Knitting patterns and patterns - description

  • 1 Simple patterns from the front and back stitches with pictures
    • 1.1 Stocking
    • 1.2 Cloth mating from thick yarn with detailed description
    • 1.3 Rice for muffs
    • 1.4 Punching technique
    • 1.5 Purse strips
      • 1.5.1 1 row: all hinges are front;
    • 1.6 Strokes
    • 1.7 Simple № 1
    • 1.8 Simple № 2
    • 1.9 Narrow colored rhombuses
  • 2 Rubber
    • 2.1 Simple gum 1 × 1
    • 2.2 Simple gum 3 × 2
    • 2.3 British gum for scarves
    • 2.4 convex gum 2 x 2
    • 2.5 French gum for original scarves
    • 2.6 Bandolier
    • 2.7 Bubble gum
    • 2.8 Scottish gum
  • 3 relief pattern
    • 3.1 Patent bowling
    • 3.2 Honeycomb
    • 3.3 Shells
    • 3.4 inclined band for LICs clamp
    • 3.5 embossed pattern Leaves №1
    • 3.6 Tartlet
    • 3.7 Wave
  • 4 Fabric patterns
    • 4.1 Pattern №1
    • 4.2 Fabric pattern of elongated loops
    • 4.3 fine knit pattern number 2
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4 Fine pattern pattern No. 2
    • 4.5 Fine honeycomb
    • 4.6 Fine pattern pattern No. 3
    • 4.7 Fine pattern pattern No. 4
  • 5 Pattern for knitting by crocheted patterns, diamonds, braid, braid
    • 5.1 Cage from extended hinges
    • 5.2 Beetles
    • 5.3 Rhombuses and stripes
    • 5.4 Simple lozenges № 1
    • 5.5 plaiting № 1
    • 5.6 plaiting № 2
    • 5.7 cell № 1
    • 5.8 Rhombuses № 2
    • 5.9 Braids for mittens № 3
    • 5.10 plaiting №4
    • 5.11 Braid № 5
  • 6 Interesting openwork patterns for women and girls
    • 6.1 Marine foam for female products
    • 6.2 Leaflets
    • 6.3 Bells with holes
    • 6.4 Grid with caramel
    • 6.5 Summer ideas - Bulgarian cross
    • 6.6 Openworkknitted pattern with knitting needles № 4
    • 6.7 Handkerchief for summer dress
  • 7 The most beautiful braids, different harnesses, Irish embossed aranas
    • 7.1 Lock
    • 7.2 Eight for children's hats
    • 7.3 Braid №1
    • 7.4 Braid №2
    • 7.5 Braid №3
    • 7.6 Greater knitted harness №1
    • 7.7 Colossus
    • 7.8 Figured harness
    • 7.9 Harness No. 2
    • 7.10 Owl for children( pattern with volumetric pattern)
    • 7.11 Spit no. 5
  • 8 Legend of loops and how to execute them for beginners

Every beginning needlewoman wants to knit knitting. Patterns with knitting needles will be easy, if you start with basics, so start mastering needlework from the most simple patterns, after which boldly proceed to more complex and interesting options. We have collected for you many interesting ideas, starting from the most simple.

Simple patterns from front and back stitches with pictures

Simple beautiful sweaters, mittens, blouses, socks, hats, cardigans, tunics pullovers and vests are knitted with these simple patterns, which even lazy needlewomen can cope with. And jacquard patterns in combination with such light can decorate absolutely any thing.


  • 1 row : all hinges are front;
  • 2 series: all the loops are purl.

Garter knitting from thick yarn with detailed description of

Face loop in the front row or purl loop in the purl series.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
  • 1 row: front;
  • 2nd row: front.

All rows are knitted with facial loops. When knitting in a circle, one row is knitted with facial, and the second - with the backs.

Rice( Moss) for jackets

The pattern is two-sided loose and trailing. To execute the sample, an even number of loops are put on the spokes.

  • 1 row: * 1 front, 1 purl *;
  • 2nd row: * 1 purl, 1 front *.

Next, the pattern is repeated from the first row. Thus, the front loop, lying on the spoke, is tied with the wrong one, and the back one with the front one.


For the sample of the pattern, the number of loops multiples of 12, plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edges, is drawn on the spokes.

Loop two loops together with a face loop, picking up the hinges from behind( behind the spoke).The hinges are pre-rotated.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
  • 1 row: * nakid, 2 loops together to bind the front behind the back walls( each loop is pre-rotated), 10 facial *, nakid, 2 loops together to bind the front behind the rear walls;
  • 2 series and all even rows are knitted with purl;
  • 3, 5, 7, 9 rows: all the hinges are front;
  • 11 row: * 6 facial, cap, 2 loops together to bind the front behind the rear walls( loops pre-rotate), 4 facial *, 2 facial.
  • 13, 15, 17, 19 rows: all the hinges are front.

Then the pattern repeats from the first row.

Wrong strips

Face loop in the front row or purl in the back.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl.

1 row
: all hinges are front;

  • 2 series : all loops are purl;
  • 3 series : front;
  • 4 series : purl;
  • 5 series : front;
  • 6 series : purl;
  • 7 series: purl;
  • 8 series: front.

Then the pattern is repeated from the first row.


Front hinge in the front row or inlay loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.

For the pattern sample, the number of loops multiples of 12 plus 6 loops for the symmetry of the pattern plus 2 edge loops is drawn on the spokes.

  • 1, 3, 7 and 9 rows of : all hinges are front;
  • 2 and all even rows: is knitted according to the drawing, ie, the loops are knit such as they lie on the spoke;
  • 5 series : * 6 purl, 6 facial *, 6 purl;
  • 11 series : * 6 front, 6 purl *, 6 facial.
  • 13 series knit as 1 row and so on.

Simple No. 1

A face loop in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or the front hinge in the wrong side.

For the pattern sample, the number of loops multiples of 5 plus 2 edge loops is drawn on the spokes.

  • 1 row: * 4 front, 1 purl *;
  • 2 row and all the reverse rows of are knitted with backing loops;
  • 3rd row: * 1 purl, 4 facial *;
  • 5 series: * 1 front, 1 purl, 3 facial *;
  • 7 series: * 2 front, 1 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 9 row: * 3 facial, 1 purl, 1 facial *.

Then the pattern is repeated from the first row.

Simple No. 2

A face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the back row.

The dense pattern of fine mating, elastic, weakly stretches both along and across. It resembles fabric in texture, so it could also be attributed to tissue patterns. For the sample, an even number of loops are put on the spokes.

  • 1 row : * 1 front, 1 purl *;
  • 2 series and all even rows: all loops are purl;
  • 3rd row: * 1 purl, 1 front *;

Then the pattern repeats from the first row.

Narrow colored rhombuses

A face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.

This simple pattern is connected with the front and back loops. The pattern is a two-sided , looks the same from the front and the underside. For the pattern sample, the number of loops multiples of 8, plus two edge loops, is obtained.

  • 1 row: * 4 purl, 4 facial *;
  • 2 series: * 3 purl, 4 facial, 1 purl *;
  • 3 series: * 2 facial, 4 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 4 series: * 1 purl, 4 facial, 3 purl *;
  • 5 series: * 4 front, 4 purl *;
  • 6 series: * 4 purl, 4 facial *;
  • 7 series: * 1 front, 4 purl, 3 facial *;
  • 8 series: * 2 purl, 4 facial, 2 purl *;
  • 9 series: * 3 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *;
  • 10 series: * 4 front, 4 purl *.

The pattern is repeated from the first row.


There is a huge amount of rubber bands, which were invented by the best masters.

Simple rubber band 1 × 1

Front hinge in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the wrong side.

An even number of loops are collected for the sample. The elastic band is knitted with the first( primary) method. The first row is knitted alternating between the front and back loops, then the knitting is turned over and the loops are tied the way they are on the spoke - facial obverse, purl edging.

Record of a rubber with a designation of a rapport can be presented in the following form:

  • 1 row: * 1 front, 1 purl *;
  • 2nd row: * 1 purl, 1 front *.

Simple rubber band 3 × 2

Front hinge in the front row or back loop in the purse.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the wrong side.

For the sample, the number of loops multiples of 5, plus 2 edge loops, is drawn on the spokes. The first row is knitted like this: three facial, two purl. Then knitting is turned over and knits are knitted such as they lie on the spoke: facial facial, purl on the back.

