Possible complications after tooth extraction: how to minimize risks?

To remove the tooth should not be taken lightly, because after such a procedure there are complications, as well as after any other intervention.

They can be caused by the behavior of patients, and can arise for reasons beyond their control. Consider the main causes of complications in the process and after tooth extraction, as well as the characteristics and methods of treatment.

Contents of

  • Removal of tooth is serious
  • What provokes unpleasant consequences?
  • How are the risks?
    • Alveolitis - painful inflammation of the tooth socket
    • Blood from the tooth - cap, cap, cap. ...
    • Temperature rise
    • Hematoma formation
    • Paresthesia - decreased sensitivity
    • Flux formation
    • Teeth injuries and dislocations
  • Complications in the procedure
    • Other problems

Removing the tooth is serious

Any tooth extraction can not be considered an innocuous dental procedure. Moreover, modern medicine with the introduction of tooth-saving technologies considers such a measure extreme. After all, the loss of even one tooth is a big problem for a person.

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Tooth extraction is performed only for medical reasons, when it is impossible to prevent the development of the disease in other ways. This procedure is not carried out during pregnancy.

A separate problem is the removal of the third molar: due to the peculiarities of its position, this procedure is the most common cause of complications.

Easy tooth extraction is performed with dental forceps. The doctor makes special movements that help to extract the tooth from the socket.

A difficult removal is a situation where the tooth can not be removed with forceps alone. The doctor first creates access to the root of the tooth by dissecting the periosteum. If the tooth is obliquely or horizontally, the removal is done in parts using special tools.

The method of tooth extraction depends on each case. Only an expert can determine the tactics of such an operation. This is a very serious procedure, which in some cases can give complications.

What triggers unpleasant consequences?

Unpleasant consequences and painful pains after tooth extraction are associated with a number of reasons. Although the current level of development of dentistry reduces the likelihood of complications to a minimum.

So, the most common cause of bleeding is the pathology of blood clotting. Even taking acetylsalicylic acid gives a serious risk of bleeding.

The same can be said for patients suffering from hypertension. With the stabilization of pressure in these patients, there is a risk of bleeding.

Bleeding wounds can arise and as a result of such reasons:

  • features of the pathological process;
  • features of the location of the teeth;
  • careless removal;
  • failure to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Inflammation after removal of the tooth - alveolitis or osteomyelitis is provoked due to the following factors:

  • the existence of multiple inflammation foci with frequent relapses;
  • traumatic removal( at the same time there are conditions for the penetration of pathogenic microflora in the tissue);
  • absence of a blood clot in tissue formed after removal;
  • pathological changes in the body due to stress, and also suffered acute diseases;
  • presence of endocrine diseases in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation;
  • depletion.

Perforation of the maxillary sinus occurs for the following reasons:

  • anatomical features of the structure of the tooth and the location of its roots;
  • presence of chronic foci of inflammation;
  • sloppy doctor's actions;
  • if during the procedure the patient suffered from an inflammation of the maxillary sinus.

These are the most common causes of complications after they have torn the tooth.

How are the risks?

After tooth extraction, the patient may have such complications:

  • alveolitis;
  • bleeding;
  • temperature increase;
  • paresthesia;
  • change the position of adjacent teeth;
  • injury or incomplete tooth extraction;
  • flux and suppuration of the gums.

Alveolitis - a painful inflammation of the tooth socket

Alveolitis is an inflammation of the socket after tooth extraction. In some cases, the hole may look quite normal, and the diagnosis of "alveolitis" is set by the doctor only after a thorough examination. However, in most cases, the hole swells, an unpleasant odor arises from it.

At visual inspection, the well is empty, it has a yellowish coating, as well as food residues. In some cases purulent contents are found in it. The nearby gum is swollen, bright red, it feels painful to the touch. In severe cases, naked bone tissue is found.

In case of a violation, pains of a different nature are observed - acute or mild. They are often accompanied by a headache.

When an infection of the blood clot is noticeable, an unpleasant odor. In this case, there are often symptoms of general intoxication of the body - weakness, poor health, fever, fatigue.

In the acute course of the process, swelling of the cheek or gum is added to these symptoms. As a rule, the patient feels acute pain.

Treatment of the alveolitis occurs exclusively at the dentist. Self-treatment in terms of effectiveness is useless.

