Dysmenorrhea: types, signs, diagnosis and treatment

10% of women experience menstruation as a severe malaise. The reason for this dysmenorrhea, found in adolescents, and in fairly mature age. Monthly strongly worsen state of health, while on other days it is normal. Dysmenorrhea is a painful syndrome in menstruation, supplemented by other serious symptoms. It is perceived by many as inevitability, in fact, the disease must be examined and treated.

Contents of

Disorders of

  • 2 Types of the disease
  • 3 Symptoms of the pathological syndrome
  • 4 Causes of dysmenorrhea development
  • 5 Detection of the disease
  • 6 Methods of elimination of dysmenorrhea
  • 7 Prevention of the appearance of the pathology
  • Dismenorrhea manifestations

    The essence of the problem lies in the pain syndrome, which is detected a day or two before the menstrual period,critical days, leaves at their end. This is one of the violations of menstrual function, which can be supplemented by its other disorders: abundant secretions, cycle failures. And although many women perceive dysmenorrhea as PMS, they are not entirely right. This is a pathological condition that can be caused by malformation of the genitals or disease. In some cases, it leads to a complete inability to work, to study in critical days.

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    The causes of the problem are different, but her studies have revealed a connection with the emotional state of women. Such a concept as psychosomatics, dysmenorrhea absorbs itself as one of the components. The syndrome is diagnosed more often in emotionally unstable women, prone to depression, tears, depressions, fears. Perhaps, therefore, in the emergence of dysmenorrhea, the hereditary factor is important. If the problem was with the mother, the daughter is also likely to have a chance to feel it.

    Types of the disease

    The disease differs according to the degree of symptomatology and the period of onset. Although in general, dysmenorrhea( code on the μB 10 No. 94) absorbs all types of pathology. It is divided into:

    • easy, in which the pain is weak, not violating the normal life;
    • is mild, passing with noticeable negative changes in well-being, but eliminated by drugs;
    • is severe, in which there is not only severe pain in the abdomen with a response in the back, legs, but also other heavily tolerated symptoms.
    In the latter case, a woman can not lead a normal life in critical days, she feels sick and, in fact, is one.

    If the pathology is found from the time of menarche or 2 to 3 years from this event, the diagnosis sounds like "primary dysmenorrhea".It is associated with the original features of the development of the reproductive, endocrine, nervous systems. In the classification of diseases is indicated in a separate line under No. 94.4.This kind of problem can be:

    • essential, that is, associated with personal manifestations of the organism or acute susceptibility to pain;
    • psychogenic, in which the main fear is the onset of menstruation in nervous, easily excitable girls( this is pure psychosomatics);
    • is spasmodic when the syndrome is caused directly by contractions of the uterus during menstruation.

    Secondary dysmenorrhea is acquired and acts as one of the signs of a disease or a consequence of intrauterine contraception. A woman for a long time does not know what a bad state of health is with menstruation. But under the influence of external factors that disrupt the work of the reproductive organs or the balance of hormones, it becomes intolerable.

    On the strength of sensations, dysmenorrhea is divided into:

    • compensated, that is, not changing for a long time;The
    • is decompensated, at which the sensations increase every year.

    Symptoms of the pathological syndrome

    Dysmenorrhea symptoms manifest in various aspects of well-being:

    • abdominal pain radiating to the sacrum, legs;
    • weakness, rapid fatigue without load;
    • irregular heartbeat;
    • dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
    • intestinal disorders( from diarrhea to constipation);
    • swelling of the hands, feet, numbness;
    • increase or decrease in body temperature;
    • aversion to odors, change in taste;
    • irritability and aggressiveness, depression and apathy;
    • pain in other parts of the body, such as the head, joints.
    Usually, several characteristics are present simultaneously. And the main and most difficult symptom is pain in the area of ​​the uterus, small pelvis. She can chase on other days during sex.

    Causes of development of dysmenorrhea

    Dysmenorrhea causes the occurrence of different, they are divided depending on the type of disease. In the case of primary pathology, physicians are called the culprits:

    • congenital anomalies of reproductive organs( bicornic uterus, double vagina), in which outflow of discharge is difficult;
    • disturbances in the production of prostaglandins by the body, leading to a persistent spasm of smooth muscles of the uterus;
    • hormonal disorders, in which the ratio of estrogens to progesterone is changed;
    • disorders in the work of the central nervous system, provoking an acute perception of pain and failure in the development of many substances.