  • 1 row: * 3 front, 2 purl *;
  • 2nd row: * 2 front, 3 purl *.

You can come up with your own elastic band, differently alternating the paths of the front and back loops.

English elastic band for scarves

Накид.The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges in front( top).
The hinge is removed from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread behind the spoke( behind).

1 row:
* nakid( before the first loop), 1 loop to remove, 2 loops together to tie the front, picking the hinges from the front *; The pattern is two-sided, it is used for knitting hats, scarves and warm sportswear. English elastic is quite loose and bulky, it stretches well. To knit a pattern pattern on the spokes, a number of loops are divided into three.

  • 2 series and all subsequent rows are knitted as the first, but together they are already tying not two loops, but a pair of hinges.

Convex gum 2 x 2

Convex gum looks good on bulk items. The circular knitting needles can be connected with the original snug-yoke, as in the Missoni collection. Seamless scarves are now particularly popular.

Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges in front( top).
The hinge is removed from the left to the right knitting needle unintentionally. Working thread behind the spoke( behind).
No loop on the circuit.
  • 1 row: * cape, 1 loop is removed, cape, 1 loop is removed, 2 loops together facing, 2 loops together facing *;
  • 2nd row: * cap, 1 loop is removed, cape, 1 loop is removed, 2 loops together( nakid and loop of the previous row) front, 2 loops together( nakid and loop of the previous row) front *.

French elastic band for original scarves

Face loop in the front row or purl loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.
  • 1 row : * 2 front, 2 purl *;
  • 2 row : * 1 purl, 2 facial, 1 purl *.


Front hinge in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.
The hinge is removed from the left with the un spoke knitting needle. Working thread in front of the needle( in front).
  • 1 row : * 3 facial, 1 loop to remove unbrushed, thread before work *, 3 facial;
  • 2nd row: 1 front, 1 loop off unrolled, thread before work, 1 facial, * 2 facial, 1 loop off unrolled, thread before work, 1 facial *.

Pearly elastic band

An obverse loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl pattern.
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges in front( behind the front wall).
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
The hinge is removed from the left to the right knitting needle unintentionally. Working thread behind the spoke( behind).
No loop on the circuit.
  • 1 row: * cap, 1 loop to remove( thread at work), 1 front *;
  • 2 row : * 1 purl loop, 1 loop with a cape to tie the front *.

Scottish elastic band

Face loop in the front row or purl loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or a front loop in the wrong side.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Overlapped loop. The end of the left knitting needle is grasped by a loop( or nakid) and extends into it two next loops.
No loop on the circuit.
  • 1 row : * 2 front, 1 purl *;
  • 2 row : * 1 facial, cape, 2 facial, napid throw over the two last facial loops *.

Embossed patterns

Patent pins

Face hinge in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl pattern.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
  • 1, 3 and - 5 rows of : * 4 facial, 2 purl *, 4 facial;
  • 2, 4 and 6 rows of : 4 purl * 2 facial, 4 purl *;
  • 7 and 9 rows of : 3 purl * 1 front, 2 purl, 1 facial, 2 purl *, 1 purl;
  • 8 and 10 series : 1 facial, * 2 facial, 1 purl, 2 facial, 1 purl *, 3 facial;
  • 11, 13, 15 rows of : 3 purl, * 4 facial, 2 purl *, 1 purl;
  • 12, 14, 16 rows of : 1 facial, * 2 facial, 4 purl * 3 facial.


Front hinge in the front row or a reverse loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges from the front( top).
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
The hinge is removed from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread behind the spoke( behind).
The hinge is removed from the left to the right knitting needle unintentionally. Working thread in front of the needle( in front).
No loop on the circuit.
  • 1 row: * 1 purl loop, 1 loop front *;
  • 2nd row: * 1 purl, cape, 1 loop is removed *;
  • 3 row : * 1 facial, the cape is removed from the left to the right needle without tying( thread from behind), 1 facial *;
  • 4 row : * 1 purl, pull the top row of the previous row off( thread in front of the spoke), 1 purl *;
  • 5 row : * 2 loops together are tied with front, 1 purl *;
  • 6 row : * cape, remove the loop, 1 purl;
  • 7 row : * 2 eye loops, the cape is removed( thread from behind) *;
  • 8 row : * the cape is removed from itself( thread in front), 2 purl *;
  • 9 row : * 1 purl, 2 loops together tie up the front *;

The repeat of the pattern is repeated from 2 rows of the .


Front hinge in the front row or inlay loop in the purl series.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
Out of five loops to tie five.
  • 1 and 5 rows of : all hinges are front;
  • 2 and 6 rows of : all hinges are front;
  • 3 series: * of 5 loops to form 5, 1 facial *, out of 5 loops to form 5;
  • 4 and 8 series : all loops are purl;
  • 7 series: 3 eye loops, * out of 5 loops to form 5, 1 facial *, 2 eye loops.

Then the pattern repeats from 1 row.

Sloping strips for snapping the yoke

Face loop in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.
2 loop to the right. The right needle is first tied with the 2nd loop, picking it from the front side of the knitting, and without loosing the loops from the knitting needle, the 1st loop is sewn, both loops are removed from the left knitting needle.
2 loop to the left. First, loop the loop with the 2nd loop, picking it from behind( behind the spoke), and without loosing the loops from the knitting needle, the 1st loop is sewn.

For the sample, the number of loops multiples of 6, plus two edge stitches, is taken on the spokes.

  • 1 row : * 1 purl, 2 hinges to cross to the right, 2 hinges to cross to the left, 1 purl *;
  • 2 series : * 1 front, 4 purl, 1 front *;
  • 3 row : 2 hinges cross to the right, 2 hinges cross left, 1 purl, * 1 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right, 2 hinges cross left, 1 purl *, 1 purl;
  • 4 series : 1 front, 1 front, 4 purl, 1 front, 1 front, 4 purl;
  • 5 row : 1 front, 2 hinges cross left, 1 purl, * 1 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right, 2 loops cross left, 1 purl * 1 purl, 1 obverse;
  • 6 row : 1 purl, 1 facial * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *, 1 facial, 3 purl;
  • 7 row : 2 hinges cross left, 1 purl, * 1 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right, 2 hinges cross to the left, 1 purl *, 1 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right;
  • 8 row : 2 purl, 1 facial, * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *, 1 facial, 2 purl;
  • 9 row : 1 front, 1 purl, * 1 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right, 2 hinges cross to the left, 1 purl *, 1 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right, 1 front;
  • 10 series : 3 purl, 1 facial, * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *, 1 facial, 1 purl;
  • 11 row : 1 purl, * 1 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right, 2 hinges cross left, 1 purl *, 1 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right, 2 hinges cross to the left;
  • 12 row : 4 purl, 1 facial, * 1 facial, 4 purl, 1 facial *, 1 facial.

Then continue to knit from the first row.

Embossed Pattern Leaves №1

Face loop in the front row or purl loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the wrong side.
Interception from one face and two purl loops with a slant to the left. The first loop is taken forward on the additional spoke. The 2nd and 3rd loops are knitted with the back, and then the loop with the additional spoke knitting.
Interception from one face and two backing loops with a slope to the right. The 1st and 2nd loops are lifted back onto the additional spoke. The third loop is tied with the front one, and then the 1st and 2nd loops with the additional spoke back.

For the pattern pattern, the number of loops multiples of 6, plus 2 edge loops, is drawn on the spokes.

  • 1 row : * 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl *;
  • 2 row and all even rows are knitted according to pattern;
  • 3 row : * 2 loops are transferred to the auxiliary spoke at work, the 3rd loop is knitted by the front, then 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needles, the 4th loop is forwarded to the additional spoke, the 5th and 6th loops are knittedthen knit the 4th facial *;
  • 5 row : * 1 loop front, 4 purl, 1 front *;
  • 7 row : * The 1st front loop is forwarded to the additional spoke, the 2nd and 3rd loops are knitted with the backs, and then the 1st face, 4th and 5th loops are transferred to the additional spoke back, the 6thknit facial, then 4 and 5 purl.

The pattern is repeated from the first row.


