Menopause is one of the natural and therefore inevitable conditions of the female body. But only if it occurs in the time that nature has laid down - 45-55 years. Early menopause can be regarded as the norm only by a small percentage of women, in whom he is a hereditary feature.
Contents of
- 1 What is considered an early arrival of menopause?
- 2 Early reproductive depletion: what is caused?
- 3 How to recognize premature menopause?
- 3.1 Initial phase
- 3.2 Phase two
- 3.3 Third stage
- 4 What should be done in connection with premature menopause?
- 4.1 Lifestyle as a way of treating
What is considered an early arrival of menopause?
With age, the ovaries develop their resources, becoming insensitive to the substances produced by other glands. This leads to a decrease and the cessation of their synthesis of sex hormones, which brings with it a complex of consequences. But the most important of them is the termination of menstruation, and all this together is menopause.
What is the early menopause? It's the same, only advancing ahead of the planned timing of the nature. The usual time for the appearance of its first signs is counted from 45 years. Some men also come in at 50. But usually by age 55 most people stop waiting for critical days. And on average this is celebrated in 51 years. The global trend towards menopause, however, is that in the new generations it comes in most cases later.
The earliest age of menopause with medicine was recorded in a 13-year-old. But this is an exceptional case. In general, with all kinds of failures in the body, when you need to worry about taking measures, menopause can be found in those who are older.
The organism of women giving birth has realized its biological function, therefore it is more protected from the early onset of menopause.
Early reproductive depletion: what is caused?
If a woman has a history of changes in her menstrual function, she will be interested in why the early menopause comes. It is useful to know everyone to try to prevent the premature aging of the reproductive system, where possible, or to limit the presence of provocative circumstances.
The early menopause in women causes the following:
- Autoimmune disorders. Direct culprits of this may be diabetes, thyroid disease, insufficiency of adrenal function. All diseases contribute to the fact that the body ceases to perceive the ovaries and the substances they produce as part of themselves. And produces antibodies that destroy them, which first interfere with the normal functioning of organs, and then stop it;
- Use of potent drugs. If it is necessary to treat tumors with chemotherapy, it is inevitable that the ovaries will cease to function. A similar result is given by radiation exposure to organs;
- Tobacco. Early menopause causes can have a conditioned lifestyle, when a woman smokes a lot. According to statistics, 15% of ladies with whom it is recorded were seriously addicted to tobacco;
- Chronic or short-term, but severe stress. Many changes that occur with the reproductive organs are related to the work of the nervous system. If subjected to exorbitant tests, it can respond at premature extinction of ovarian function;
- Surgical operations. Climax at an early age can occur due to removal of the ovaries or interventions on the uterus;
- Heredity. It's not just about addiction, but genetic, anomalies that are transmitted to the next generation. It is associated with damage or lack of one of the two X chromosomes. Menopause in this case will be found 7-10 years earlier.
For example, treatment of cancer with chemotherapy or radiotherapy will lead to the appearance of smearing excretions and a noticeable increase in weight. And autoimmune disorders cause, for the most part, vegetative-vascular manifestations. But about all signs of menopause at an early age is worth talking about.
How to recognize premature menopause?
In response, the pituitary and hypothalamus produce more gonadotropic hormones to stimulate the functioning of paired organs. But the ovaries lose sensitivity to them, and the volume of estrogens and progestins steadily decreases, causing changes in health and other manifestations.
The initial stage of
The first signs of early menopause in women are noted for 2-4 years and look like this:
- Menstrual periods become irregular. The cycle may increase or contract( the first occurs more often), the number of selections varies. Between menstruations, a break in several months is possible, not each of them is accompanied by ovulation. Perhaps the appearance of discharge with blood on different days of the cycle, sometimes they are abundant. In the end, the men stop coming;
- Hot flushes and increased activity of sweat glands are found. The early menopause in women 30 years old symptoms of this series demonstrates in the first place. The face, neck and chest suddenly turn red, they are hot. There is a feeling of anxiety, there may be difficulty in breathing. The cold sweat and a feeling of fatigue come on. All this fits in 4-5 minutes, but it can be repeated up to 50 times a day, more agonizing at night. The more troublesome the tides, the more severe the climacteric syndrome is. Provoke them is capable of spicy food, tight clothes, heat;
- Acute emotional manifestations. Due to the disappearance of estrogen, the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine decreases, which give a good mood and generally adequate psychological perception. Suppresses the enzyme, which helps them assimilate. As a result, the early initial menopause leads to outbursts of irritability, constant discontent, causeless tears. From here it is not far from depression;
- Sleep disturbances. Half of the women are forced to endure night wakefulness. Reduction of sex hormones entails a whole chain of changes, one of which is a decrease in the production of melatonin. He controls the process of sleep, and when the substance is small, night rest becomes restless, superficial. This sign enhances psycho-emotional manifestations;
- Growth of adipose tissue. It has the property of producing estrogens. The appearance of excess weight - a kind of protective reaction of the body to the stress associated with their loss. Fat tissue is also increasing due to nutritional errors that would have previously disappeared, too little physical activity. Early overtaking in 30 years of menopause this manifestation makes it especially dangerous for health. Excess fat - a load on the heart and blood vessels, a threat to the endocrine system, an aggravation of other symptoms of the condition.
