How do I know if my wife is cheating?

. No matter how much women are told about the male polygamy that drives them crazy, no matter how much they blame the gender of a man in all mortal sins, no matter how much they say that only men are infidel - this is all untrue.

Women are also prone to betrayal, albeit not as much as men, but still - inclined.

Therefore, any husband, in order not to wear long branched horns, you need to figure out how to find out if the wife of is changing.

If you suspect the suspicion that your little wife is courting to the left, thanks to some signs you can always confirm your guesses or dispel your doubts.

It's better to know immediately if the wife changes, than to wear the antlers

From the people of the older generation you can often hear: "Oh, how wonderful life was in the USSR.

What high moral people lived in this wonderful country: no maniacs, no family violence, no adultery.

And in general - there was no sex. "

This is all, of course, funny, because I very much doubt that the USSR was inhabited exclusively by saints, not by people.

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In any historical era, you can find both wives and husbands who change.

Moreover, the historical era does not have much influence on adultery / infidelity.

Just have a wife, prone to betrayal, but there are those who are squeamish about jumping on benches of lovers, preferring a man to bed.

The history of female infidelity, which I will tell you, happened in the USSR.

Some Ivan Ivanovich worked as a turner at the plant, and his wife Galina Sergeevna - secretary here.

And so Galina Sergeevna could not resist before the charm of the new head of staff, and they spun a stormy romance.

Neither the unfaithful wife nor 18 years of a happy marriage with Ivan Ivanovich, nor two children, nor the public's disapproval have stopped the unfaithful wife.

At that time, no one wrote an article, "How to find out if the wife is changing," so Ivan Ivanovich remained in ignorance for a long time, brushing off allusions.

The truth was revealed only at the meeting that the party organizer initiated to save the Petrenko family of Communists. Ivan Ivanovich sat like a fool at this meeting, listening to accusations of infidelity against his wife.

The story ended with the divorce of Ivan Ivanovich and Galina Sergeevna and her wedding with the head of the staff.

And would understand a brave turner, how to find out if the wife is changing, would have the opportunity to deal with it quietly, without waiting for a general meeting.

If the wife has given too much time to her appearance, then for sure she changes you

. Most women are less lazy creatures than men, therefore they follow their appearance even after receiving the coveted stamp in the passport.

And yet, when a woman has a lover, the husband can find out about it, because the wife:

  1. Began to spend too much time in front of the mirror.
  2. Updated the wardrobe.
  3. I entered the gym to lose weight.
  4. Started using seductive spirits.
  5. I often went to the beauty salon, although I did not abuse it before.
  6. After a day, shaves his legs( although earlier in the winter he had become hairy) and even - about a miracle - makes epilation of a bikini.
  7. Takes a shower in the morning and in the evening, and, not at night, as before, but immediately after she returned home.

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The fact is that most women know: men like eyes and to win a man, you must always look great.

If for no reason your wife is obsessed with her own appearance, then she either wants to return your location, or is incorrect.

Try to find out exactly if the wife is changing.

A wife who changes, carefully protects her personal space

Finding out if a wife is changing is not so difficult, many husbands simply ignore obvious signs because of inattention.

For example, an unfaithful wife, for fear of exposure, begins to carefully guard her personal space:

  1. Everywhere carries a mobile phone with you so that you can not view the history of her calls or read the SMS.
  2. Exits from their accounts in social networks, on Skype, changed the email password.

    Previously, all this was in the public domain for you.

  3. Her purse and purse suddenly turned into "personal things", although not so long ago you were told: "Dear, find in my bag chewing gum" or "Do you want to exchange money? I have small ones in my wallet - take it myself. "
  4. Lockers with her underwear and clothes also went into the category of "personal space", moreover - the wife acquired the habit of dressing and undressing behind closed bedroom doors.

    There will not be a wife who does not change, hide her body from her own husband.

  5. Since now, in the opinion of the unfaithful wife, her body belongs to a lover, not her husband, she tries to avoid conjugal sex with all her might, referring to headache, fatigue, nervous state due to work, etc.

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And find out that the wife is changing, you can by noticing her stealth and unwillingness to let you into her life.

Suppose you used to tell each other at dinner that you did during the day, discussed the work, and now your spouse is limited to the phrase "Everything is good."

Increased employment at work and an abundance of gifts indicate that the wife is changing the

Lover takes time and not every hacker will arrange a quick bastard during lunch break.

If a lover feels any feelings for someone else's wife, he will call for her to have dinner with him, spend the weekend together, sometimes stay overnight.

The wife, in order to satisfy the demands of her lover, will have to lie that:

  • has a lot of work on her and she has to stay late in the office;
  • superiors are very insolent and drives her alone on business trips;
  • dream of her whole life was to learn knitting and now she will go to courses three times a week;
  • her friends have time and again personal crises, and she has to stay with them for the night to console, etc.

In short, a wife who changes, starts spending too little time at home, gradually losing interest in family cares, joint plans and even - their own children.

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Husbands should also try to find out if the wife does not change if she has a lot of new things, and quite expensive, which she can not buy herself: jewelry, perfume, underwear, outerwear, designer accessories, etc.

To the question "Where?" Wrong wives usually reply:

  • "Colleagues gave."
  • "Marina gave it to her - this plaschik was small."
  • "There was such a cool sale - leather Italian bags with a discount of 95%".
  • "I found this bracelet on the street by chance".

On what other signs can you find out what the wife is changing?

If you want to be sure, if your wife is changing, then here are some more obvious signs of adultery:

  1. Currents of criticism towards her husband.

    If a woman meets a man who suits her more than her current partner in all respects, she simply can not withhold criticism:

    "Little do not earn money", "Do not watch yourself", "Bad lover", "Boring", "Intellectually undeveloped"," Loser "," Poor master ", etc.

    Learn thanks to the rush of criticism, whether the wife changes - easily.

  2. Indifference to the husband.

    Earlier, she was angry if you after work went out with friends to have a beer or planned a hike for fishing for the whole weekend, and now vice versa: rejoices at the chance to spoil you somewhere.

  3. The state of happiness.

    Most women who acquire a lover are in a state of bliss, so they cease to swear at trifles with their husbands, do not notice the tossed or tossed door handle - they do not want to make a fuss.

A few signs that can be used to determine if a wife,

, changes the video:

Find out for sure that your wife can change you, either by forcing her to honestly confess everything, or personally to be convinced of her infidelity by catching her at the hot one.

But the hardest thing is not the how to find out if the wife of changes, but to realize the very fact of adultery and decide what to do with the family boat that you damaged with your horns.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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