Front hinge in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the wrong side.
Circumference loop. Pull the grasping loop from the interval between the 4th and 5th loops, transfer the gripping loop to the left knitting needle and tie it together with the 1st loop of the front, the remaining loops from the group of circumcised are knitted with facial.
  • 1 row : * 1 front, 2 loops, purlins, 1 front, 2 loops for purlins *;1 facial, 2 loops purl, 1 facial;
  • 2nd row : 1 purl, 2 eye loops, 1 purl, * 2 eye loops, 1 purl, 2 facial, 1 purl *;
  • 3 row : pull out the gripping loop from the interval between the 4th and 5th loops, transfer the gripping loop to the left needle and tie it together with the 1st loop of the front, the remaining loops from the group of cuffed knit by the facial, 2 purl *, againpull out the loop and loop it together with the 1st loop( in a new group of hanging loops);
  • 4 and 6 rows of : 1 purl, 2 facial, 1 purl * 2 facial, 1 purl, 2 facial, 1 purl *,
  • 5 rows: * 1 facial, 2 loops, 1 facial, 2 purlars *;1 facial, 2 loops purl, 1 facial;
  • 7 series: 1 front, 2 purlins, * pull out the gripping loop from the gap between the 7th and 8th loops and tie it together with the 4th loop( similarly as in the 3rd row), 2 purl *, 1 facial.


Waves are very original look on plaid and blankets.

The front loop in the front row or the back loop in the purl pattern.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl series.
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges from the front( top).
Loop two loops together with a face loop, picking up the hinges from behind( behind the spoke).The hinges are pre-rotated.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.

To make a pattern pattern, the number of loops multiples of 11 plus 2 edge loops is accumulated.

  • 1 row: * 2 loops tie together the front for the rear walls, 3 facial, nakid, 1 facial, nakid, 3 facial, 2 loops along the front behind the front walls *;
  • 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13 series: all loops are wrong,
  • 3, 5, 7, 9 row: is knitted in the same way as the 1st row;
  • 12, 14 series: all the hinges are front.

Repeat pattern creates 14 rows, the 15th row is knitted like the first and so on.

Fabric patterns

Pattern No. 1

Face loop in the front row or a back loop in the purl pattern.
From two loops to tie two.

For an example of a pattern, an even number of loops are taken on the spokes.

  • 1 row: * 2 loops form 2 loops as follows: two loops together are knitted with a back loop, then, without removing the 2 loops from the left knitting needle, they are also tied with the front;
  • 2 and 4 series : all loops are purl;
  • 3 row : 1 face loop, * knit from 2 loops - 2, in the same way as in 1 row *, 1 facial.

Next, the pattern is repeated from the first row.

Fabric pattern from elongated loops

Face loop in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
The hinge is removed from the left with the un spoke knitting needle. Working thread behind the spoke( behind).

An even number of loops are collected for the sample.

  • 1 row : all hinges are front;
  • 2 row : * 1 loop front, 1 loop off( thread behind the spoke) *;
  • 3 row : all the hinges are front;
  • 4 row : * 1 remove the loop( thread behind the knitting), one front *.

Next, repeat from the first row.

Fine pattern pattern No. 2

Front hinge in the front row or inlay loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the back row.
  • 1 row : * 1 front, 1 purl *;
  • 2 row and all even rows of : they are knitted according to the pattern, ie the loops are knitted such as they lie on the spoke;
  • 3 row : * 1 purl, 1 facial *.

Then the pattern repeats from the first row. Please note - only odd numbers are indicated on the diagram.

Fine pattern pattern No. 2

Front hinge in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or the front hinge in the wrong side.
Loop with crochet. Make a cape, and then remove the loop unintelligent. The working thread is on the spoke.
Loop with two covers. The loop and the crochet of the previous row are again removed with a new outfit.
Loop with three covers. A loop with two covers is removed with a new outfit.
Attach the four loops together in the wrong way, picking up the hinges from behind.

An even number of loops are made for knitting the sample.

  • 1 row: * 1 purl, 1 front *;
  • 2nd row: * cap, 1 purl, 1 front *;
  • 3rd row: * 1 purl, cap, loop and cassette of the previous row to remove *;
  • 4 row : * cap, a loop with two capers is removed, 1 facial *.
  • 5 row: * 1 purl, 4 loops together( loop with three capes is tied with the "grandmother's" facial( picking up the hinges behind the back)

The pattern is repeated from 2 rows of

Small honeycomb

Face loop in the front row or purlloop in the back row
Loop the two hinges together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges in the front( top)
Nakid With the end of the right knitting needle grip the work thread from the right to the left, towards you. The
Loop from the left to the right knitting needleunintentionally(back)
No loop on the diagram

Knit 1-6 rows and then repeat 3-6 rows

  • 1 row : all the hinges are
  • 2nd row : * 1 face, cape, 1 loop to remove without tying( thread at work);
  • 3 row : * 1 front, remove the cap without threading( thread at work), 1 front
  • 4 row : * cap, 1 loop to remove without tying, loop togetherwith a cape tie a facial *;
  • 5 row: * 2 facial, remove the napkin without tying *;
  • 6th row: * loop with front cap, front, cap, 1 loop to remove without tying *;
  • 7 series: knit as 3rd.

Pattern of fine mating No. 3

Face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the wrong side.

For knitting a sample, the number of loops multiples of 4, plus two edge loops, is drawn on the spokes.

  • 1 row: * 2 front, 2 purl *;
  • 2nd row: * 2 front, 2 purl *;
  • 3 series: * 2 purl, 2 facial;
  • 4 series : * 2 purl, 2 facial.

Fine pattern pattern No. 4

Face loop in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.

1st and 3rd row:
* 1 back loop, 1 front crossed loop *; this pattern is sewn with the front and back loops. But some loops are crossed.

Face crossed hinges knit behind the back wall( "grandmother" way). The original crossed hinges of the in this case are knitted as well as the classic inferior loops, but they catch not the front hinge wall, as usual, but the rear( the needle is introduced from behind in front of the rear wall of the hinge).An even number of loops are taken for the pattern sample.

  • 2nd and 4th row: * 1 reverse crossed loop, 1 front loop;
  • 5 and 7 series: * 1 front crossed loop, 1 purl loop *;
  • 6 and 8 series: * 1 loop front, 1 loop reverse crossed *.

Then the pattern repeats from the first row.

Patterns for knitting with needles - patterns for Tapping, rhombuses, braid

Cage from elongated hinges

Face loop in the front row or purl loops in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
The hinge is removed from the left to the right spoke unintelligent. Working thread behind the spoke( behind).
Remove the loop from the left to the right knitting needle. Working thread in front of the needle( in front).

For the sample, the number of loops, dividing by 3, plus 2 loops for symmetry, plus 2 edges, are drawn per spokes.

  • 1 row : all hinges are front;
  • 2 series : all loops are purl;
  • 3 row : * 2 facial, 1 loop is removed( thread behind the spoke) *, 2 facial;
  • 4 row : 2 facial, * 1 loop is removed( thread in front of the needle), 2 facial *

Then the pattern is repeated from the first row.


A face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.
Interception of four loops with a slope to the left. The first loop is removed forward on the additional spoke, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th loops are sewn with the back, and then the loop from the additional spoke knitting.
Interception of four loops with a slope to the right.1, 2 and 3 of the back loops are removed back onto the additional spoke. Crochet the 4th loop of the front, and then the 1st, 2nd and 3rd loops with the wrong side.

This pattern is formed by means of inclined loops. For the sample, the number of loops multiples of 12 plus two loop edges is drawn on the spokes.

