Before we find out why and for what reasons the dental implant is being rejected, the question should be clarified: what do they need in general, and even earlier - what is it?
Implant( or implant) - this is an artificial tooth, installed by mounting in the thickness of the jawbone with the help of an artificial root. In the oral cavity a crown is made of a material that imitates the natural tooth, the gum( abutment), which is indistinguishable from the properties of the present root( made of titanium), is introduced into the gum.
Dental implantation occurs in several stages, with interruptions necessary for healing the gums after each stage of prosthetics, less often - in one stage.
This method of prosthetics takes into account both the anatomy and physiological characteristics of a living tooth, as much as possible copying a living nature.
But because of the need to mount the artificial structure in living tissue, sometimes there is a rejection of dental implants.
Given that the gum and jaw are in close contact only with an artificial titanium root prosthesis, we should talk about the rejection of this particular part of the whole structure.
Contents of
- How long does the dental implant take root under normal conditions?
- A set of provocative factors
- How does it look and feel?
- If the process is already running. ..
- How to increase the chances of success?
- Question-answer, or what else should the patient know and remember
How long does the dental implant take root under normal conditions?
For complete healing of the tissues after all the interventions made, the time required directly depends on the area of the prosthesis: for the lower jaw this period is from 2 to 4 months, for the upper one - about 6.
The speed and quality of survival of dental implants are affected by both physiological features(the best blood supply of the mandibular bone, the proximity of the maxillary sinus to the upper jaw), and the physical properties of the material of the product and its technical characteristics, depending on the conscientiousness of the particularth manufacturer.
Normally, a traumatic effect on the bone and soft jaw structure leaves consequences in the form:
- of the gingival edema( in part, with the transition to the cheek);
- gum recession;
- local soreness, not reaching the extreme.
For the next 3-4( maximum 6-7) days, these symptoms should gradually disappear. The deadline is no more than 14 days.
All painful changes that have not undergone the reverse development during these approximate time frames should be evaluated by the implantologist who made the prosthesis, taking into account the possibility that the implant did not stick.
Complex of provocative factors
The reasons that provoke the rejection of dental implants can be divided into several groups:
- medical errors and incorrectly chosen method of prosthetics;
- incorrect behavior( errors) of the patient in the postoperative period;
- poor-quality materials;
- common diseases;
- other factors.
The question of the low quality of the product in modern dentistry is almost not worth it - it is possible only when working with implants of unscrupulous manufacturers, which specifically replace materials for cheaper ones, or in an effort to reduce the cost of their products violate production technologies.
This point should be taken into account both by the purchaser( patient) and the dentist recommending the product.
Preferred to use the products of well-established firms, but this is already a matter of price, solved by the patient independently.
There can not be any speech about a deliberate violation of technology by a doctor, we should only talk about the professionalism of the dentist, which may not take into account the peculiarities of the organism and the structure of the patient's bone tissue and other nuances during implantation.
In the first case, it is an underestimation of diseases, which in a large percentage of cases will lead to rejection:
- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
- is not a recognized oncological process.
The second point is poor performance of the intervention due to neglect of the situation in the operating field( unnoticed damage to the implant, or the jaw bone, or something else).
The patient himself can not speak about the harm of the patient himself - he simply does not think about changing the habitual life, or not having the opportunity, or the determination.
Due to the presence of harmful habits and inattention to one's health, one should not speak about the mistakes of the patient's behavior, but about ignoring the doctor's recommendations and lack of responsibility for his postoperative state.
To the category of "other factors" include insufficient perfection of the method of prosthetics and the absence of a common protocol that would allow the use of a standard set of procedures for each individual patient.
How does it look and feel?
A distinctive symptom of implant rejection from the usual postoperative period is the growth of inflammatory-suppuration phenomena with the transition to necrotic process, as well as the development of a common inflammatory process.
This is often acute pain, accompanied by mobility( shaky) of the embedded structure. During the postoperative period, these events increase with the development of signs of local inflammation:
- hyperemia;
- edema.
If these changes are ignored, they are exacerbated by the appearance of an unpleasant odor due to the development of a purulent and then necrotic process with appropriate discharge from the implant well: sucronic, purulent or purulent-sucronic. Excretions can also come from the nearby gingival tissue.
Typical for peri-implantitis is pain when pressing on the implant or increasing the pain of an existing one.
Due to the different threshold of pain perception, one should take into account how long a dental implant sticks in normal normal conditions, and in case of a significant excess of these terms, sound the alarm and run to the doctor.
It is only the physician who is able to assess the norm or the pathology of the postoperative course correctly, the first examination of which should be carried out no later than 2-3 days after the intervention.
If the process is already running. ..
If there is at least one of the signs that indicates rejection of the dental implant, you must immediately report for consultation to the operating specialist.
Ignoring the symptoms of inflammation, much less necrosis, is fraught with irreversible destruction of the jaw bone, with the impossibility of re-implantation and will require more operative involvement with osteoplasty.
In case of problems at the implantation engraftment stage, it is sometimes sufficient to clean it after twisting the cap( gum former) or opening the gums to clean the wound from the pus. In the case of an explicit start of rejection, an immediate deletion of the structure is required.
How to increase the chances of success?
Despite a relatively small percentage of cases of rejection of dental implants, the patient, nevertheless, should protect himself from the likelihood of such an event.
Before deciding on prosthetics, it is necessary to carefully consider the capabilities of your body( taking into account the existing diseases, allergic reactions to various substances) and tell them about your future doctor without talking about fearsome or doubtful facts.
After hearing his recommendations for the preparation for the process, immediately proceed with their implementation. If there are negative habits, take all measures to get rid of them.
The choice of the implant model should be approached with maximum thoughtfulness - based only on the cheapness of the product, you can get the wrong result that is expected by
Exactly the same should be the approach to choosing a clinic and a specialist. The possibilities of clinics and implantologists can be judged by the feedback of their clients on the Internet, where negative aspects necessarily become public.
And always remember: the responsibility for the result is no less than half, lies on the patient himself, and not only on the dentist who performed the operation.
Question-answer, or what else should the patient know and remember
? The most popular questions on the topic and the answer of our specialist on them.
What is the( average) percentage of cases of implant rejection and model of which manufacturers are preferred?
The percentage of such cases does not exceed 3-5%.Preferably products of European( German or Swiss) firms, while the Asian and Middle Eastern market( Israel) delivers cheaper products with a 95% guarantee.
Is implantation possible with bone deficit?
On the question: is it necessary to pre-osteoplastic or existing bone enough to produce an intervention?- the doctor-specialist will answer, having spent X-ray and clinical research. The decision is made on the basis of a specific case.
Is it true that smokers have more frequent cases of rejection?
That's right. And this is due to the scarcity of the blood supply to the tissues of the oral cavity, which leads to low levels of her health.
How to be a smoker?
Unambiguously to abandon the addiction and to implant teeth without consequences.
Do the guarantee promises of the manufacturers of reality correspond?
A world-renowned company guarantees the service life of a product based on its average statistical research. The actual period of its service depends on the correctness of the selection and installation, the operating conditions of the product and other factors that are specified in the guarantee documents.
In case of failure, is reimplantation realistic?
It depends on many factors that only an expert can assess. In most cases, it's real.
Given the low probability of rejection reaction of the implant, good practical results and continuing research in this direction, this method should be recognized as the most progressive at the given time, which can be proposed for mass application.