Second phase of
The following notable changes are found after 4-5 years from the last critical days. In this case, most of the first manifestations of the state do not disappear. Complementary signs of menopause in women in 35 years:
- Skin aging. The loss of estrogen leads to metabolic disturbances that affect different substances. The skin is affected by the circulation of lipids and fluids. The production of collagen, which supports the elasticity of tissues, falls. The skin becomes dry, dehydrated, premature wrinkles appear. A similar effect is felt by the hair and nails. They become thinner, more easily damaged;
- Dryness of mucous membranes. Suffer mainly sexual organs, but also the nasopharynx, the eyes. Dryness in the vagina leads to discomfort in it, itching and reddening of the surface. The possibility of damage to the thinned mucosa during sex and the occurrence of infections increases;
- Difficulty with urination. Under the influence of a deficit of estrogen of the wall of the bladder, its sphincter loses elasticity, sag. This leads to a growing need to urinate, an inability to keep fluid in motion. The lack of estrogen facilitates the path of bacteria, creates an inability of the body to resist them. In this period, problems with urination can be caused by cystitis, other infections. Overweight also contributes to incontinence.
The third stage of
The final phase of the development of the condition can be attributed to the effects of early menopause:
- Osteoporosis. Calcium, which maintains a sufficient bone density for safety, remains only with a certain volume of estrogens. Their reduction makes the skeleton brittle, as a result of its damage become a more real threat. And this is the danger of becoming an invalid;
- Atherosclerosis. Cholesterol, due to estrogen deficiency, is present in the blood in a larger amount. Bonding to the walls of blood vessels, it disrupts the circulation of blood, provoking disruption of the work of the heart, brain. For the same reason, diabetes can occur;
- Arterial hypertension. Bad blood vessels are always high blood pressure, dizziness, the risk of getting a heart attack, a stroke, a fall that can end in a long, non-healing fracture.
All this worsens the quality of life, it can significantly shorten it.
What should I do in connection with premature menopause?
The main question that causes the early menopause, what to do? Any failure in the menstrual cycle, if observed in three consecutive periods, should be persuaded to go to a specialist, because with a violation in this area, menopause may begin.
It is necessary to donate blood to hormones. If the analysis revealed that the level of FSH has increased, and estrogens and progesterone have decreased quantitatively, these are already signs of fading in the functions of the ovaries. Women should be especially attentive, in whose life there are provoking factors( they were mentioned above).
It is important not only to remove the symptoms of premature menopause, but to postpone aging, the risk of getting serious diseases and preserve reproductive capacity. At the first stage, while there are monthly ones, this is real.
The main thing in therapy is adding endangered hormones. Therefore, the prescription of drugs:
- Femoston;
- Climonorum;
- Divertrain;
- Divergent;
- Triaclim;
- Evian;
- CyclO-Proginova.
These drugs contain estrogens and progestins, which will restore many processes in the body. If it is impossible to take them on objective evidence, it is worth using natural analogues as prescribed by the doctor:
- Livial;
- Inoklim;
- Climadinon Uno;
- Climaxan;
- Menopace;
- Femivell;
- Estroel.
It is compulsory to use funds for dryness of the vagina:
- Ovestin;
- Divergent;
- of the Climart.
We recommend reading the article about the need for taking contraceptives in menopause. You will learn about the properties of contraceptives, the reasons for their appointment at menopause, and also about possible contraindications.
Lifestyle as a way of treating
Premature menopause dictates to its possessor a different way of life than that of many contemporaries. But it will largely help to maintain health and appearance, which worries women the most.
There is no complexity in this, it's about eliminating the excesses and bringing order:
- In the diet, more space should be allocated to plant products, reduce the amount of protein and carbohydrates, minimize the consumption of animal fats;
- Go in for sports, preferring the least traumatic;
- Do not deprive yourself of a personal life, but in order to make it still fun, use lubricants;
- Alternate stress and relaxation, try to sleep, but not turn into a sick lazy.
You should not consider menopause in 30 years as a mediocre end of life. The experience of women who have transferred him proves that it is possible and in this state, with a reasonable attitude towards him, taking care of health not to look and feel neither a day older than his age.