  • 1 row : * 3 facial, 6 purl, 3 facial *;
  • 2 and all even rows of are knitted according to the pattern, i.e., the face loops are tied over the facial loops, the purlins are over the purlins;
  • 3 row : * 2 facial, 3rd loop removed on the extra spoke forward( additional spoke before work), knit 3 loops with the back, and then the loop from the additional spoke knitting, 3 purl loops are removed onto the additional spoke back( additional spoke inwork), the next loop of the front is sewn behind them, and then the loops from the additional spoke back, 2 facial *;
  • 5 row : * 1 loop of the front, the next loop is removed on the extra spoke forward, knit 3 loops with the back, and then the loop from the additional spoke needle, 2 face, 3 purl loops are removed on the additional spoke back, the front loop is sewn, and then the loopswith additional knitting needles, 1 facial *;
  • 7 row : * the front loop is removed onto the additional spoke in front, 3 loops are sewn with the back, then the loop from the additional facial needle, 4 eye loops, the 3 wrong loops are removed onto the additional spoke back, the 1 loop is sewn,knitting needles *;
  • 9 series : * 3 purl, 6 facial, 3 purl *;
  • 11 row : * 3 purl loops are removed on the extra spoke back, the next loop is crocheted, then 3 purlins with additional knitting needles, 4 front ones. Then one front is removed onto the additional spoke in front, the next three loops are knitted with the backs, and then the front loop from the additional spoke *;
  • 13 row : * 1 front, 3 purl loops take off on the additional spoke back, knit 1 loop of the front, and then 3 backs from the extra knitting needles, 2 face, 1 front one on the extra spoke forward, knit 3 loops with the back, and then the fronta loop with an additional spoke, 1 front *;
  • 15 row : * 2 facial, 3 purlins removed to the additional spoke back, knit the next loop of the front loop, and then the loops from the additional spoke back, 1 front one is removed to the extra spoke forward, knit 3 loops back, then the front loop from the extra knitting needles, 2 facial *.

Diamonds and strips

Knitting patterns for knitting classic sweaters and cardigans.

The front hinge in the front row or the back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the wrong side.
2 loop to the right. The right knitting needle is first tied with the 2nd loop, picking it from the front side of the knitting, and without loosing the loops from the knitting needle, the 1st loop is sewn, both loops are removed from the left knitting needle.
2 loop to the left. First, loop the loop with the 2nd loop, picking it from behind( behind the spoke), and without loosing the loops from the knitting needle, the 1st loop is sewn.
Loosen the hinge from the left with the un spoke knitting needle. Working thread in front of the needle( in front).

1 row: * 2 purlins, 2 facial, 2 loops crossed to the right, 2 loops crossed to the left, 2 facial *, 2 purlins, for the sample of this pattern, the number of loops multiples of 10 plus 2 loops for symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edges.

  • 2 rows: 2 front * 2 purl, remove one loop from the left to the right knitted needle( working thread in front of the knitting needle), 2 purl, 1 loop off unrolled, 2 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 3 series: * 2 purl, 1 facial, 2 loops crossed to the right, 2 facial, 2 loops crossed to the left, 1 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 4 rows: 2 facial, * 1 purl, 1 loop to remove unbrushed, 4 purl, remove unroiled loop, 1 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 5 series: * 2 purl, 2 hinges cross to the right, 4 facial, 2 hinges cross to the left *, 2 purl;
  • 6 series: 2 facial, * 1 loop to remove uncontiguous, 6 purl, 1 loop to remove uncontiguous, 2 facial *;
  • 7 series: * 2 purl, 2 hinges cross left, 4 facial, 2 hinges cross to the right *, 2 purl;
  • 8 row: 2 facial, * 1 purl, 1 loop to remove unbrushed, 4 purl, 1 loop to remove unrepeated, 1 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 9 series: * 2 purl, 1 facial, 2 hinges cross left, 2 facial, 2 hinges cross to the right, 1 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 10 series: 2 facial, * 2 purl, 1 loop to remove unbrushed, 2 purl, 1 loop to remove unbrushed, 2 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 11 series: * 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 hinges crossed to the left, 2 hinges crossed to the right, 2 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 12 series: 2 facial, * 3 purl, 2 loops unroiled, thread in front of the needle, 2 purl, 2 facial *.

Next, the pattern is repeated from the first row.

Simple rhombuses No. 1

A face loop in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl series.

To link a pattern pattern, the number of loops multiples of 8, plus 4 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edges, are typed on the spokes.

  • 1 row: * 7 facial, 1 purl *, 4 facial;
  • 2nd row and all even rows of : knit according to the drawing ie loops are tied with the ones that lie on the spoke;
  • 3rd row: * 1 purl, 5 facial, 1 purl, 1 facial *, 1 purl 3 facial;
  • 5 series : * 1 front, 1 purl, 3 facial, 1 purl, 2 facial *, 1 facial, 1 purl, 2 facial;
  • 7 series : * 2 face, 1 purl, 1 facial, 1 purl, 3 facial *, 2 facial, 1 purl, 1 facial;
  • 9 row : * 3 facial, 1 purl, 4 facial *, 3 facial, 1 purl;
  • 11 series : knit as a 7 row;
  • 13 series : knit as a 5 row;
  • 15 series : knit as 3 row;
  • 17 row : the pattern is repeated from 1 row.

Braid No. 1

Perfect pattern for the plaid.

Front hinge in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back.

For the knitting of the sample, the number of loops multiples of 20 plus 2 edge loops is drawn on the spokes.

  • 1, 5, and 9 series: * 12 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 2 and all even rows of : according to the drawing, ie, the loops are knitted such as they lie on the spoke;
  • 3 and 7 series : * 10 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 11, 15, and 19 series : * 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 12 facial *;
  • 13 and 17 series: * 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl, 2 facial, 10 purl.

The pattern is then repeated from the first row.

Braid No. 2

They can be two-color and three-color, so if you are not afraid of difficulties, feel free to experiment.

The front hinge in the front row or the back loop in the back row.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.

For the knitting of the sample, the number of loops multiples of 10 plus 2 edges is typed on the spokes.

  • 1 row: * 7 purl, 3 facial *;
  • 2nd row: * 3 purl, 7 facial *;
  • 3 series : * 7 purl, 3 facial *;
  • 4 series : all loops are purl;
  • 5 series : * 2 purl, 3 facial, 5 purl *;
  • 6 row : * 5 facial, 3 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 7 series : * 2 purl, 3 facial, 5 purl *
  • 8 row : all loops are purl.

Then the pattern repeats from the first row.

Cage No.1

A face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
The hinge is removed from the left with the un spoke knitting needle. Working thread in front of the needle( in front).

For a pattern pattern I type the number of loops multiples of 4 plus 1 loop for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * 1 purl, remove 3 loops from the left knitting needle to the right, thread before work *, 1 purl;
  • 2 row and all even rows: all loops are purl;
  • 3rd row: * 1 front, 3 purl *, 1 front.
  • 5 series knit as 1 row and so on.

Important: when you take 3 loops from the left knitting needle to the right knitting needle, the thread that is placed before work should be stretched tightly enough, otherwise it will sag.

Diamonds No. 2

If you are looking for a pattern for raglan, you can try this option.

The front loop in the front row or the back loop in the purl pattern.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.

This simple pattern matches the front and back loops. For the sample, the number of loops multiples of 10 plus two edge loops is obtained.

  • 1,3 and 5 series : * 7 front, 3 purl *;
  • 2 and all even rows of : knit by purl;
  • 7 series : * 1 purl, 5 facial, 1 purl, 3 facial;
  • 9 row : * 1 front, 1 purl, 3 facial, 1 purl, 4 facial *;
  • 11, 13, 15 series : * 2 facial, 3 purl, 5 facial *;
  • 17 row : * 1 front, 1 purl, 3 facial, 1 purl, 4 facial *;
  • 19 row : * 1 purl, 5 facial, 1 purl, 3 facial *.

Then the pattern repeats from the first row.

Nozzle for mittens No. 3

A face loop in the front row or a back loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.

For the sample of this pattern, the number of loops multiples of 8 plus 2 edge loops is gained.

  • 1, 3, 5 series: * 4 purl, 3 facial, 1 purl *;
  • 2nd row and all even rows of : * 1 front, 3 purl *;
  • 7, 9, 11 series: * 3 front, 5 purl *.
  • 13 row knit, like the 1st and so on.

Braid No. 4

The front hinge in the front row or the back loop in the back row.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl series.
Interception of four face loops with the hinge to the right. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed onto the extra spoke at work. First knit the 3rd and 4th loops, and then loops from the extra knitting needle.
Interception of four face loops with tilt loops to the left. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed on the extra spoke before work. First knit the 3rd and 4th loops, and then loops from the extra knitting needle.
Interception of two back and two face loops with a right tilt. Two purl loops are removed from the extra spoke at work. Knit first two facial loops, and then the loops from the extra knitting needle are sewn with the backs.
Interception of two face and two backing loops with the hinge to the left. Two facial loops are removed on the extra spoke before work. Knit first two purl loops, and then the loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are tied with facial.

