Why do sores appear on the gums and how can they be cured?

The health of teeth and gums depends on a full and proper nutrition, thanks to which the body receives all the necessary substances and vitamins.

If there is a lack of necessary microelements, gum disease can occur, resulting in painful wounds on the gums.

If pain occurs with the use of acidic foods, this may indicate the appearance of sores in the mouth. This can be verified by examining the mucous surface with a mirror. The affected area can be of various shapes depending on the source of origin.

Ulcer in the mouth is a disorder of the oral mucosa. This condition causes discomfort in a person, and can also cause bad breath.


Response to disorders in the body

  • Response to disorders in the body
  • Aggression factors
  • In the risk zone children
  • Approach to therapy
  • Home emergency
  • Prevention of the disease
  • Causes of the appearance of

    wounds The appearance of sores can contribute to the diseases of the mouth, the infection that has fallen ondamaged gums, traumatic effects, common diseases and allergic reaction to taking medications.

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    In the dental area, ulcers on the gums may appear for certain reasons:

    • aphthous stomatitis;
    • ulcerative and herpetiform stomatitis;
    • gingivitis;
    • mechanical mucosal trauma.

    A more detailed picture of each of the disorders:

    1. Disease of the oral cavity with an inflammatory process on the gums, which produces grayish white ulcers with pronounced

      . In the photo, gingival ulcers caused by aphthous stomatitis

      are diagnosed as aphthous stomatitis .These manifestations in some patients can go into the chronic course of the disease and periodically occur relapses. In uncomplicated cases, aphthae heal in ten days, with more neglected cancers treatment may take about a month. There is a type of stomatitis due to low immunity, stressful situations, permanent injury to the oral mucosa, disruption of the endocrine system and chronic constipation.

    2. Ulcerative stomatitis begins to develop as a consequence of an incomplete catarrhal inflammatory disease. Often people do not go to the dentist with such a simple type of stomatitis, as only the redness of the gums occurs, without the appearance of sores. With ulcerative stomatitis, a deep lesion of the mucosa by the wound is observed, the gums bleed, the body temperature rises, and lymph nodes increase. The presence of such symptoms requires immediate treatment to the doctor.
    3. A rare form of aphthous lesions of the oral cavity, which is common in girls under the age of thirty, is called herpetiform stomatitis .The causes of this disease are not found. At the same time on the gums and in the lower part of the oral cavity small gray wounds are formed without clear boundaries, the affected areas heal in seven days, but may appear again.
    4. Ulcerative gingivitis appears on the gums in the form of wounds with clear gray-white borders, while the patient has an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

    The development of the disease contributes to such factors:

    • caries;
    • tartar;
    • perkaranoritis;
    • decreased immunity;
    • smoking.

    Most often, initially on the gums, ulcers and other injuries occur as a result of a mucosal injury. This wound is painless, small in size.

    Healing occurs two weeks after the irritant is eliminated. Mucosal damage occurs when cleaning the mouth with a stiff bristle toothbrush, poor-quality dental procedure and rubbing the gums with a prosthesis.

    Response to disorders in the body

    The appearance of sores can provoke the presence of common diseases:

    1. With syphilis , wounds develop at all stages, except for the initial period of development of the venereal disease. Occurs in the form of a deep, rounded aphthae with a red bottom. The healing period is up to three months.
    2. Tuberculosis provokes the appearance of inflammatory ulcers on the gums after infection with a stick of Koch. In this case, there are tubercles with a bleeding base, which are accompanied by severe pain.
    3. HIV-infected patients also suffer from painful wounds in the oral mucosa. Treatment by specialists is very cautious.
    4. Diabetes mellitus .
    5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract .Diseases of the endocrine and circulatory system .
    6. Renal failure .

    Factors provocateurs

    The appearance of sores on the gums provokes a lack of vitamins in the human body. Deficiency of such elements as P, B6, B2, C, A leads to the appearance of a defect, the inflammatory process of the mucosa and the slow healing of sores.

    Such an ailment can manifest itself due to the large consumption of sweet or large quantities of acidic foods. When breathing through the mouth, the mucosa dries up, resulting in an infection on the gum and the development of ulcerative rashes.

    These problems concern adults and children, starting with infancy. The development of the disease contributes to improper hygiene, the presence of concomitant diseases of the oral mucosa. The risk group includes people prone to allergies, liver and blood diseases, chronic ailments and a weak immune system.

