Toothpaste president

The Italian brand PRESIDENT specializes in the production of hygiene and dental hygiene products.

The use of natural raw materials, the use of a minimum of chemical components, careful control over the size of abrasive particles and the content of fluoride make paste the world leader among manufacturers of toothpastes.


  • Composition of toothpastes President
    • Composition of toothpastes President
    • The optimal option for daily use
    • Means for the prevention and treatment of gum disease
    • Teeth whitening series
    • PRESIDENT Sensitive for sensitive teeth
    • Kinds of children's pastes
    • Dental reviews
    • Patient reviews

Composition of toothpastes President

Composition of dentalPast President is rich in various active ingredients. These include:

  • Syloblanc( synthetic passive silica), perfectly cleans and polishes the tooth surface, removing organic contaminants;
  • xylitol, cetylpyridine and zinc chloride protect against unpleasant odor;
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  • allantoin( licorice or comfrey extract), bisabolol( chamomile or yarrow extract), oak bark extract have astringent and healing properties. They struggle with bleeding gums and other inflammatory processes;
  • alpha-eucalyptol( the main component of eucalyptus oil), thyme and propolis relieve the puffiness of the gums;
  • aniseed oil, Icelandic moss, lemon, mint, lemon balm, malva, hawthorn and ginseng have a beneficial effect on the health of teeth and gums;
  • bioavailable calcium, dissolved in salts of organic citric acid, is made;bioavailable, and the percentage of its digestibility is much higher than when using calcium carbonate;
  • vitamins B, C and E help strengthen the capillary walls and increase the elasticity of the gums
  • hexetidine, tea tree oil, triclosan have an antiseptic effect;
  • hydroxyapatite of calcium, obtained from sea corals, regulates the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body, strengthens bone tissue and can replace damaged tissues;
  • potassium nitrate and calcium carbonate carefully impart whiteness to even the most sensitive teeth;
  • papain or papaya extract in its properties can replace fluoride containing preparations.

The best option for daily use

Tooth paste PRESIDENT Classic contains in its composition valuable components of Syloblanc and xylitol, which cleans tooth enamel and kill pathogenic bacteria well. In this paste, the abrasivity is RDA 75, which allows you to use it daily. Also in its composition are natural vegetable oils of sage, chamomile, mint and balm that disinfect the surface of the gums, soothe them and neutralize unpleasant odors. Sodium fluoride provides tooth enamel with the necessary minerals.

This toothpaste does not have a pronounced taste and aroma, does not pinch the tongue and does not knit. Foams medium, because it does not contain harmful to the body lauryl sulfate sodium. Suitable for the whole family. Price for 100 ml of 270 rubles .

Means for the prevention and treatment of gum inflammation

The Exclusive series has an astringent properties and takes care of bleeding gums. Extracts of thyme and propolis heal small wounds on soft tissues. The active component of the paste, hexetidine, kills fungi, including Candida fungus. Its use increases the effectiveness of all components of the toothpaste PRESIDENT Exclusive, making it effective in fighting stomatitis.

The paste has a mint smell of medium intensity and moderate foaming. It is applied by a course of 2-3 weeks with the same break. Efficiency will be noticeable after the first course. Pasta is recommended for people who have dentures or implants. Cost of 275 rubles per 100 ml of .

Toothpaste President Aktiv was created especially for those who have gum inflammation, stomatitis, who suffer from angina or SARS.The main active component of the paste is triclosan. This is a strong antiseptic, so PRESIDENT Active should be attributed to therapeutic toothpastes.

The content of abrasive cleaning components is low( RDA 75), and the paste does not damage the enamel of the teeth with frequent use. It is very effective for periodontal disease, after several weeks of application the gums completely stop bleeding. Price per tube of 50 ml 205 rubles .

Teeth whitening series

Tooth paste PRESIDENT White is suitable for daily use( RDA 75), which indicates its gentle effect on the enamel of the teeth. In addition to the whitening effect, which provides an extract of Icelandic Tetraria( a variety of lichens), the toothpaste contains calcium glycerophosphate, which strengthens the enamel of the teeth. Price 330 rubles per 100 ml of .

Toothpaste PRESIDENT White Plus belongs to the category of professional toothpastes, created specifically for teeth whitening at home, so for daily use is not good. If the usual toothpaste has a controlled abrasiveness RDA 75, in this case, this figure increases to 200. It is for this reason, the manufacturer warns that you can use the tool once a week. People with sensitive teeth enamel toothpaste should be put aside.

Its plus is that it does not contain fluorine compounds, and the disadvantages are that good foaming is provided by the presence in the paste of a potential allergen sodium lauryl sulfate, which also contributes to the development of stomatitis. Nevertheless, the main purpose, namely, noticeable teeth whitening, PRESIDENT White PLUS paste performs at 100%. The cost of a tube in 30 ml of 185 rubles .

The PRESIDENT Renome tooth paste contains a calcium-silicon composition consisting of calcium phosphate and a Syloblanc component. RDA 75 is sufficient for effective cleansing with daily use of the paste. The absence of pyrophosphates indicates careful bleaching, so a pronounced effect from the paste should not be expected. Critically it is necessary to treat the foaming agent sodium lauryl sulfate.