    Dysmenorrhea after several years of absence of problems with menstruation can occur due to the developmental fault:

    In general, any interference in the functions of the organ, its appendages, operations on them are capable of pushing the appearance of a pathological syndrome.

    Detection of the disease

    Diagnosis of dysmenorrhea is directed primarily at identifying the culprit of the syndrome. It consists of the following measures:

    • Poll, general and gynecological examinations of the patient. Especially they are important in the primary form of pathology.
    • Blood tests, urine tests, including hormonal status studies. In pathologies, their characteristics change, and the composition of substances is important for both types of dysmenorrhea.
    • of a small pelvic ultrasound. The examination will show all the changes in the uterus and appendages.


    • MRI of the small pelvis may be prescribed for suspected swelling;
    • hysteroscopy for adhesions;
    • diagnostic laparoscopy, if other methods do not make it clear the causes of the problem.

    Sometimes, in addition to a gynecologist, a woman should be examined by an endocrinologist, a neurologist and a psychiatrist.

    Methods of elimination of dysmenorrhea

    Treatment of dysmenorrhea concerns not only getting rid of the pain syndrome, but also the normalization of the reproductive system, the stabilization of the functions of the central nervous system, the leveling of the hormonal background. This is achieved by eliminating the main agonizing symptom.

    If it is a question of primary pathology, it makes sense to start with the following:

    • use of sedatives "Valeriana", "Motherwort", "Relanium";
    • physiotherapy with magnetotherapy, coniferous and nitrogen baths, ultrasound;
    • LFK for normalization of blood supply of the small pelvis;
    • use of complexes with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, magnesium;
    • classes with a psychotherapist, helping to cope with unnecessary emotions.

    Drugs for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea consist of several groups. Some of them are used for all types of pathology:

    • NSAIDs block the excessive production of prostaglandins, help the body react less sharply to substances. Among these are Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Paracetamol.
    • Progestogens "Dufaston" and "Utrozhestan", which stimulate the second phase of the cycle, thereby reducing the spasms that have arisen from excess estrogen. They are shown with moderate sensations on critical days.
    • Monophasic COC "Lindineth 20", "Jeanine", "Marvelon" are needed at a more serious stage of algomenorrhea with a high concentration in the blood of estradiol.

    In every case of an ailment, only a doctor can correctly choose how to treat dysmenorrhea. NSAIDs are used almost always, as they eliminate pain. But if the cause of the syndrome was a gynecological pathology, they alone can not solve the problem. Dysmenorrhea can turn into decompensated, and at one point the pills will stop helping.

    If the endometriosis is defined as the culprit of the pain, the doctor may consider it necessary to introduce the patient into an artificial climax. Preparations for this will need more serious( "Buserelin", "Diferelin"), it will be necessary and constant monitoring.

    We recommend reading the article about algomenorrhea. From it you will learn about the types of the disease, the causes of its occurrence in a woman, the symptoms, the diagnosis and the methods of treatment of painful periods.

    Prevention of the emergence of pathology

    Prevention of dysmenorrhea rather refers to its secondary appearance. But the parents of the growing girl should take measures so that the monthly income does not cause this serious health problem:

    • monitor the baby's nutrition so that it has enough vitamins, trace elements, less trans fats, sugar;
    • to provide her with a quiet environment at home;
    • at the slightest problems in the well-being to take to the doctor, without waiting for the 16th anniversary.

    Girls who follow their own health can avoid turning menstruation into a disease if they stick to the right way of life in all, and also:

    • in time to treat inflammatory diseases;
    • to choose contraceptives after medical examination and on the advice of a doctor;
    • not to allow the need for intrauterine interventions, including abortion and diagnosis;
    • is regularly shown to the gynecologist at different periods( the onset of sexual activity, pregnancy, after childbirth), despite the well-being;
    • to avoid physical and neural overloads before menstruation.

    Menstruation is not a disease, but one of the normal functions of the reproductive system. If it becomes a monthly nightmare, it's time to see a doctor. The experience of many women shows that it is possible to cope with dysmenorrhea.

    • Mar 25, 2018
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