    If a jaundice is found on the gums, first contact the dentist to find out the cause. The doctor conducts an examination of the oral cavity and a questioning of the patient by the nature and frequency of the appearance of the wound, whether there is a heredity in this disease and what are the additional symptoms.

    The doctor can prescribe a blood test for infection, the determination of iron and vitamin B12.In case of a disputable diagnosis, a biopsy of the oral mucosa and the patient is sent to the appropriate specialists for additional examination.

    Thus, a differential diagnosis of the disease, which helps to make the correct diagnosis.

    In the risk zone children

    The reasons for the appearance of wounds on the gums in children can be different - from improper oral hygiene to serious manifestations of systemic diseases. The most common occurrence of sores occurs in aphthous and viral stomatitis, less often with diagnoses such as Bednar's Afts, tuberculosis and syphilis.

    The main symptom of aphthous stomatitis is the periodic appearance of wounds on the oral mucosa, which cause pain during meals in a child.

    The child becomes restless, refuses to eat, there is a general malaise. On the gums, there is swelling and bleeding.

    A distinctive feature of this form of the disease in children is the formation of no more than two ulcers.

    Treatment of this ailment in children begins with the use of antiallergic drugs that relieve inflammation in the affected areas.

    The wound is then treated with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing agents. Effective is considered the influence of ultraviolet rays on aphthae. During the illness, a generous drink is recommended, and mouth rinses after each meal.

    Viral stomatitis mainly develops on the background of infectious diseases such as chicken pox, measles, rubella and ARVI.Also the appearance may contribute to:

    • reduced immunity;
    • incorrect oral hygiene;
    • gum injury;
    • reception of antibiotics.

    The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. To get rid of sores, anesthetics are prescribed, antiviral agents are used to treat mucous membranes, and then healing.

    The immune system is considered mandatory in the treatment.

    Approach to therapy

    During the treatment of sores on the gums, the form of the disease and the degree of tissue damage are taken into account. When you have wounds, you should brush your teeth with a soft brush, do not eat hard, sour and spicy food.

    Medication consists of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and analgesic drugs. Dental gels such as Metrogil denta, Holisal or Kamistad are prescribed for the removal of the inflammatory process, pain and rapid healing of the wounds on the gums.

    Also used is a high-quality rinse aid with antiseptic action for the oral cavity.

    Antibacterial therapy uses a solution of Chlorhexidine gluconate, spray Lugol and Ingalipt. Such drugs destroy bacteria and fungus.

    Remedies for the treatment of a viral infection are:

    • Remantadine;
    • Acyclovir;
    • Interferon;
    • ointment Zovirax 5% and Megasin 3%.

    With severe pain, the doctor prescribes pain medications that are applied to the damaged gum area. For this, the rinse aid is benzydamine.

    An additional means to the main treatment is the treatment of the wound surface with hydrogen peroxide and Furacilin.

    It is mandatory to appoint vitamins B1, B6, C, which help the body cope with the disease.

    Relieve pain and relieve inflammation with the help of folk methods.

    Home Emergency Care

    As an adjunct to the main treatment, you can use herbal infusions and a solution of soda for rinsing the mouth.

    The wound can be treated with a cotton disc dipped in liquid vitamin B12.Healing effect is possessed by sea buckthorn oil.
    Adults to remove pain and inflamed sores on the gums will help mouth treatment with various solutions:

    • water with the addition of an alcohol tincture of calendula;
    • carrot juice diluted with water;
    • decoction of oak bark or walnut leaves.

    Apply a potato gruel, crushed garlic and sour cream to the wound. Rinse your mouth or lubricate the damaged areas several times a day.

    But it is worth remembering that treatment with folk remedies can only remove superficial symptoms, rather than eradicate the problem as a whole.

    In time not started and improperly selected treatment can lead to complications. Ulcers on the gums can spread to the entire oral cavity and worsen the general condition of the patient.

    The disease weakens the immune system, making the body vulnerable to diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Frequent stomatitis contributes to the defeat of tooth enamel and dental disease. Painful sensations cause a refusal to eat in the baby, which can lead to growth retardation and weight loss.

    Prevention of

    To avoid or reduce the chance of occurrence of such disorders, some recommendations should be followed:

    • timely dental visit;
    • reception of vitamins and immunomodulating agents;
    • avoid injuries of the oral cavity;
    • compliance with oral hygiene.
    • Mar 25, 2018
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