In fact, there are no strict contraindications regarding the use of this drug during pregnancy. The only exception is the allergy to the components of the remedy. And if this is the case, then other folk recipes should be used.
Absolutely all people are vulnerable, and even seasoned athletes sometimes get sick. Therefore, it is very important to pay great attention to your health and begin treatment with the first symptoms. This will allow you to protect yourself from the sad and painful "travel" to medical institutions, and, possibly, from hospitalization.