For the sample, the number of loops multiples of 8 plus 4 loops for symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops, is obtained.

  • 1 row : 2 purl, * 2 purl, 2 loops take off on the auxiliary spoke at work, 2 facial, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting knit with the front, 2 purl *;
  • 2 row and all even rows knit by pattern;
  • 3 row : 2 purlins, * 2 hinges to be removed on the auxiliary spoke at work, 2 face, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle, 2 loops removed to the auxiliary knitting needle before work, 2 purlins, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting knit *2 purl;
  • 5 row : 2 purl, 2 facial, * 4 purl, 2 loops take off on the auxiliary spoke before work, 2 facial, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are tied with facial *, 4 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl;
  • 7 row : 2 purlins, * 2 loops to be removed on the auxiliary spoke before work, 2 purlins, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are tied with the front, 2 loops are removed from the auxiliary needle at work, 2 face, 2 loops from the auxiliary knit,2 purl.

Then the pattern repeats from the first row.

Braid No. 5

A face loop in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Interception of six loops with the hinge to the right.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed back onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
Interception of six loops with the hinge to the left.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed forward onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.

For the sample, the number of loops multiples of 6, plus 2 edge loops, is obtained. For convenience, the first two rows can be tied with the front surface. In the following description of the pattern, these series are not taken into account.

  • 1 row: * 3 loops to be removed on the auxiliary spoke before work, 3 the next loops to be sewn with the front ones, then loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are tied with the front ones *;
  • 2 row and all even rows of knit with the wrong loops;
  • 3 and 7 series : all hinges are front;
  • 5 series: 3 facial, * 3 loops take off on the auxiliary spoke at work, 3 the next loops to be tied with facial, then loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are tied with facial *, 3 facial;
  • 9 row: pattern is repeated from the first row.

Interesting openwork patterns for women and girls

Shawls, stoles and other types of such products will look much more elegant if you take as a basis a chic design from below presented.

So, openwork patterns for knitting with descriptions and diagrams.

Sea foam for women's products

A face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl pattern.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.
Three of the loops are tied.
From five loops to tie five.
Triple front long loop or three-turn hinge. Reception similar to a double-faced loop.

1, 2, 5, and 6 rows of
: all front, for the sample, the number of loops divided by 6 plus 1 for the symmetry of the pattern, plus two edge bands, is drawn on the spokes.

  • 3 and 7 series : all hinges are triple front( loops with three turns);
  • 4 series: * 1 purl, then knit from 5 loops 5 *;1 purl;
  • 8 Row: from 3 loops 3, * 1 purl, tie 5 loops of 5 *, 1 purl, tie 3 loops 3.

5 loops of 5 perform as follows: tie 5 loops together with the front loop, picking up loops in front(1st loop), without loosing loops from the knitting needle, sew all the eye loops, picking up the loops from behind( 2nd loop).The third loop is tied as the 1st, 4th - as the 2nd, 5th as the 1st. Preliminarily twist the wound threads to make large loops and it was convenient to tie it from 5 to 5. Of 3 loops, 3 is etched in the same way.


Flowers and leaves will look good on children's blouses, socks.

Front hinge in the front row or a reverse loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Loop three loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges from the front.
Loop three loops together with a face loop, picking up the hinges from behind( behind the spoke).The hinges are pre-rotated.

For a sample dial the number of loops multiples of 15 plus 2 loops for pattern symmetry and 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row: * 2 purl, 1 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, capis, 3 loops together to bind the facial, picking up the loops behind the back walls( hinges previously rotate), 8 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 2nd row and all even( purl) rows of : * 2 front loops, 13 purlins( including nacs) *, 2 facial;
  • 3rd row: * 2 purl, 2 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, capis, 1 facial, 3 loops along the facial behind the posterior walls, 6 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 5 series: * 2 purl, 3 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, capis, 2 facial, 3 loops along the facial behind the posterior walls, 4 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 7 row : * 2 on the outside, 4 facial, nakid, 1 facial, capitulum, 3 facial, 3 loops along the facial behind the posterior walls, 2 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 9th row: * 2 purl, 8 facial, 3 loops tie together the front of the front wall, cape, 1 facial, cape, 1 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 11 row : * 2 purl, 6 facial, 3 loops along the front behind the front walls, nakid, 1 facial, nakid, 2 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 13 series: * 2 purl, 4 facial, 3 loops along the facial for the front walls, 2 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, capis, 3 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 15 row : * 2 purl, 2 facial, 3 loops along the front behind the front walls, 3 facial, nakid, 1 facial, nakid, 4 facial *, 2 purl.

Bells with holes

Face loop in the front row or a back loop in the purse.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges in front( top).
Loop two loops together with a face loop, picking up the hinges from behind( behind the spoke).The hinges are pre-rotated.
Connect the three loops together with the front hinge( with the center hinge).The hinges need to be rearranged so that the second loop is on top of the first one.

For the pattern pattern, the number of loops multiples of 8 plus 7 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edges, is drawn on the spokes.

  • 1 and 11 rows of : 1 front, * 1 face, cape, 3 hinges to be sewn with the front( with a central hinge), napkin, 1 facial, napkin, 3 hinges together with a central loop,nakid, 3 hinges together to bind the front( with a central loop), cape, 2 facial;
  • 2nd row and all even rows : all loops are purl;
  • 3, 5, 7 rows : 1 facial, * 5 facial, capipede, 3 loops together tie the front( with a central loop), capitula *, 6 facial;
  • 9 row : 1 facial * crochet, 2 loops together to bind the facial behind the front walls, 1 facial, 2 loops together to tie the facial behind the rear walls( pre-loops turn), cape, 3 facial loops *, nakid, 2 loops together to tie the facialfor the front walls, 1 facial, 2 loops together to tie the facial behind the rear walls( pre-loops turn), nakid, 1 facial;
  • 13,15,17 rows : 1 facial, * 1 facial, napkin, 3 loops together tie the front( with the central loop), the cape, 4 facial *, 1 facial, nakid, 3 loops together tie the front( with a central loop), nakid, 2 facial;
  • 19 row : 2 hinges to bind the front behind the rear walls( pre-rotate the hinges), * the cape, 3 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together to bind the front behind the front walls, 1 facial, 2 loops together to tie the front behind the back walls( pre-loopsturn) *, nakid, 3 facial, nakid, 2 face loops along the front walls.

Next, the pattern is repeated from the first row.


Facial loop in the front row or purl loop in the purl series.
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges in front( top).
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges from behind( behind the spoke).The hinges are pre-rotated.
Connect the three loops together with the front hinge( with the center hinge).The hinges need to be rearranged so that the second loop is on top of the first one.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Three of the loops are tied. The end of the right needle is passed through three loops and, having grasped the working thread, extend it through these loops. Do not remove the loops from the left knitting needle, make the right knitting needle on the right knitting needle and once again sew the same loops.
From the 7 loops, tie 7 behind the rear walls( before pre-tying each loop of 7 is pre-rotated).
Attach the four loops together in the wrong way, picking up the hinges from behind.
No loop on the circuit.

For the pattern sample, the number of loops, dividing by 8 plus 1 loop for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops, is typed on the spokes. All purl( even rows) are knitted with a wrong loop.