The doctor removes the blood clot under anesthesia. The lymph is washed with antiseptic solutions. At home, it may be necessary to wash the wells independently.

Blood from the tooth - cap, cap, cap. ...

Bleeding often occurs if a large vessel is damaged during tooth extraction. It also appears after several hours of after surgery or even at night.

In this case, do not expect that the blood will stop on its own. At home, you can make a tight gauze swab and put it on top of the hole.

To the cheek in the projection of the wells, it is necessary to apply cold. If there is no possibility to visit the doctor, then the hemostatic sponge will help, which you can buy at the pharmacy. Facilitates the condition of Diccinon.

If these measures are not successful, you should urgently go to a dental clinic or call an ambulance.

In order to prevent bleeding, it is necessary: ​​

  • not to take hot water procedures;
  • not to make sharp mimic movements;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol;
  • does not engage in manual labor.

Temperature rise

After tooth extraction, natural healing of the well occurs, with a slight increase in body temperature. However, in some cases there is a risk of swelling, redness, and pain.

They say that microorganisms have got into the hole and an inflammatory process is developing.

In this case, it is impossible to tighten with the reference to the doctor, no less than to engage in self-medication. In the conditions of the clinic, the patient is provided with qualified assistance aimed at the removal of inflammation.

Hematoma formation

The hematoma is usually formed in the gingival tissue. It develops as a result of fragility of capillaries or hypertensive disease.

The appearance of a hematoma is indicated by gingival enlargement, redness, and fever.

The hematoma is treated at the dentist.

Paresthesia - decreased sensitivity

When the nerves are affected, the sensitivity decreases. A person loses touch, pain, temperature and taste sensitivity. Often the sensations are similar to those observed after the injection of an anesthetic.

Most often paresthesia passes in a few days. However, the full restoration of sensitivity can be delayed by several months. About persistent paresthesia, they say, if it lasts more than six months.

In the case of prolonged paresthesia, the patient is assigned combined medical preparations. Injections of Dibazolum, Galantaminum or an extract of an aloe are shown.

Flux formation

After tooth extraction, if there is an infection in the jaw, a flux develops. This is a purulent focus, formed in the tissues of the gums.

Among the signs of this complication, it should be noted strong pain, giving off in eyes or whiskey, swelling of the cheeks, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, increased body temperature.

Treatment of the flux consists in its opening and washing the cavity with antiseptics. The doctor also prescribes antibiotics.

Teeth injuries and dislocations

After tooth extraction, such injuries are possible:

  1. Damage to adjacent teeth .They can be crushed, broken or weakened.
  2. Incomplete removal of occurs if the tooth is removed piece by piece.
  3. Jaw fracture occurs in patients with weakened maxillary bones. Most often this happens after the removal of the wisdom tooth.
  4. The removal of part of the alveolar ridge occurs most often because of unprofessional and careless actions of the doctor. This problem is solved with the help of plastic.

Complications of

procedure Numerous complications occur during tooth extraction. They are divided into general and local:

  1. General complications of include collapse, shock, fainting, an attack of hypertensive crisis, etc. Patient assistance in this case is provided immediately.
  2. The most common local complication of is a fracture of the tooth or tooth root. Most often this happens at a high degree of its destruction. The patient feels severe pain.

Treatment of a fracture depends on the severity of each case.

With improper selection of forceps, there may be fracture, dislocation or removal of the adjacent tooth. Often this happens when the operation is carried out roughly.

The dislocation of the jaw happens when the mouth is opened too wide. Treatment of a dislocation consists in its correction.

If the doctor is working carelessly, damage to the soft tissues of the mouth may occur. The treatment of such injuries depends on the degree of injury.

Other problems

Complications also include:

  • damage to the rudiments of permanent teeth in children;
  • tooth swallowing;
  • aspiration of the tooth followed by the development of asphyxia;
  • perforation of the maxillary sinus;
  • sudden bleeding.

So, tooth extraction can not be an innocuous and simple intervention. This is always a serious operation, which has some contraindications.

As a rule, the attentive approach of the doctor and the use of modern dental equipment minimizes the occurrence of various kinds of complications.

With timely treatment of possible complications, recovery comes, and the jaw functions are restored.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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