A rich arsenal of diagnostic procedures today allows you to find out what you could have guessed before. One of these phenomena is a biochemical pregnancy. It can be determined only by laboratory indicators, since the clinical symptoms are nonspecific and often do not disturb the girl. It turns out that an interruption can occur almost unobtrusively for 2 - 3 weeks. Does it always change after a biochemical pregnancy? How to act in such situations correctly and when is it possible to plan the next one?
Contents of
- 1 What is a biochemical pregnancy
- 2 Disruption after IVF
- 3 How to determine
- 4 Is this condition dangerous
- 5 Possible clinical options and menstruation with them
- 5.1 Option 1: without delay and without other symptoms
- 5.2 Option 2: Delayed in several days, without other symptoms
- 5.3 Option 3: with delay and other symptoms
- 5.4 Option 4: with a long delay
- 6 What can be confused with
- 7 How to avoid a second breakdown
- 8 Time when you can planPregnancy
What biochemical pregnancy
Before the advent of the possibility of blood tests on hCG( it is defined only after fertilization), with women there are some minor delays did not even think that you are pregnant. This is also due to the fact that, in addition to a small disturbance of the cycle, often there are no other symptoms. Nausea, weakness, fatigue appear later, at 6 - 7 weeks gestation.
The following options are possible:
- without delay and any other signs,
- with slight deviations in monthly in a few days,
- with a long delay of a week or more.
The reasons for biochemical pregnancy are not always obvious or they can even be assumed. In fact, miscarriage occurs on a very short time, so the etiology is approximately the same. It is believed that biochemical pregnancy is observed in the following cases:
- with habitual miscarriage in women, incompatibility of partners,
- for chromosomal and genomic abnormalities in the embryo,
- if there are gynecological and somatic ailments in a woman, for example, imbalance of sex hormones, exacerbation of diseases, autoimmunepathology and the like.
But not always this phenomenon should be considered as a pathology. Some scientists cite statistics, according to which approximately 60 to 70% of all pregnancies in a woman end this way. This is just a natural selection for viable embryos. And when faced with normal nurturing, doctors deal only with the third part of all fertilized eggs.
This phenomenon, as a biochemical pregnancy, was also possible because women began to follow their cycles more rigidly and are more involved in the planning of children. Accordingly, they constantly monitor ovulation, hCG, basal temperature, and the like.
Look at the video about an undeveloped pregnancy:
Disruption after IVF
After in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and other interventions, the frequency of biochemical pregnancy is several times higher. This is due to the fact that all the same infertile couples there are some serious diseases, perhaps not diagnosed. Also, all manipulations, hormonal stimulation and support have an indirect or immediate effect on the viability of embryos.
How to identify
The only reliable indication that you can learn about biochemical pregnancy is an increase in the level of hCG in the blood. In most cases this is the minimum value, up to 10 - 15 units, but there may be more.
Also, women often report a positive standard urinary pregnancy test, the second strip may be barely noticeable or clear. And as soon as the periods begin, this stroke turns pale and gradually disappears.
If a woman builds a basal temperature chart, she may also notice changes that are characteristic of pregnant women.
Whether this state is dangerous
In most cases, worry and take any additional action is not necessary. The menstrual cycle is getting better, and full fertilization is possible for the next ovulation.
Possible clinical options and menstruation with them
Various options for further events are possible. Everything depends on the cause of the biochemical pregnancy, the state of the woman's health and the regular regularity of her cycle. In many respects the outcome depends on what happens in the future with the embryo. Most often, a defective fetal egg enters the uterine cavity and is rejected with the endometrium.
But it is also possible that the damaged fetal egg is killed, it remains in the fallopian tubes or in another part of the genital organs, undergoing further calcification. Since its dimensions at these moments reach only a fraction of a millimeter, in most cases this remains unnoticed and in no way influences the subsequent menstrual and reproductive functions of the woman.
Option 1: without delay and without other symptoms
It is in this case that a biochemical pregnancy often goes unnoticed. A woman can pay attention to a slight increase in menstrual blood, perhaps the appearance of small clots.
But the option is also possible without any changes, and if a woman does not plan a pregnancy and does not give HCG at this time for another reason, the condition remains unnoticed.
Option 2: Delayed in a few days, without other symptoms
In this case, it all depends on the woman's menstrual cycle. If he is regular, then, without even planning a pregnancy, she realizes that something has happened. The first thing that comes to mind is to make a test, which is very often weak or positive.