  • 1 row: 1 facial, crochet, * 3 loops from three, cuffs, 1 facial, crochet, 3 loops from three, cuffs, 1 facial, crochet *, 3 loops from three, cuffs, 1 facial, napid, 3 loops from three, nakid, 1 obverse;
  • 2 row and all even rows of ( including nakids) are knitted in the wrong order;
  • 3 rows: 2 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, * 1 facial, 2 loops along the facial behind the rear walls( each loop of the two pre-rotate), cape, 1 facial, cape, 2 loops along the front behind the front walls, 2 facial, nakid, 3 facial, capitulum, 1 facial *, 1 facial, 2 hinges together facial behind the posterior walls, nakid, 1 facial, capis, 2 loops along the front walls, 2 facial, nakid, 2 facial;
  • 5 row: 1 face, cape, two hinges together facial behind the rear walls, capillary, * 2 facial, 2 loops along the facial behind the posterior walls, 1 facial, 2 loops together facial behind the front walls, 2 facial, capillary, 2 loopstogether with the facial behind the front walls, the cape, the first facial, the cape, the two singing along the obverse for the posterior walls, the capis *, the two facial, the two loops along the facial behind the posterior walls, the 1 facial, 2 loops along the facial behind the front walls, 2 facial,, 2 hinges together front behind the front walls, nakid, 1 facial;
  • 7th row: 2 hinges together behind the rear walls, crochet, 2 hinges together behind the rear walls, crochet, * 7 loops of 7 behind the rear walls( before pre-tying each loop of 7 is pre-rotated), cape, 2 hinges together facingfor the front walls, the cape, 3 hinges together with the front hinge, the hinge, 2 hinges along the front behind the rear walls, the mantle *, 7 hinges out of the 7 behind the back walls, the nakid, 2 hinges together facing the front walls, nakid, 2 hinges togetherFacial behind the front walls;
  • 9 row : 2 hinges together front for rear walls, crochet, 2 hinges together behind the rear walls, napkin, * 7 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together front behind the front walls, nakid, 3 hinges together front with center hinge,2 hinges along the front behind the rear walls, cape *, 7 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together front behind the front walls, nakid, 2 hinges together facing the front walls;
  • 11 row: 1 facial, 2 hinges together facing the front walls, cape, * 2 hinges together facial behind the front walls, 2 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together facial behind the rear walls, 1 facial, 2 hinges together facial behind the rear walls, nakid, 2 loops along the front behind the rear walls, 1 facial, 2 hinges facing the front walls, the cape *, 2 hinges together front for the front walls, 2 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together facing the rear walls, 1 facial, 2 loopsTogether with the front behind the rear walls, the cape, 2 hinges together facing the rear walls, 1 facial;
  • 13th row: 2 hinges together with the front behind the rear walls, cape, * 4 hinges along the front behind the rear walls, cape, 1 facial, cape, 4 hinges together facing the rear walls, cape, 3 hinges together with the center hinge, cape*, 4 hinges along the front behind the rear walls, nakid, 1 obverse, nakid, 4 hinges together facing the rear walls, nakid, 2 hinges together facing the rear walls;
  • 15 series: 1 face, cape, 3 loops from 3, * cape, 1 facial, cape, 3 loops of 3, cape, 1 facial, cape, 3 sang of 3 *, cape, 1 facial, cape, 3hinges of 3, nakid, 1 facial;
  • 17 row: 1 face, cape, 2 hinges together front behind the front walls, 1 facial, * 1 facial, capis, 3 facial, capitulum, 2 facial, 2 loops together facial behind the rear walls, capitulum, 1 facial, 2 loopstogether facial behind the front walls, 1 facial *, 1 facial, nakid, 3 facial, nakid, 2 facial, 2 hinges together facial behind the rear walls, nakid, 1 facial;
  • 19 series: 1 front, 2 hinges facing the front walls, 2 facial, * capes, 2 hinges together front for the front walls, nakid, 1 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together for the rear walls, nakid, 2 facial,2 hinges together for the rear walls, 1 for the front, 2 hinges for the front, 2 for the front, for the hinges, 2 for the hinges, for the front walls, for the hinges, for the front, for the hinges, 2 for the hinges behind the rear walls,2 facial, 2 loops along the facial behind the posterior walls, 1 facial;
  • 21 series: 4 facial, * cape, 2 hinges front for the front walls, cape, 3 hinges together front with a center hinge, cape, 2 hinges together facing the rear wall, cape, from 7 loops tie 7 *, nakid, 2hinges of the front behind the front walls, cape, 3 hinges together with the front hinge with the center hinge, cape, 2 hinges together facing the rear walls, nakid, 4 facial;
  • 23 series: 4 facial, * cap, 2 hinges together facing the front walls.ring, 3 hinges together with the center hinge, nakid, 2 hinges along the front behind the rear walls, nakid, 7 facial *, nakid, 2 hinges together front for the front walls, nakid, 3 hinges together with the center hinge, nakid, 2 loopstogether behind the rear walls, cape, 4 facial;
  • 25 row 25 row : nakid, 2 hinges together facing the rear walls, 1 facial, 2 hinges together facing the rear walls, * nakid, 2 hinges together facing the rear walls, 1 facial, 2 hinges facing the front walls, nakid,2 hinges together facial behind the front walls, 2 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together facial behind the rear walls, 1 facial, 2 hinges together facial behind the rear walls *, nakid, 2 hinges together facial behind the rear walls, 1 facial, 2 hinges together facialbehind the front walls, cape, 2 hinges together front behind the front walls, 1 facial, 2 hinges together faceshowl by the front wall, sc;
  • 27 row: 1 face, cape, 4 hinges together facing the rear walls, * cape, 3 hinges together with the center hinge, cape, 4 hinges together facing the rear walls, napkin, 1 facial, cape, 4 hinges together facialbehind the rear walls *, cape, 3 hinges together front with a central hinge, cape, 4 hinges along the front behind the rear walls, nakid, 1 facial.
  • 29 series: pattern is repeated from the first row.

Summer ideas - Bulgarian cross

For easy summer models this option with holes is suitable.

A face loop in the front row or a back loop in the back row.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Overlapped loop. The end of the left knitting needle is grasped by a loop( or nakid) and extends into it two next loops.
No loop on the circuit.

The pattern is formed with the help of overturned loops and crochets. For the pattern sample, the number of loops multiples of 3, plus 2 edge loops, is taken on the spokes.

  • 1 row: * knit 3 facial, then the first loop of three is thrown left through the 2nd and 3rd loops, the cape *, 3 facial, then the 1st loop of the three is thrown to the left;
  • 2 row and all purl rows : knit with wrong loops;
  • 3 series: 1 facial, cape, * knit 3 facial, then the first loop of three is thrown left through the 2nd and 3rd loops, capitula *, 1 facial.

The fifth row is knitted as well as the first and so on

Openwork pattern with knitting needles No. 4

The face loop in the front row or the back loop in the purl series.
Loop the two hinges together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges from the front( top).
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges from behind( behind the spoke).The hinges are pre-rotated.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.

For knitting a pattern of a pattern, the number of loops multiples of 12 plus 2 edge loops is typed on the spokes.

  • 1 row : 1 facial, napkin, 3 facial, 2 loops together facial with a slant to the left, * 1 facial, 2 loops along the facial with a slant to the right, 3 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, capis, 3 facial, 2 loops along the facialwith a slant to the left *, 1 facial, 2 loops together facial with a slope to the right, 3 facial, nakid;
  • 2 and all even rows of are knitted with the wrong loops;
  • 3 row : 2 facial, capitulum, 2 facial, 2 loops along the facial with a slant to the left, * 1 facial, 2 loops along the facial with a slant to the right, 2 facial, capitulum, 3 facial, capitulum, 2 facial, 2 loops along the facialwith a slant to the left *, 1 facial, 2 loops together facial with a slope to the right, 2 facial, nakid, 1 facial;
  • 5 series: 3 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, 2 loops along the facial with a slant to the left, * 1 facial, 2 loops along the facial with a slant to the right, 1 facial, capis, 5 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, 2 loops along the facialwith a slant to the left *, 1 facial, 2 loops together facial with a slope to the right, 1 facial, nakid, 2 facial;
  • 7 row : 4 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together facial with a slant to the left, * 1 facial, 2 loops along the front with a slope to the right, nakid, 7 facial, nakid, 2 loops along the front with a slant to the left *, 1 facial, 2hinges together facial with a slope to the right, nakid, 3 facial;
  • 9 row: 1 front, 2 hinges together facing right, 3 facial, napid, * 1 facial, capitulum, 3 facial, 2 hinges together facial with a slant to the left, 1 facial, 2 loops along the front with a slant to the right, 3facial, capitulum *, 1 facial, capis, 3 facial, 2 loops along the facial with a slant to the left;
  • 11 series: 1 front, 2 hinges together facing with a slope to the right, 2 facial, 1 front face, 2 facial, nakid, 2 facial, 2 hinges together facial with a slant to the left, 1 facial, 2 loops along the front with a slant to the right, 2 facial, capitulum, 1 facial *, 2 facial, capitulum, 2 facial, 2 loops along the facial with a slant to the left;
  • 13 series: 1 face, 2 hinges together facial with a slope to the right, 1 facial, nakid, 2 facial, * 3 facial, nakid, 1 facial, 2 hinges together facial with a slant to the left, 1 facial, 2 hinges together facial with slopeto the right, 1 facial, capis, 2 facial *, 3 facial, capitulum, 1 facial, 2 loops along the facial with a slant to the left;
  • 15 series: 1 front, 2 hinges together facing with a slope to the right, a cape, 3 facial, * 4 facial, nakid, 2 hinges together facial with a slant to the left, 1 facial, 2 hinges together facial with a slope to the right, nakid, 3 facial*, 4 facial, nakid, 2 loops along the front with a slant to the left.
  • 17th row is knitted as 1st and so on.

