From the information in the article you can find out whether the weight and speed of metabolism are related to a person, as well as ways to accelerate the metabolism for weight loss.
- Metabolism and its speed
- VIDEO: Metabolism. Accelerate metabolism, lose weight
- How to speed up the metabolism to lose weight faster?
- How to speed up the metabolism after 40, 45?
- How to speed up the metabolism after 50?
- How to accelerate the metabolism for losing weight folk remedies?
- How to accelerate metabolism: with
- preparations Vitamins for metabolism
- How to accelerate metabolism by sports?
- VIDEO: Burn fat and accelerate metabolism: Exercise
- Fast metabolism diet: how to speed up the metabolism?
- How fast can metabolism be accelerated?
- How to speed up the metabolism in the body: reviews
- VIDEO: How to speed up the metabolism?
Many believe that the speed of metabolism can be the reason for the accumulation of excess weight in the body - the slower the metabolism, the slower the organism burns calories, therefore, their residue accumulates in the body in the form of fatty complications.
Metabolism and its speed
Consider what is metabolism, and why it is believed that accelerated metabolism is important for weight loss.
Metabolism ( with Greek means transformation, change), or metabolism, are those chemical reactions that occur in the body to sustain life. And this - the growth of the organism, its reproduction, preservation of its structures and response to the impact of the environment.
The human body lives by the nutrients it receives with food. Some of the elements obtained are built into the body on their own, and some, for example, animal proteins, need to undergo several transformation processes, so that the nutrients obtained turn into those that are peculiar to the body. To start the processes associated with the transformation of the obtained substances into new ones, peculiar to the organism, and the metabolism is needed.
- The metabolism itself consists of two processes - anabolism and catabolism.
Anabolism is the process of destruction, splitting of substances received by the body into simpler substances. - So, the protein breaks down into amino acids, which are then reconstructed in the desired form. In the process of anabolism, the energy that the body uses to build new cells
- is released. Another process is catabolism, or creation, when new cells are created from simple cells. Catabolism occurs on the basis of the energy released in the anabolism of
- . If this energy is excess, it is stored in reserve as fat
- When proteins are exchanged, the proteins entering the body are synthesized in it into a new protein, and protein compounds in fat are not delayed.
- Carbohydrates - the main source of energy for the body - can be converted to fatty compounds when they get into the body excessively. This is especially true of simple carbohydrates( sugar, white flour and products made from it, carbonated sweet drinks) that, when ingested, turn into glucose, increasing its content in the blood.
- Excessive ingestion of fat in the body, during its processing in the body turns itin glycerin. Glycerin in combination with fatty acids, promotes fatty tissue growth, leads to obesity and obesity of internal organs.
- . Water and mineral salts exchange is also important. Water is the most important component of the bodychemical reactions. With a lack of water in the body, serious problems may arise with its functioning and, consequently, with health
- Minerals - potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc, etc. - are involved in a variety of processes occurring in the body. For example, in the process of maintaining bone tissue, the flow of impulses in nerve cells and muscles and many other
IMPORTANT: Along with minerals, vitamins
play an important role in metabolic processesVitamins contained in raw fruits and vegetables, in properly prepared foods, can be built into the body directly, benefiting it, so all doctors and nutritionists so strongly recommend eating raw fruits and vegetables, especially in the season. Between the slenderness and the speed of metabolism there is a relationship.
Levels of metabolism:
- basic
- accelerated
- slow
Basic metabolism means the energy required by our body to perform all of its basic vital functions and the work of organs at rest.
- The amount of energy is expressed in all known calories. The basal metabolic rate is calculated individually according to the formula that is posted on the Internet on many
- sites. It is important to take into account such parameters as gender, weight, age, height. The indicators are multiplied by the activity coefficient of the organism. The result will show the amount of calories that the body needs to maintain its normal functioning.
- This will mean that even with diets that prescribe less calorie intake, you can not consume less than the basic level, otherwise there may be malfunctions in the systems and functions that may resultto diseases
- Unfortunately, this formula does not allow to take into account already existing individual metabolic disorders of the body.
