Everyone familiar from childhood recipe for cough and catarrhal diseases - mustards, today are experiencing a new wave of popularity. This phenomenon is easy to explain, it is enough just to recall its availability and effectiveness. Mustards are often used to treat children from colds. This is a good home remedy for heating, which in complex treatment will play an important role.
You can not use mustard plasters, but the list of contraindications in this case will be almost identical to any local heating agent. The big advantage of the mustard plasters will be affordable price, the possibility of prolonged storage( up to 12 months) without loss of medicinal properties, as well as the possibility of independent production in emergency cases. In addition to the mustard plasters, you can also make a honey mustard cake from a cough. If you want to use medicines, then here you will find a list of drugs for the treatment of dry cough.
- 1 How it works
- 1.1 Indications for use
- 1.2 Contraindications for use
- 1.3 How to install
- 1.4 Optimal positioning
- 2 How to make your own hands
How it works
This rectangle of paper covered with mustard powder has a local irritant effect,but also warms up well. This specific effect is produced by the main component - mustard, which has long been known for its medicinal properties. A bitter taste of mustard seeds is given by a specific composition: syrginin and mirazin. If it is possible to explain the processes taking place between these substances, one can observe the following regularity. While the composition is dry, these compounds do not react with each other, but it is necessary to appear the main catalyst - water, and a complex chemical process immediately begins.
The main irritant is etheric allylic oil, which is formed from the fusion of two substances. Its action is based on irritation of nerve endings, which dramatically increases the flow of blood to this area of the skin."By-products" of such a reaction will be a certain amount of heat, which enhances the irritating effect of mustard and promotes deeper heating of the upper layers of the skin.
The video describes the use of mustard plasters for dry cough:
Indications for use
Used in the treatment of the following diseases:
- Treatment of dry cough of bacterial origin.
- For the treatment of acute bronchitis, with the chronic form of the disease, this method is less effective.
- Pneumonia as an additional treatment and after a drop in high temperature.
When treating a cough, the question always arises, and if they help, the mustard helps to separate the sputum, increasing the blood supply to the bronchi. This will allow the cough to pass into the "wet" stage, which will greatly accelerate recovery. To replace all medicinal preparations using mustard plasters, unfortunately, it is impossible, but as an additional measure - this is a very effective method.
Along with a wonderful "summary" in the fight against a variety of diseases, mustard plasters also have contraindications, which are often not known to everyone. This is explained by the specificity of some chronic diseases, in which additional stimulation of blood supply can aggravate the degree of disease progression.
If the area of the mustard is damaged skin of any location, it is also necessary to use this tool carefully. Even a minor scratch or rash under the active influence of the active components of a mustard can cause a considerable pain syndrome.
Sometimes there is a strong skin sensitivity, in which such an effect will result in severe pain and even a burn. Reduce such feelings can special children mustard. The novelty of the invention lies in the fact that this is not a traditional rectangle, but paper bags with a powdered mustard powder.
This envelope has two different sides, one of which is much thinner. This precautionary measure is based on the specificity of the child's treatment, when the kids are put mustard plaster on the denser side, and the grown up children are thin. Use such mustard plasters and adults with increased sensitivity of the skin.
Traditional mustard plasters are also easy to make less painful if you put gauze or a cotton napkin as a layer. After the procedure, it is desirable to lubricate the places of application of mustard plasters with baby cream or vaseline oil.
Contraindications to use
- High temperature.
- Pregnancy.
- Dermatological problems. Cold diseases of a viral nature.
- Oncological diseases.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Psoriasis.
- Individual sensitivity.
- Allergic reactions.
The video tells whether it's possible to put mustard plasters on dry cough:
The list is not too large, so most people can use this simple method. The use of mustard plasters during pregnancy is undesirable, like most warming procedures. In many ways, this prohibition is based on a large content of active components, which can cause a negative reaction of the body.
Is it possible and how to treat sinusitis in a child with folk remedies?
The symptoms and treatment of chronic bronchitis are described here.
Possible complications after purulent sore throat: http: //prolor.ru/g/lechenie/ oslozhneniya-posle-anginy.html.
How to put
Despite all the simplicity of this familiar from childhood procedures, as in any case, there are also their secrets, knowledge of which will provide the maximum benefit from such manipulations.
- Before the procedure, which is performed for the first time, it is desirable to conduct a sensitivity test. For this, a small piece of a sheet is attached to the skin. If after 15 minutes there is a typical reddening without possible allergic reactions, you can start the treatment safely.
- Children should not put mustard plasters on the heart area( both in front and behind), as well as in the spine. To prevent skin burns, use gauze or a tissue. After the procedure, the place is smeared with baby cream or petroleum jelly.
- For children from one year to three years, it is enough to put a mustard plaster for 1-2 minutes. From three to eight years - 3 minutes, children under 12 years will be enough for five minutes with a mustard plaster. By reference, you can read more about how to put mustard coughts to children.
- The duration of the session for an adult is 15-20 minutes.
- After the procedure it is advisable to wrap the patient and ensure a quiet rest, therefore it is best to put mustard plasters before evening sleep.
- If after three sessions of mustard plasters( with proper basic treatment, of course), the desired improvement does not come, it is not advisable to continue the sessions. Further treatment and correct diagnosis should be discussed with your doctor.
The video tells you where to put mustard for dry cough:
The very process of using mustard plasters is simple and familiar by firsthand, for this it is necessary to prepare a sufficiently wide container with warm water( usually a deep dish or bowl), a towel for additional wrapping and a nourishing cream forlubrication of reddened areas of skin.
Optimal positioning
- Back: on the shoulder blades and under them.
- Chest: in the area of the bronchi, under the collarbone.
- Feet: calves, feet.
To preserve the warming effect, the patient is carefully wrapped, since they put mustard plasters usually at bedtime, this option will be quite logical. If the mustard put on your feet and feet, it is extremely necessary to close these places with socks or golf. It will be good to keep the heat and mustard powder in a pure form, poured into socks. For an adult, a tablespoon of the mixture will be enough, a little less for a child.
How to make your own hands
Despite the cheapness and availability of the drug, there may sometimes be a need for self-manufacturing mustard plasters. The process is simple and does not require significant costs, as, indeed, buying a pharmacy option.
Equal parts of dry mustard powder, mixed with flour or starch. Add a little water necessarily warm and knead until the density of sour cream. On a previously prepared sheet of thin paper or a linen napkin, apply a thin layer of the composition and immediately attach to the patient. Important nuance: the side without a mustard layer is fitted to the surface of the body! The action of "home" mustard plasters will be much stronger, so the duration of the procedure can be slightly reduced.
The video tells how to make mustard, used for dry cough, with their own hands:
The second and no less effective way will be the mustard wraps. To do this, prepare a special solution: 1 tbsp.l.dry mustard for 0.5 liters of warm water. In this solution, wet a napkin or diaper( necessarily from natural tissues) and attach to the patient. It is good to make such wraps for babies, only, except for the locations of the heart and spine.
The use of mustard plasters for the treatment of dry cough in complex therapy is an excellent method, tested by time and millions of safely recovered patients. The simplicity and accessibility of the procedure is also an important factor. If necessary, you can make a home analogue or use a mustard wrap. In addition to the mustard plasters, the papillary patch is also used when coughing. And here you will find more folk methods of treating dry cough.