Handkerchief for summer dress

Two hinges together to tie the front with a slope to the left by pulling.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself.

When knitting is used, the method of tying two loops together with the front one is tilted to the left by the pulling method. Do it this way: the first loop of the two is removed as the front, the next loop( nakid) is tied with the front one and stretches the loop obtained through the first one.

For the formation of a lateral edge in this pattern, the first edge loop of the row is better to be tied with the front behind the back wall, and the last edge edge is the front edge behind the front wall, then you get a nice knotted edge. An even number of loops are collected for the sample.

  • 1 row: * cap, two loops tie together with a slope to the left *.

The rest of the rows are knitted as well as the first.

The most beautiful braids, various harnesses, Irish embossed aranas

The locks

Front hinge in the front row or a reverse loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Overlapped loop. The end of the left knitting needle is grasped by a loop( or nakid) and extends into it two next loops.

For knitting a sample, the number of loops multiples of 5 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops, is obtained.

  • 1 row: * 2 purl, 3 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 2 series : 2 front, * 3 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 3rd row: * 2 purl, 3 facial, 3rd facial rapport loop to the left through the 4th and 5th facial loops *, 2 purl;
  • 4 series: 2 front, * 1 purl, cape, 1 purl, 2 facial *.

Next, the pattern is repeated from the first row.

Eight for children's hats

A face loop in the front row or a back loop in the purl pattern.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the wrong side.
Interception of six loops with a slope of the hinges to the right.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed back onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.

For the sample, the number of loops is divided by 8 plus 2 loops for symmetry, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1,3,7,9 rows of : * 2 purl, 6 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 2,4,6,8,10 rows are knitted according to the figure: 2 facial * 6 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 5 row; * 2 purlins, 3rd, 4th and 5th loops removed back onto the additional spoke knit with the 6th, 7th and 8th loops facing, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle also face *, 2 purlins.

Changing this way in the fifth row of the loop group, get the "eight"( plait) with the slope to the right. If you want to tie the Eight to the left, remove the hinges on the extra spoke before work.

Spit No.1

A face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the back row.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the back row.
Interception of six loops with a slope of the hinges to the right.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed back onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
Interception of six loops with the hinge to the left.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed forward onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.

To execute the "braid" on the spokes, the number of loops dividing by 11 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops, is obtained.

  • 1,3,7,9 rows : * 2 purl, 9 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 2 and all even rows of : 2 front, * 9 purl, 2 facial *;
  • 5 row: * 2 purl, 3,4,5 loops taken forward on an additional spoke, knit 6.7.8th loop, then 3.4.5th loop, 3 looped *, 2 purl;
  • 11 row : * 2 purl, 3 facial, 6,7,8 loops peel back onto the extra spoke, knit the 9,10,11th loop, and then the 6.7.8th loop from the extra spoke *2 purl.

Next, the knitting pattern "Spit" is repeated from the first row.

Braid №2

The front hinge in the front row or the back loop in the back row.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
Remove the first three hinges back onto the additional spoke, use the front hinges to fasten the next three hinges, then sew the hinges from the auxiliary knitting needle with the backs.
Remove the first three loops forward onto the additional spoke, thread the next three loops back, then sew the loops from the auxiliary knitting needle to the front.

For the pattern sample, the number of loops multiples of 12 plus 3 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops, is drawn onto the spokes.

  • 1 and 5 series: * 3 purl, 3 facial, 3 purl, 3 facial *, 3 purl;
  • 2 row and all even rows : knit by drawing;
  • 3 rows: * 3 purl, 3 facial, the next 3 loops are transferred to the auxiliary spoke before work( tilt the hinges to the left), then 3 loops are sewn with the back loops, then the loops from the auxiliary spokes are facing *, 3 purl;
  • 7 series: * 3 purl, then 3 loops are transferred to the auxiliary spoke at work( tilt the hinges to the right), then 3 loops are sewn with the front loops, then 3 loops from the auxiliary spoke knit, 3 facial *, 3 purl.

Then the pattern is repeated from the first row.

Braid №3

A face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the back row.
Nakid. The end of the right knitting needle grasps the working thread from the bottom right to left, to itself. Nakid is made for the education of azhur.
Mating without azhura. The end of the right knitting needle is grasped at the back.
Loop two loops together with a back loop.
Loop two loops together with the front hinge, picking up the hinges in front( top).
Interception of six loops with the slope of the hinge to the right.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed back onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
Interception of six loops with the slope of the loops to the left.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed forward onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
Loop two loops together with a broach.

For the pattern sample, the number of loops multiples of 28 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops, is drawn onto the spokes.

  • 1 row : * 2 purl, interception from 6 face loops to the left, 4 purl, interception from 6 face loops to the left, 4 purlins, interception from 6 face loops to the right *, 2 purl;
  • 2, 4 and 6 series: 2 facial, * 6 purlins, 4 facial, 6 purlins, 4 facial, 6 purlins, 2 facial *;
  • 3 and 5 series: * 2 purl, 6 facial, 4 purl, 6 facial, 4 purl, 6 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 9 row : * 2 purl, 3 facial, napid, 3 facial, 2 loops together inferior, 3 purlins, 4 facial, 3 purlins, 2 loops together inferior, 3 facial, capitulum, 3 facial *, 2 purl;
  • even rows from the 10th to the 22nd row: knit according to the figure, with the cape tied with the front loop without azhur, grabbing the back( crossed by the front loop);
  • 11 series: * 2 purl, 3 facial, 1 purl, nakid, 3 facial, 2 loops together inferior, 3 purl, 2 facial, 3 purl, 2 loops together inferior, 3 facial, nakid, 1 purl, 3 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 13 series: * 2 purl, 3 facial, 2 purlins, capitulum, 3 facial, 2 loops together inferior, 6 purlins, 2 loops together purl, 3 facial, capitulum, two purlins, three facial *, two purl;
  • 15 row : * 2 purlins, 3 facial, 3 purlins, capes, 3 facial, 2 loops together purl, 4 purlins, 2 loops together purl, 3 facial, capitulum, 3 purlins, 3 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 17 series: * 2 purl, 3 facial, 4 purl, capitulum, 3 facial, 2 loops together inferior, 2 purlins, 2 loops together inferior, 3 facial, capitulum, 4 medial, 3 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 19 series: * 2 purl, 3 facial, 5 purlins, capitulum, 3 facial, 2 loops together inferior, 2 loops together inferior, 3 facial, nacid, 5 purl, 3 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 21 row: * 2 purlins, 3 facial 6 purlins, capipede, 2 facial, 2 loops together to be pierced with a broach, 2 loops together to bind the facial, 2 facial, nakid, 6 purl, 3 facial *, 2 purl.
  • 23 row knit, like the first and so on.

The interception of 6 loops to the left is performed with inclined loops as follows: 3 loops of 6 are transferred to the auxiliary spoke before work, then the 3 loops are sewn with the front loops, then 3 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle with the hinges.

Interception of 6 loops to the right is performed similarly, only the loops are transferred to the auxiliary spoke at work.

Coarse viscous harness No. 1

A face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl stripe.
Wrong loop in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl series.
Interception of four loops with a slope of the hinges to the right. The 1st and 2nd loops are lifted back onto the additional spoke. First knit the 3rd and 4th loops, and then loops from the extra knitting needle.

For the pattern sample, the number of loops is multiples of 10, plus 2 loops for symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

  • 1 row : * 2 purlins, 4 facial, 8th and 9th loops are removed back onto an additional spoke, 2 facial, 2 facial with additional spokes *, 2 purl;
  • 2 and all even rows : knit by drawing;
  • 3 rows: * 2 purlins, 2 facial, 5th and 6th loops are removed back onto the additional spoke, 2 facial, 2 facial with additional spokes, 2 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 5 row: * 2 purlins, 3rd and 4th loops are removed back onto an additional spoke, 2 facial, 2 facial with additional spokes, 4 facial *, 2 purl;

The seventh row is knitted as the first and so on.