With a maximum permissible fluoride index of ppm = 1500, its amount in PRESIDENT Renome is 1350 units, and this allows the use of the drug in regions with a high content of fluoride in water. Natural peppermint oil gives a pleasant fresh taste to the paste, which does not irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth. Ginseng speeds up the healing of small lesions and scratches on the gums. The merits of the paste can be attributed to the fact that it combines cleansing and light whitening with mineralization of the enamel of the teeth, and it can be used daily. The cost of 330 rubles per 100 ml of .

PRESIDENT Sensitive for sensitive teeth

Tooth paste PRESIDENT Sensitive, due to the unique composition and active component of potassium nitrate, significantly reduces the sensitivity of tooth enamel and prevents the formation of a cervical caries. Extract of chamomile and linden contribute to the removal of inflammation and pain, xylitol strengthens the enamel, the hydroxyapatite mineral is able to restore the bone tissue of the teeth. The paste does not contain antiseptic and antibacterial components, as well as sodium lauryl sulfate, which is harmful to health. Foams medium, and has a very low abrasivity rate of 25 units. This allows you to use the paste every day for people with thinned enamel, without fear of damaging it. The price is 205 rubles for 50 ml of .

Kinds of children's pastes

Baby pastes PRESIDENT take care of teeth, from birth to adolescence. And for each age category, the paste contains the optimal content of fluoride. All without exception, children's pastes do not have in their composition a potential allergen sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens and PEG.

Special toothpaste for the first teeth PRESIDENT Baby is designed for children under 3 years old. Even babies who are breastfed should clean their teeth. And toothpastes for children should be subject to increased demands. Given that the child can accidentally swallow it, there is no fluoride in the paste, which can cause food poisoning and allergies. Abrasive particles of a very small paste( RDA 25).

This is the minimum indicator, and you can apply the remedy several times a day. Instead of sugar in this paste is used sorbitol. Mineral complex Calcium Glycerophosphate protects against caries and strengthens delicate enamel. The paste has a gel-like texture of pink color with a taste of raspberry or caramel. Unpleasant cleaning for teeth becomes for the kid an exciting procedure. The price is 165 rubles for 30 ml of .

For children aged 3 to 6 years, a toothpaste President Kids 3-6 was created. It is during this period that the child's teeth should be observed in a special way, because their loss at this age is fraught with problems with bite, speech and constant teeth in adulthood. The fact that President Kids Kids 3-6 pasta has a safe and healthy composition is very encouraging. The cleaning component of Syloblanc is of natural origin and does not harm enamel, Xylitol maintains an optimal acid balance in the mouth.

Various surfactants( sodium lauroyl sarcosinate, sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate) are contained in scanty doses that can not at least somehow harm the health. The paste contains natural extracts of plants( aloe, chamomile and linden), which heal the wounds that formed when the milk teeth fall out. Vitamin C makes the gums more elastic. RDA 50 complies with international WHO standards for children 3-6 years old. The product has two flavors: strawberry and the taste of Coca-Cola. Price per tube of 50 ml 180 rubles .

Toothpaste President junior is designed for children 6-12 years old. At this age, the child completely switches to adult food, and he now needs a comprehensive protection of teeth and gums. The content of optimal amounts of vitamins A, E and provitamin B5 promotes saturation of gingival tissues with oxygen and increase their elasticity. Extracts of chamomile, sage and linden disinfect the oral cavity.

Lime flavored pasta contains a fluoride-free fluoride content( ppm = 950).But there is also pasta with strawberry flavor, which does not contain it at all. Parents should choose for themselves what is best for their child, because some children have fluoride for allergies. The size of abrasive particles RDA 50 allows during the procedure not to damage the surface of the enamel. The cost of 165 rubles for 50 ml of .

Toothpaste President Teens 12 with mint flavor is created for teenagers. The forming enamel is carefully cleaned due to the particles of natural silicon in the size of RDA 50. The paste does not have harmful substances, but it is rich in plant extracts, calcium and fluorine, which are necessary for dental health. Skeletal growth and hormonal changes can cause calcium deficiency in the body, and the Presiden Teens 12 paste allows for this. Teeth during the cleaning will get everything you need. Price per tube of 50 ml 180 rubles .

Testimonials of dentists

I recommend PRESIDENT Sensitive paste for patients with increased sensitivity of teeth. Usually the sensitivity appears when the cleaning is wrong, when the patient moves the toothbrush with sweeping movements, but horizontally. The enamel is thinner, the sensitivity to cold, sour or sweet increases. If you use this paste, the problem goes away within a week or two.

Oleg Vasilievich, 36 years old

Heavy smokers often have to contact me in order to remove the yellow plaque and carry out professional cleaning. As a result, it flies in a round sum. Paste PRESIDENT White Plus is an affordable alternative. It can be used occasionally, but it has an amazing effect. Teeth are well cleaned, their color becomes brighter and whiter.

Marina S., 45 years old

Patient feedback

I chose PRESIDENT Classic for myself. Most of all I like the fact that it does not contain harmful substances, it cleans your teeth well, makes your breath fresh, but does not have a pronounced menthol odor. A large amount of packaging makes the pasta family.

Дмитрий, 28 years old

I decided to teach the baby to hygiene from the year. Why did I stop at PRESIDENT Baby, although there are many analogues? Pasta is absolutely not allergenic, if it contains surfactants, then in scant amounts. She weakly foams, and I have time in 10-20 seconds to clean the child's teeth. He simply has nothing to spit out. In addition, the aroma is rather pleasant, not chemical, the baby does not have a sense of "medical procedure"

Anna, 33 years old

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