Accelerated metabolism means that the calories received are faster spent by the body, not being able to turn into fat - . Slow metabolism means the opposite, i.e., the body does not have time to waste the received energy, putting it "in reserve" in the form of fat deposits
.calculation of basal metabolic rate:
- Sex. For example, the indicator of the basal metabolism takes into account the fact that men naturally need more energy because there are more muscles in their body that need additional energy, even if the muscles are at rest. Women, on the contrary, need fewer calories, because they naturally have a large fatty tissue, and it is supported by less energy
- Age. With age, the rate of metabolic processes naturally decreases. The older a person is, the fewer calories he needs to maintain a basic metabolic rate. The process of slowing metabolism begins somewhere at the age of 27 years. Therefore, nutritionists prescribe a reduction in the calorie content of food by 100 for every 10 years after the age of 30 years of a person
- Nutrition. Overeating and fasting are equally harmful to the body, since they lead to a metabolic disorder
VIDEO: Metabolism. Accelerate metabolism, lose weight
How to speed up the metabolism to lose weight faster?
After evaluating all the above, imagine what you need to do in order to speed up the metabolism and not gain weight.
- First of all, you need to figure out whether there are individual violations of metabolic processes. For this purpose it is necessary to visit the doctor-endocrinologist
- For healthy acceleration of a metabolism it is necessary to increase physical activity and physical activity. This does not mean literally dragging buckets of sand or raising the bar, but means walking, walking, charging in the mornings, etc. If you are used to doing this all your life, you do not need to bother about speeding up your metabolism.
- You also need a full sleep of at least 7- 8 ocloc'k. By the way, sleep disturbances lead to a slowing of the metabolic processes
- Drink enough simple plain water. Especially in the hot season, when additional fluid is required for dilution of blood in order to prevent its thickening due to additional loss of moisture with sweat and so on.
- Lead the habit of taking a contrast shower. Begin to do it in the summer and gradually
- Walking is important and in order to better saturate the body with oxygen, and in the warm season - get a much needed dose of vitamin D, which the body does not produce, but accumulates due to sun exposure.
- Tune to life optimistically, smile moreand rejoice. Emotions of joy are also very important for the normal functioning of the body
- And, most importantly, eat right. Prepare the house for food steamed, cooking and baking. Give up unhealthy and harmful food, from which there is no benefit to the body
How to accelerate the metabolism after 40, 45?
Age 40 - 45 years means not only the slowing down of metabolism associated with age, but also the reduction of the hormonal background, because the activity of hormones also activates the processes in the body.
Therefore, in order not to gain weight, after 40 - 45 years should follow simple, but very important rules:
- Fractional frequent meals in small portions
- Food based on vegetables, fruits, low-fat food with reduced carbohydrate content
- Full sleep
- Physical loads and charging
- Light supper( kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, several berries or fruit) instead of the usual after work "everything that is at home"
- Positive emotions from communication, success of their children or their success at work, from tripsCorollary, walks, contemplation of nature
How to speed up metabolism after 50?
If the problem of getting rid of excess weight and fat deposits is relevant at any age, after 50 years, it is topical.
IMPORTANT: After 50 years, the body undergoes menopausal restructuring, the production of many hormones decreases to a minimum, begin to worry about health problems accumulated since youth, increases the risk of cardiovascular and other serious diseases
- Therefore, to accelerate the metabolism at the age of after 50 need the same methods,which are always relevant - proper nutrition, active lifestyle, including motor, massage, according to the indications. The only difference here is the performance of physical exercises
- Active training should be replaced by calm energy exercises, morning exercises and walking tours so as not to overload the heart and lungs, and also take care of your blood vessels and bone tissue
- Hiking is recommended in the morning or beforesleep, but not at noon in hot weather. With caution, it is worth approaching the work in the garden and in the garden, again to protect the vessels and heart
- . In general, a normal sleep, positive emotions will add to their weight loss business.
