Hilo-Chest: moisturizing the eyes and comfort when wearing contact lenses

One of the ophthalmic agents used to protect and moisturize the cornea of ​​the eye is the Hilo-Chest.

The agent is presented as a sterile solution without preservatives with hyaluronic acid in the formulation. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component that exists in the tissues of the eye, as well as in other body fluids.

The Hilo-Komod preparation is a colorless solution.10 ml of the solution are placed in a special plastic container designed for this product.

The container together with the instructions for use is in a cardboard box. The container of the "chest" system represents a complex system of valves and tanks.

    • 1. Composition of the preparation
    • 2. Pharmacological action of the preparation
    • 3. Application of the preparation
    • 4. Contraindications to the use and side effects of the preparation
    • 5. Prices for the preparation
    • 6. Analogues of the preparation
    • 7. Reviews

Container elements, interacting with the solution, are covered with a layer of silver, which ensures the sterility of the drug. In addition, the "chest" system does not allow air to penetrate into the container due to 100% tightness. Thanks to the properties of the container, a long-term use of this product is possible without unpleasant consequences.

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Shelf life of Hilo-Komod is 3 years. After this time, you can not use the drug. After opening the bottle( first use), the solution can be used for 12 weeks.

For convenience, a label is provided on the container label to ensure that the patient has filled the date of first use of the product. Reuse of the container is unacceptable: when the facility is finished, you need to discard the empty container as ordinary garbage.

Store the Hilo-Chestoide preparation at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, out of the reach of children.

Moisturizing solution Hilo-Chest of pharmacies is dispensed without a prescription.

Composition of the preparation

The main active ingredient in the composition of the Hilo-Comod is sodium hyaluronate, its content in 1 ml of the solution is 1 mg.

In addition to the main component, the formulation excludes auxiliary substances: sodium citrate, sorbitol, citric acid anhydrous and water for injection.

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Pharmacological action of the drug

The main purpose of the drug - moistening the cornea of ​​the eye.

The Hilo-Komod preparation has a viscosity and adhesive properties with respect to the eye surface( "adheres" to it), which results in the formation of a uniform tear film on the eye cornea that lasts for a long time on the eye's shell, does not affect the visual acuity and does not decreasewhen blinking.

The eye remains protected from irritation and a feeling of dryness caused by negative external influences or lens wear.

The use of the Hilo-Chest product provides comfort when wearing contact lenses, and it does not accumulate on their surfaces, so it is possible to instill the solution without first removing the lenses.

Indications for the use of the Hilo-Komod drug are:

  • a feeling of discomfort( irritation or dryness) when wearing hard or soft contact lenses;
  • insufficient moisturizing of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye;
  • insufficient moistening of the eye surface after laser or surgical ophthalmic surgeries;
  • burning, itching and feeling of a foreign body in the eye( so-called dry eye syndrome);
  • inadequate moisturization due to corneal injury or injury.

Use of

It is recommended to instill the Hilo-Komod solution into the conjunctival sac 1-2 drops 3 times a day. You can increase the number of instillations, if necessary.

In this case, you should consult an ophthalmologist or contact lens specialist to develop an individual treatment plan.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor if discomfort persists when using the drug, and if it is used very often( more than 10 times a day).

The duration of application of the Hilo-Chestoide is not limited by the content of natural ingredients in the composition and absence of preservatives.

Use the Hilo-Chest of the following instructions:

  • Before each use, remove the blue cap that closes the dropper.
  • Then, flip the bottle down with a dropper and press the base. So squeezed out only one drop means. Before the first use of the drug, you need to press the bottle a few times until the first drop of the solution appears.
  • For instillation, it is necessary to tilt the head back, slightly pull the lower eyelid and press on the bottom of the container. A drop of the solution should fall into the conjunctival sac. Next, close your eyes, so that the product is evenly distributed throughout the surface of the eyes.
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to close the container tightly by putting back the blue cap.

If the Hilo-Komod preparation is used along with other eye aids, it is necessary to maintain the interval when using them for about 30 minutes. If it is necessary to use ophthalmic ointments, they are used only after instillation of Hilo-Komod. Read more - detailed description of the user manual for Blueberry Forte. What are the useful properties and contraindications for the drug.

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During the use of the drug, do not bring the tip of the dropper directly to the eye or eyelid, so that in the future there is no irritation when using the product.

Contraindications to the use and side effects of the drug

Contraindicated use of the Hilo-Komod ophthalmic agent, if there is an increased sensitivity to its components.

No adverse effects were observed when the drug was used in reasonable doses.

The Hilo-Chest should be used with caution during pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. There have been no separate studies on this subject.

The prices for the preparation

Depending on the region and the particular pharmacy network, the average price for the Hilo-Komod drug in Russia varies from 460 to 510 rubles per 10 ml.

In pharmacies in Ukraine, the drug costs about 160 hryvnia.

Analogues of preparation

Preparations with the composition completely coinciding with the composition of this drug do not exist.

Other artificial tear preparations can be used with the same symptoms, for example:

  • Vidisik,
  • Ophthalm,
  • Natural tear,
  • Vision pure tear,
  • Lacrosse,
  • Oxial,
  • Systein,
  • Visomitin, etc.


At the end of the article, you canto get acquainted with reviews about this drug from specialists and people who use the drug.

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