Masks for the face at home for oily skin

  • 1 Masks for oily facial skin at home recipes
    • 1.1 Face masks at home for oily skin and enlarged pores
    • 1.2 Acne recipes
    • 1.3 Moisturizing masks at home for the face for oily skin
    • 1.4 Wrinkle remedies

Before the owners of oily skin, there are a lot of problems: how to get rid of shiny skin, acne, blackheads and black spots, etc. But, all you need is to make the sebaceous glands work in the right mode. Help to solve all the usual cosmetic procedures - face masks, designed specifically for oily dermis. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the popular recipes that every modern woman can make herself in comfortable home conditions, without resorting to expensive salons and with minimal material costs.

Masks for oily facial skin at home prescriptions

Some of the recipes listed below were used to care for the fatty type of the dermis of the face at home by our grandmothers( folk), others were borrowed from oriental beauties, others - modern elaborations of leading cosmetologists who receivedexcellent user feedback. But here it is important to choose your own version, which is the most suitable for solving each specific problem. Meet, study, try, and you can easily and permanently maintain your natural beauty and youth, greatly improving the condition of your dermis.

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Face masks at home for oily skin and extended pores.

. The peculiarity of any facial mask, namely for oily skin, is to normalize the process of the sebaceous glands, which produce too much fatty discharge. This provokes clogging of pores, inflammation, etc. As a result - the appearance of black spots, acne and acne. To narrow the pores, it is necessary to perform the steaming procedure. At home, this problem can be solved in several ways:

  • over steam;
  • with a hot towel( frequent or compress);
  • make a hot mask at home for the face;
  • take advantage of purchased products with the effect of sauna / bath.

Expert Advice: for maximum effect, it is recommended to use auxiliary components at home that are used as decoctions or mixtures for a more dense makeup of the mask. Excellent cope with this task: peppermint, tea tree leaves( can be replaced with ordinary green tea), honey, chamomile, St. John's wort. Components can be combined in a single composition or used alternately. It is recommended to do such procedures once a week. These recipes are perfect for owners of porous or combination skin.

The simplest recipe: 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon lemon juice mix well and apply for 25-20 minutes on cleansed skin. Wash off warm and apply the cream that suits you.

Favorite Hollywood recipe: 1 t.l. yeast, 3 tbsp combined juice - lemon, cranberry, pomegranate. Nanensite mass for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Acne Recipes

We offer to study some recipes for masks for oily skin from acne in the home that can be used for seasonal care:

1. Composition: 2 tbsp.spoons of crushed strawberry berries, tar soap( 1 tablespoon), boiling water( 50ml).Nastayat until the complete dissolution of soap. Soap and boiling water can be replaced with kefir.

2. Composition: persimmon( whole fruit), 1 table.a spoonful of flakes of oatmeal, 1 tsp.olive oil. The basic composition can be supplemented with honey.

3. Composition: 1 tsp.honey, water 100 ml, calendula( alcohol solution 1 tablespoon).Lotion wipe the skin after each washing. You can store it in a cool place without access to direct sun rays. It is recommended to prepare the lotion for one to two weeks, then repeat the process.

These masque recipes that are easy to apply at home are great for both teenagers and for more adult problem-type dermis owners. A very effective and useful method is the use of cosmetic clay. It is enough to follow the recommendations of specialists and the effect will not be long in coming.

Moisturizing masks at home for the face for oily skin

For the moisturizing of a greasy shiny derma, oatmeal-watermelon mask perfectly resembles. It will take only two sounded components in approximately equal proportions.

In the absence of watermelon, juice from the zucchini can be used. But this recipe is most in demand in the summer. For humidification in winter, you can use other recipes at home: tomato, honey, sour cream, cucumber, protein or curd masks. All these components can be used in a single form. They perfectly nourish, tone, clean and moisturize the fatty dermis of the face.

That I advise the grandmother: 2 tbsp of a yolk to mix with a spoon of honey and to put or render on 20 minutes. Rinse with clean water and allow the derma to breathe, without applying any creams and lotions.

Recipes from wrinkles

Recipe for wrinkle mask for oily skin at home, helps women to cleanse the dermis and, in passing, to fight with age manifestations, but it is recommended to use it for girls of 25 years old:

  • mask for oily face skin yeast - to awaken live yeast20 g) in warm milk( 50 ml), add to the mixture pumpkin juice( 20 ml) and two whipped egg whites;
  • 2 tbsp.l.pulp of pumpkin, 1 tbsp.starch( potato or corn can be used);
  • tomato, grapes, apple and cranberries - all components in approximately equal parts chop into a blender. This mask acts in two directions - nourishing and whitening.

A simple and good way that is available at home - milk and rye bread. Such a simple composition helps quickly get rid of wrinkles, works on the principle of the lifting effect.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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