Treatment of fibroids with the help of a hog queen and a red brush

The appearance of myomatous nodes on the uterus is caused by a variety of reasons, it is difficult to single out the main one. Therefore, the methods of therapy are different, not all doctors and not in every case immediately recommend surgery.

Sometimes a noticeable effect is given by simple means, like treating fibroids with a borax uterus and a red brush. Plants are used separately and in tandem. If they do not help to get rid of the tumor, at least slow down its development and stabilize the state of health, and in some cases will force to decrease.


  • 1 What is useful for rhyomole
    • 1.1 Rhodiola versus fibroids
  • 2 Combination of Rhodiola of cold and borage uterus
    • 2.1 How to prepare and use medical agents
  • 3 Contraindications and surprises in the treatment of

What is the usefulness of Rhodiola cold

when using myoma? Red brush( rhodiola) is known for its ability to regulate the hormonal background, leading it to normal. In the treatment of fibroids, it is important, because whatever the disease is caused, it occurs with an increase in the concentration of estrogens. An abnormally high volume of these substances not only provokes the appearance of a tumor, but also ensures its growth.

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The red brush with myomas, containing glycosides, organic acids, ethereal compounds, flavonoids and microelements, provides the following effect on the body:

  • Stabilizes the work of the central nervous system. Stress contributes to the development of the disease. Psychological comfort, achieved using the plant, helps to get rid of it, because the rhodiola normalizes the remaining processes in the tissues, in the list of which are hormonal;
  • Relieves pain. The tumor makes sensations when menstruating sometimes difficult to bear. The plant does not allow the uterus to contract intensively, reducing spasms. It has a calming effect on pain receptors located in the small pelvis;
  • Helps the functions of the hematopoietic system. Myoma leads to an increase in menstrual flow, which lowers hemoglobin, weakens, reduces the body's resistance to the pathological processes occurring in it. His share in this piggy bank makes intrinsic bleeding tumors outside the menstrual period. A red brush with uterine myoma helps to replenish the reserves of lost blood, which makes it easier to feel;
  • Stimulates immunity. This property of the red brush provides for the maintenance of the production of protective cells, which help to reduce neoplasms, without giving them malignity.
The main direction in tumor therapy with plant-based products is in the alignment of the hormonal background.

Treatment of myoma with a red brush leads to stabilization of the production of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, that is, the solution of endocrine problems capable of provoking the appearance of a tumor. And most importantly, the functions of the pituitary-hypothalamic-ovary combination are normalized. This deprives the tumor of estrogen replenishment. Due to the effect, it develops less actively, and some may decrease in size.

Rhodiola vs. myoma

Rhodiola cold is a potent remedy despite its availability. If you use it in the wrong way, the impact may not be as expected and necessary. After all, the plant is used for other problems with reproductive organs.

Therefore, one of the important issues that causes a red brush with a myome is how to take to achieve the effect of reducing the magnitude and symptoms of the tumor.

There are two ways to do this by preparing:

  • Decoction from 1 tbsp.l.root of the plant and 200 ml of hot water. After connecting, they are kept on a steam bath for 20 minutes, immediately filter. Use 50 ml 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The plant will have the maximum impact for 1.5 months of use, after which it should be completed;
  • Alcoholic infusion of 2 tbsp.root of the plant and 250 ml of 40-degree liquid. The red brush is ground and poured with the second component, leaving out the sunlight for 30 days. Sometimes you need to shake the dishes. Strain, drink infusion of 30 drops three times a day, too, before eating. A monthly course should be enough. If the effect was not achieved, you can repeat it after 2 weeks.

Combination of rhodiola of cold and hog uterus

Rhodiola is useful in the therapy of benign formations on the uterus and in conjunction with other means. The recipes listed here can be supplemented with honey, eating them every time a decoction or infusion.

The bovine uterus is capable of:

  • Raise the concentration of progesterone, thereby neutralizing the excessive activity of estrogen-supporting myomas;
  • Stabilize the work of the ovaries, normalizing the cycle of menstruation. With myomas, its regularity is problematic, and the plant can also eliminate the conditions for intermenstrual bleeding;
  • Remove pain with menstruation, reduce the amount of secretions;
  • To reduce inflammation in the pelvic area;
  • Boost the formation of immune cells.

How to prepare and use medicinal products

Rhodiola and boric uterus make compositions based on water or alcohol:

  • Prepare 1 tbsp.both plants in a crushed form and poured 300 ml of boiling water. On the steam bath, the composition should be kept for 20 minutes. Then they wait for cooling and filter. You need to drink 1 tablespoon.three times a day, the final reception - no later than 17.00;
  • Mix the herbs in equal parts, measure 50 g of raw material and place in 500 ml of vodka. To sustain the composition in a dark room you need 21 days, shaking once a day. The scheme of reception as well as at water infusion, differs only quantity or amount of an alcoholic agent, it is enough 30 drops at a time.

The choice of any form of medicinal composition implies daily use no longer than 2 weeks. After the same break, you can do another course and continue for up to six months.

Contraindications and surprises in the treatment of

Both herbs have a noticeable effect on the body. Not for every case it is favorable, even if there are indications for their use. First it is necessary to find out about the circumstances when plants are forbidden to apply.

Undesirable presence:

  • Cardiovascular ailments;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Gastritis;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Chronic insomnia;
  • Pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding;
  • Renal failure;
  • Intolerance caused by the individual characteristics of the body.

Specialists also insist on interrupting the use of funds on the basis of both herbs on critical days. But with proper application, side effects of plants on the female body are not excluded:

  • Headache;
  • Nausea;
  • Insomnia;
  • Bitterness in the mouth;
  • Stomach pain, in the region of the gallbladder;
  • Bleeding from the genital tract.

We recommend to read an article about the monthly with uterine myoma. You will learn about the causes of the disease and its effect on the nature of menstruation, the methods of treatment and the removal of education.

Treatment of signs of fibroids with a boric mat and red brush together or separately should be supported by a specialist.

Herbs are not effective in all cases, sometimes excessive confidence in their power contributes to the omission of time in which the tumor will grow.

It is not necessary to use them and at the same time with hormonal drugs that are prescribed against myoma. Herbs affect the composition of these substances, and their combined effects with drugs may be excessive and therefore harmful.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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