How to accelerate the metabolism for losing weight folk remedies?
Folk remedies that have proven effective for many years can also contribute to the acceleration of metabolism and weight loss at any age.
The folk remedies include the use of certain dishes that have traditionally been prepared by steaming, insisting on certain products, visiting a bath, taking medicinal herbs and so on.
- Unloading day. So, in order to lose weight, you can make it a rule to arrange once a week a fasting day or a day on porridges. For example, one week you can eat buckwheat porridge, another - oatmeal, the third - rice
- Kashi at the same steamed, do not refill with oil, salt to a minimum. For a change, you can eat apples, oranges, drink tea with lemon or ginger, drink kefir. The body will feel light and will adjust to weight loss over time
- Bath. In a steam bath, and even with a broom, the metabolic processes are accelerated more than ever. A warning to visit the bath can be a variety of diseases, so the issue of steam rooms should be solved individually
- Medicinal plants and herbs. It will help the burning of fat tissue regular use of the following collection: peppermint, parsley, dandelion roots, buckthorn bark, fennel fruits mixed in equal quantities, boiled for half an hour.
- . The drink should be collected on an empty stomach on a glass. We take tea from the turn according to the prescription on the pharmacyand take a tablespoon 3 times a day to improve the metabolism of
- . Also, prepare tea from chamomile and add to it lemon juice, honey and apple cider vinegar. Drink like tea or when you want to drink
Increase the consumption of white cabbage in any form
How to accelerate metabolism:
preparations Among the drugs that accelerate metabolism are:
- preparations containing caffeine and amphetamine
- L-thyroxine, stimulating the thyroid gland
- special steroid anabolics known among bodybuilders andpeople trying to gain muscle mass
- some hormones
IMPORTANT: All these preparations, like any artificial intervention in the body, should be taken very carefully, and even not taken at all without the need. In addition to the metabolic effect, they have a lot of contraindications to
However, there are also preparations of natural origin, which are also capable of accelerating metabolism.
These are:
- Chinese magnolia vine
- Rhodiola rosea
- Echinacea purpurea
- Eleutherococcus
- Ginseng
Vitamins for metabolism
- In addition, to accelerate the metabolism, you can take vitamin complexes. It is desirable that the combination of a complex of all vitamins and basic minerals necessary for a person, namely, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium,
- , is combined in the preparations. Specially selected complexes will help fill the body with vitamins and mineral salts, cleanse it of accumulated slags, increase metabolism activity, strengthen the organs, improve their blood supply
- There are also vitamin complexes aimed at restoring the body after illness and severe overload
How to accelerate the metabolism of sports?
Accelerating metabolism in sports and exercise is the best and most effective way to do this.
If you are not used to sports and active leisure, it's never too late to do it. You can start, as already mentioned, with walks in the accelerating pace, charging in the morning, directed physical exercises and fitness. Sport and physical education contribute to the activation of all organs and functions of the body and keeping it in shape, including, are the main factor in the process of losing weight.
VIDEO: Burn fat and accelerate metabolism: Exercise
Fast metabolism diet: how to speed up the metabolism?
To speed up metabolism with a diet, in addition to the already known recommendations for healthy nutrition, it is worth adding the following products to your diet:
- fruits, especially apples and citrus fruits, and seasonal fruits and berries
- nuts, especially walnuts and almonds
- ginger
- green tea
- white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli
- spinach and parsley
- legumes, especially beans
- lean poultry meat
- low-fat lactic acidproducts
- natural coffee
How fast can metabolism be accelerated?
Do not put yourself a time frame to accelerate the metabolism of your body. Let everything happen gradually and reliably, without stress for the body. To speed up the metabolism quickly is equivalent to how to learn a foreign language in two weeks.
How to accelerate the metabolism in the body: reviews
All the existing feedback on the acceleration of metabolism for weight loss, basically, boil down to the rules that were described above. The reviews prove the correctness of the approach of a planned and irrevocable transition to a healthy lifestyle that will lead to an improvement in the quality of life itself.