- 1 No sex - can a person live without sex
- 1.1 Can a man live without sex
- 1.2 Is it harmful for a woman without sex to live
- 1.3 How to live without sex in marriage - the reasons for the lack of sex
- 2 How to live without sex with husband
- 3 Lifewithout sex consequences
From the point of view of physiology, lack of sex, that is, reasonable sexual abstinence has never harmed anyone and never. People with mild sexual desire can live without sex for many years, and at this feast sexual abstinence will not harm their health.
And here in men and women with a strong sexual desire, abstinence leads to a decrease in efficiency, the suppression of the mental state. In addition, if we are talking about people who are married, they have a significant change in their relationship to each other.
Spouses are becoming more aggressive, unrestrained in relation to their second half.
No sex - can a person live without sex
Every person, if desired, can reasonably manage their sexual behavior without health consequences.
But how to live without a rich intimate life, how not to hurt your health? How to build a life in a marriage in such a way that the lack of regular intimacy did not lead to unfortunate consequences and did not cause harm to health?
There is no universal tool that could solve this problem overnight. First of all, it is necessary to look for the reasons, for this the wife and husband should try to speak honestly and openly with each other, together solve problems that lead to sexual abstinence.
If you can not figure out the situation yourself, a sexologist can provide qualified help to a married couple.
Can a man live without sex
Modern society daily demonstrates to the world how important in a person's life is full-fledged sexual relations, and how harmful their absence affects the health of people.
It is believed that men are much more interested in sex than women, and therefore they abstain abstinence much more painfully. How long can a man live without sex?
Indeed, by their nature representatives of the strong half of humanity are more sexual, more active and sexually excitable. Therefore, it can be difficult for them to adapt to the situation and learn to live for some time without sex.
However, the realities of everyday life have taught men to go out of this situation differently. Someone with a head goes into work, someone finds an interesting hobby( diving, billiards, mountaineering).
Thus, in a modern, a little loose, sexually assured world, a man can survive without an intimate life 2-3 months., If you do not take into account the possible pregnancy of a girl, wife.
Then everything will be veiled from the harmony of relations in the family, from the degree of trust between the spouses. Under the understanding of the whole situation, with a conscious attitude toward her, a man is quite able to live without sex the entire period of pregnancy and some time after childbirth.
Is it harmful for a woman without sex to live
? A woman tolerates sexual abstinence much more calmly. She can discuss her intimate problems with girlfriends and get advice from them how to pass the time without sexual pleasures.
Sometimes in a woman's life there can be complex psychological situations, for example, she goes through rape, and then some of them choose for themselves abstinence, that is, voluntary abandonment of sexual life for a certain, fairly long period of time.
How much a woman can do without sex depends on the circumstances that caused abstinence. This can be a week, a month or even a year.
How to live without sex in marriage - the reasons for the lack of sex
When a man and a woman live in a marriage, from time to time they may experience situations that require short-term or long-term abstinence. The reasons for the lack of sex in a couple can be different.
For example, critical days for a woman. With this situation, couples, as a rule, manage quite easily. Sometimes the intimate life stops for religious reasons, for example during fasting. If both spouses approach this decision consciously, then the sexual post is easily transferred by them.
Breaks in regular proximity causes pregnancy, of course. If a couple expecting a child to visit a gynecologist's doctor, he will explain that, in the absence of contraindications, the ban on intimate life is valid from 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy and two months prior to the expected delivery.
If both spouses fully understand the importance of motherhood and paternity, the process of abstinence will not have a negative impact on their family life
How to live without sex with the husband
Unfortunately there are periods in the family life when the sex life ceases to bring pleasure. This period, if the changes, of course, are not related to the age of partners or the illness of one of them, you just need to survive.
We need to find something in common that will help support each other. These can be cares at the cottage, there may be repairs in the apartment or house, there may be hobbies for tourism, or more active participation in the lives of children.
It will help you survive the difficult period and sublimate sexual energy with yoga.
Life without sex consequences
It is absolutely not important whether a person is married, or has a status of free, for him are very important full sexual relations, the implementation of sexual needs.
If you seek an answer to the question of what leads to a life without sex, then an unambiguous answer can not be found. For example, in men, total abstinence from intima to 30-35 years can not only weaken his sexual ability, but afterwards, after reaching a man of 45 years of age, lead to impotence.
If you talk about a woman, then at the age of 25 to 35 years, sexual life is simply necessary, because during intimate relationships, she gets from the partner a certain number of male sex hormones that the female body can not produce in sufficient quantity for him.
And remember: the presence of sexual life makes people not only cheerful and mentally calm but also allows you to keep your youth.