With regard to menstruation, in 80% of cases they become more abundant, but not always and not enough to "sound an alarm".There may also appear drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back than usual.
Option 3: with delay and other symptoms of
Such cases most often lead women to see a gynecologist. What worries them? The most common signs are as follows:
- menstruation delay,
- drawing pains in the lower abdomen, right, left, center or indefinitely,
- spotting spotting, sometimes dark brown, which confound women definitively,
- may have other symptoms of pregnancy: swelling of the chest, weakness, nausea, but not necessarily.
During the test, the pregnancy test can be different( from negative, to a weak and clear second strip). Ultrasound examination does not identify the fetal egg in the uterus or outside it, only the detection of the cyst of the yellow body is possible. This pushes the doctor to think about a possible pregnancy. Examination of the gynecologist also does not confirm the presence of any unambiguous pathology.
Menstruation in this case can begin with a prolonged swelling( up to a week), and then move to normal discharge or even lean( since the uterine cavity has already emptied).The pains in the lower abdomen pass as soon as the menstrual period starts, because they are caused by contractions of the uterus.
Option 4: with a long delay
These are typical cases of pregnancy, when a fetal egg is not found anywhere, which causes concern for both the doctor and the woman. If, of course, it is characterized by irregular periods, it may not "sound alarm."All this is also included in the category of "biochemical pregnancy".As a result, the fetal egg is not fixed, comes out with menstrual blood. Depending on the period at which the development of the embryo stopped, a woman can notice a clot in a centimeter and a little less or less.
With what can be confused
If there is a delay and even without it, women are often treated with a weak or positive test to the gynecologist, who should understand the problem. Differentiation is necessary for the following conditions:
- If there are traumatic pains in the lower abdomen or ointment - first of all with an ectopic pregnancy, since it can threaten the life of a woman.
- Even in the absence of a fetal egg in any part of the genitals, a normal pregnancy can not be ruled out by the results of ultrasound. To detect this condition, monitoring of hCG in the blood or at least a urinary test is monitored.
- Bubble skid. In this case, a woman's history does not have a miscarriage more than a month ago, an abortion is medicated or surgical. Also, hCG figures are represented by thousands.
- Inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. The signs are similar, but hCG is negative.
How to avoid a repeated breakdown of
Biochemical pregnancy occurs much more often than most women think. In 80% of cases, it passes almost unnoticed, not bringing much anxiety. A single case of such a pregnancy can not indicate the presence of any pathology in a woman. Probably, the reason was in a defective embryo with a genetic mutation( this happens regularly in nature), etc.
Cases of repeated or regular biochemical pregnancy should be alerted. This is a clear sign that a woman has a problem, not always a gynecological profile. Therefore, if a girl plans and carefully monitors a possible conception, or a couple of problems with this, you should definitely contact a specialist. Only a doctor after an additional examination can establish the true cause and prescribe the most effective treatment.
In addition, lifestyle, nutrition, health status, external adverse factors also increase the chances of such unsuccessful pregnancy attempts. The probability can be reduced by using the following recommendations:
- should be regularly monitored by a gynecologist, diagnosed and treated,
- must be treated responsibly by planning a visit to the doctor,
- should avoid the harmful effects of external factors - radiation, even electromagnetic radiation, chemicals,etc.,
- correct, balanced nutrition with quality products, sufficient physical activity will also contribute to the health of women.
The time when it is possible to plan a pregnancy
All those who plan to conceive are interested in the question of when it is possible to resume active activities after a biochemical pregnancy. The answer to this question is ambiguous.
As most of these situations can only be guessed, without any real confirmation, many women plan from month to month, despite any delays, and everything is going well.
If a case of biochemical pregnancy after IVF is registered, the next attempt can be made no earlier than in 3 - 5 months.
In case of repeated unsuccessful episodes a woman should refrain from self-planning and seek medical help to find out the causes of pathological conditions.
Biochemical pregnancy is a relatively new concept in gynecology. It appeared due to the improvement of the survey of women and a clear tracking of the menstrual cycle in the planning of pregnancy. In any case, if such an unsuccessful attempt is made, the doctor should be consulted. Only an expert can accurately indicate the reason, say when the monthly will come after a biochemical pregnancy and whether it is worth worrying about this.