Face loop in the front row or a reverse loop in the purl series.
Wrong buttonhole in the front row or an obverse loop in the purl pattern.
Interception of four loops with the hinge to the right. The 1st and 2nd loops are lifted back onto the additional spoke. First knit the 3rd and 4th loops, and then loops from the extra knitting needle.
Interception of four loops with the hinge to the left. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed forward onto the additional spoke. First knit the 3rd and 4th loops, and then loops from the extra knitting needle.

For knitting a pattern of the Kolos pattern, the number of loops multiples of 18 plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops, is drawn onto the spokes.

  • 1 row of : * 2 purlins, 4 facial, 7th and 8th loops are removed onto the additional spoke( spoke from the back of the work), 2 facial, 2 facial with additional spokes, 11th and 12th loops are removed onto the additional spoke(spoke at the front of the work), 2 facial, 2 facial with additional spokes, 4 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 2 row and all even rows of are knitted according to the pattern: the purl loops are by purl, the facial by the facial;
  • 3 row : * 2 purlins, 2 facial, 5th and 6th loops are removed onto the extra spoke( spoke from the back of the work), 2 facial, 2 facial from the additional spoke, 4 facial, 13th and 14th loops removedon the additional spoke( spoke in front of the work), 2 facial, 2 facial with additional spokes, 2 facial *, 2 purl;
  • 5 row: * 2 purlins, 3rd and 4th loops are removed on the extra spoke( spoke from the back of the work), 2 facial, 2 facial with additional spokes, 8 facial, 15th and 16th loops removed for additionalspoke( front spoke), 2 facial, 2 facial with additional spokes, 2 facial *, 2 purl;Repeating the pattern is equal to six rows. Then the pattern repeats from the first row.

    Figured harness

    With the help of harnesses, original things are created for adults and children.

    The front hinge in the front row or the back loop in the back row.
    Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the wrong side.
    Interception of six loops with the hinge to the right.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed back onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
    Interception of six loops with the hinge to the left.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed forward onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.

    Repeat pattern The horizontal wiring harness is 14 loops;vertically 30 rows. The pattern looks good against the background of the back hinges, so knit a few inferior loops on the left and right of the rapport. On the sample presented in the photo is connected by the purl 10 loops.

    Wrong rows of are knitted according to the figure.

    All front rows of are knitted with facial loops except 5 and 7, as well as 25 and 29 rows. They are knitted as follows:

    • 5, 7 row : interception of 6 loops with a slope to the right( 3 loops take off on extra spoke at work, 3 face loops, then loops from extra knitting are tied with facial ones), 2 facial hooks, 6-loop hook with slopeto the left( 3 loops are removed on the extra spoke before work, 3 facial, then the loops from the additional knitting needle are tied with the facial ones).
    • 25 and 29 series : interception from 6 loop with a slope to the left, 2 facial, interception of 6 loops with a slope to the right.

    In this sample, the distance between 2 rows with intercepts is equal to one row. If the yarn is thick this distance can be increased to 2 - 3 rows.

    Harness No. 2

    The front hinge in the front row or the back loop in the back row.
    Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the wrong side.
    Interception of four face loops with tilt loops to the left. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed on the extra spoke before work. First knit the 3rd and 4th loops, and then loops from the extra knitting needle.
    Interception of two back and two face loops with a right tilt. Two purl loops are removed from the extra spoke at work. Knit first two facial loops, and then the loops from the extra knitting needle are sewn with the backs.
    Interception of two face and two backing loops with the hinge to the left. Two facial loops are removed on the extra spoke before work. Knit first two purl loops, and then the loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are tied with facial.

    For the sample, type the number of loops multiples of 8 plus 4 loops for the symmetry of the pattern, plus 2 edge loops.

    • 1 row : 2 purlins, * 2 purlins removed to the auxiliary spoke at work, 2 facial, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle back, 2 facial loops removed to the auxiliary spoke before work, 2 purlins, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting knit with the facial *, 2 purl;
    • 2 row and all the even rows to knit by drawing;
    • 3 row : 2 purlins, 2 facial, * 4 purl, 2 facial loops to be removed on the auxiliary spoke before work, 2 facial loops, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle are tied with facial *, 4 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl.
    • 5 row : 2 purlins, * 2 remove the front hinges on the auxiliary spoke before work, 2 purlins, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needles are sewn with the front, 2 loops removed on the auxiliary needle at work, 2 facial, 2 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle*, 2 purl.

    Then the pattern repeats from the first row.

    Owl for children( pattern with volumetric pattern)

    Face loop in the front row or purl loop in the purl pattern.
    Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the back row.
    Intercept of six loops with the hinge to the right.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed back onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
    Interception of six loops with the hinge to the left.1, 2 and 3 loops are removed forward onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5 and 6 loops are drawn, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.
    Interception of seven loops with the hinge to the right.1, 2, 3-loops are removed back onto the additional spoke. The 4, 5, 6 and 7 loops are wound, and then the loops from the additional spoke.
    Interception of seven loops with the hinge to the left.1, 2, 3 and 4 loops are removed forward on the additional spoke. The 5th, 6th and 7th loops are wound, and then the loops from the additional knitting needle.

    Repeat the pattern for a width of 14 loops, in height - 32 rows. In the description of the pattern, only Owl's own loops are taken into account, the purl stitch loops are not included.

    • 1 and 3 series: * 6 facial, 2 purl, 6 facial *;
    • 2 and 4 series : * 6 purl, 2 facial, 6 purl *;
    • 5 row: * remove 3 loops on the extra spoke at work, tie the next 3 loops with the front, then 3 loops from the additional spoke knitting needles, 2 purlins, 3 loops take off on the extra spoke before work, the next 3 loops tie with the front, then loops withadditional spoke with facial *;
    • even rows from the 6th to the 20th: all the loops are purl;
    • odd numbers from 7th to 19th: all the hinges are front;
    • 21 row: * remove 3 loops on the extra spoke at work, tie the next 4 loops with the front, then 3 loops from the additional knitting needles, 4 loops on the extra spoke before work, the next 3 loops facing the front, then the loops from the extra spoke knitting*;
    • even rows from the 22nd to the 28th: ​​ all the loops are purl;
    • odd numbers from 23rd to 27th: all the hinges are front;
    • 29 series: knit as 21;
    • 30 series: * 3 purl, 8 facial, 3 purl *;
    • 31 series: * 2 facial, 10 purl, 2 facial *;
    • 32 series: * 1 purl, 12 facial, 1 purl *.

    Sew eye-beads.

    Spit No. 5

    The front hinge in the front row or the back loop in the purl series.
    Wrong buttonhole in the front row or front hinge in the wrong side.
    Wrong loop in the front and back rows.
    Interception of four face loops with tilt loops to the right. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed onto the extra spoke at work. First knit the 3rd and 4th loops, and then loops from the extra knitting needle.
    Interception of four face loops with tilt loops to the left. The 1st and 2nd loops are removed onto the extra spoke before work. First knit the 3rd and 4th loops, and then loops from the extra knitting needle.

    For the pattern pattern, the number of loops multiples of 22 plus 2 edge loops is drawn on the spokes.

    • 1, 7, 13, 19 series: * 2 purl, 2 facial, 3 purl, interception of four face loops with a tilt of loops to the right, interception of four face loops with a slant of loops to the left, three purlins, two facial, two purl *;
    • 2 and all other even rows of * 4 purl, 3 facial, 8 purl, 3 facial, 4 purl *;
    • 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 17 series: * 2 purl, 2 facial, 3 purl, 8 facial, 3 purl, 2 facial, 2 purl *;
    • 21, 27, 33, 39 series: * interception of four face loops with the slope of the loops to the left, 3 purlins, 2 facial, 4 purl, 2 facial, 3 purl, interception of four facial loops with the slope of the loops to the right *;
    • 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37 series: * 4 facial, three purlins, two facial, four purlins, two facial, three purlins, four facial.

    Legend of loops and how to perform them for beginners

    If you still could not figure out the diagrams and description, the video lessons on YouTube, which you can watch for free, will definitely help you.

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