How to deal with your appetite?

How to deal with appetite?

  • Prepare satiating dishes. What quickly and for a long time saturates: animal fats and vegetable oils. It is better to eat the daily put 10-20 g of butter( or bacon) in the afternoon, and in the morning confine yourself to toast with jam or soy cheese. Vegetables should be eaten with vegetable oil( up to 30 grams per day) - a salad without oil will only strengthen the appetite.
  • Food should be delicious, because after a tasteless meal, no matter how satiating it was, you always want something delicious.
  • In most people, the appetite flares up in the evening, so the most satiating dishes should be for 15-18 hours - this will save you from night and night gluttony.
  • Fractional nutrition - facilitates understanding( and reduces appetite).
  • Power mode - a faithful helper in the fight against appetite. Each missed meal increases appetite during the next meal.
  • Try not to keep at home appetizing malign products - sweet, fatty and salty. Smoked products, cakes with cream, buttery pastries, shortbread cookies are not for the home, for the family. This is for extra pounds.
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  • Do not lose control of yourself! Both men and women often overeat without noticing this - they eat mechanically( especially for an interesting conversation or for a TV) and miss the moment when enough calories are already collected and you need to stop.
  • Never eat up if cooked or put yourself to spare. You are not a member of the Society of Clean Cymbals. Remained food - give cats to dogs.
  • Eat slowly: the slower you eat, the faster the feeling of satiety. Food, swallowed hastily, does not satiate.
  • Well chewing food, you are unlikely to help the society, but from the struggle with your appetite you will come out the winner.
  • People often confuse thirst with hunger. The appetite was played out after the hour - before "snikersnut", drink a glass of water, maybe, and the desire to "snikersnut" will be lost.
  • Avoid strong drinks! Alcohol stimulates appetite and promotes a set of excess weight. Only dry wine( white, red, pink) is allowed for 200 g per day and beer( light varieties) - not more than 500 g per day. Good dry wines and beer improve digestion.
  • Less salt - salty foods increase appetite and provoke overeating.
  • An irresistible desire to eat and drink something is often explained by depression or increased nervousness. Can not sleep - they eat. Can not calm down - eat. Do not do this! It is better to calm down with a walk or natural vitamin mineral with herbal preparations.
  • Eat, banding with a wide belt( the belt should fall on the stomach area) - this will ensure a faster saturation due to physical squeezing of the stomach.
  • Never eat a lot of even low-calorie food at once and do not drink a lot of water( more glass) - do not stretch your stomach. The more the stomach - the more appetite.
  • There are complexes of physical exercises and meditation that soothe and distract from eating - after them you will eat much less.
  • Strict calorie counting is not the best way to lose weight. Severe restrictions in nutrition cause outbreaks of "brutal" appetite.
  • You can fight with appetite and aromatherapy. The easiest way to reduce your appetite is to brush your teeth before eating.
  • If you are unable to cope with the appetite, take natural remedies that beat off the appetite( based on garcinia, chromium compounds, pectins, gums, microcrystalline cellulose).I do not recommend strong anorexigene drugs acting on the central nervous system - their use does not remain without harmful consequences.
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