How to understand that your little fidget is not just an energetic little man, but a child with pathology? And what to do when the diagnosis of ADHD is confirmed?
Contents of
- Hyperactive child signs of
- Signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in infants and children under the age of three
- Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in preschool and primary school children
- Motor activity of children with ADHD
- Cognitive activity of children with ADHD
- Aggressive child
- How to calm the child?
- Working with hyperactive children.
- . Hyperactive child. Psychologist's advice
- Hyperactive child. What should parents do?
- Video: Hyperactive child. What to do?
Hyperactive child signs
Recently, the term "hyperactivity" is increasingly found in medical records of small patients. Let's try to understand what lies behind this diagnosis.
Hyperactivity of - in the medical language ADHD( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a pathology in which a child is overactive and active.
- In contrast to healthy children, who are also from time to time excessively active, children with ADHD are constantly active. The excessive activity of children with ADHD is caused by the peculiarities of the central nervous system, in particular its increased reflex excitability
- . This disease is very difficult to diagnose, for there is noways of drug treatment. In the medical environment, the very existence of such a pathology as "hyperactivity" causes a lot of controversy and discrepancies
- According to medical experts, about a third of children diagnose ADHD during adolescence, yet some of these children develop ways to cope with ADHD in adulthood.
- Usually, the child's hyperactivity beginsbrightly manifest to 2-3 years. In infancy, it is difficult to diagnose;symptoms are not clearly expressed, however, there are signs that can be noticed already from the birth of
Signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in infants and children under three years old
- Bad sleep: the child can not be bedded during the day, he falls asleep badly at night
- Frequent vomiting after eating(not vomiting, vomiting with a lot of content)
- The child does not like everything that constricts his movements or presses on the skin: diapers, gloves, caps with strings, sweaters with a fastener under the throat
- Too emotionally reactingto any stimulus: bright light, loud sound, sharp movements
- Constant motor activity is observed: the kid always moves his arms and legs, starts to turn over before the due date, sit down, crawl and get up
- As a rule, hyperactive children are very attached to the mother, they can cryhours, when it is not. However, they are difficult to come into contact with unfamiliar people: they refuse to take toys from their hands, they prefer to hide, they react violently if someone tries to take them in their hands.
Signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in preschool and primary school children
- Can notto concentrate on one subject, during classes quickly gets tired and starts to be distracted
- Can not sit still for long: constantly fidgets in a chair, moves arms and legs, looks around;during classes or during feeding it is useless to ask to sit quietly
- Throws everything halfway: reading a book, watching a cartoon, playing with peers
- Developing games that require perseverance( designers, puzzles, handicrafts) such children are of little interest
- Poorly cope with everything thatrequires small motor skills: appliqués, molding, crochet clasps, laces, hooks on clothes
- Constantly fall into some stories, as hyperactive children have a reduced sense of danger and lack of motor control: they fall,oluchayut injury out of the blue, often something dropping, scratching and stain
- At school they are poorly given mathematics and calligraphy, they do not like to read
- . They are often ahead of their peers in terms of development: they have a fairly high intellect, they brilliantly cope with creative tasks, they quickly grasp the material
- . They are very difficult to discipline, they often conflict with teachers,lessons
- The biggest problem is the adaptation with peers. Because of too moving attention, hyperactive children are not able to fully support the conversation, get involved in the game;they are too talkative, they can break off the interlocutor in a half-word and start their story
- They react excessively to the jokes and jokes of classmates, they conflict more often than usual, rather brusquely and rudely behave in the slightest occasion;as a result they often become outcasts and do not have friends
- Because of the inability to concentrate, hyperactive children are very scattered and clumsy;they constantly lose something, forget, search for any object for a long time;they are not able to maintain order in the cabinet, in the portfolio, in the room
- Owing to fatigue, they often suffer from headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies and neurotic conditions
Motor activity of children with ADHD
With all the negative aspects described, there are also positive aspects of increased motor activitychild. Movement promotes the active development of all systems of a growing organism. The main thing is to properly organize the process and direct the activity of the baby in the right direction
- Correct physical activity increases mood and improves sleep, develops the nervous system, regulates metabolic processes and blood supply of organs.
Muscles and bones are strengthened, correct posture and body contours are formed, which contributes to the normal functioning of the internalorgans - Strengthens the heart and lungs, thus improving blood supply and oxygen leveling to various organs
- Muscle work with the right nApproved exercises directly affect the mental development, speech, memory and thought processes
- Important personality qualities develop: will, endurance and discipline
Cognitive activity of children with ADHD
Cognitive activity is the willingness of the child to achieve the result, develop certain skills and skills, learn didactic materialin the right amount.
From the qualitative development of the child's cognitive activity, his successes in school and later life directly depend. It is very important for hyperactive children to help their parents in this matter.
- Dosage the amount of information the child receives. Lessons should be short, information simple and objective - about what the child can see and touch. Abstract concepts children of preschool age are not able to perceive.
- If there is a possibility of practical application of the knowledge obtained, arrange with the child a little experience, this will help to learn the material better, as visualization is a very important factor in the training of preschool children
- . The information received should not be scattered so as not to create additional burden on the psyche.
- When submitting information, it is important to logically link it to the material that has already been traced, so that the child has a holistic picture of the world.
- Lessons should be playful, for pre-school children, the game is the leading activity through which they learn the world around.
- . Strongly do not punish the child for mistakes andsluggishness, so you will deprive him of interest in studies for years to come
Aggressive child
One of the options for manifesting hyperactivity may be increased aggressivenessь child. This is not a benign aggression that occurs in children in case of need to protect their territory from encroachments, or aggression as a response to the offender.
Increased aggressiveness is an unmotivated manifestation of anger aimed at others.
The increased aggression is caused by the fact that for the excessively excitable psyche of a child with hyperactivity the slightest reason can serve as a serious irritant and as a consequence - the manifestation of "protective" measures to eliminate the cause of irritation.
For others, this behavior often looks unmotivated, as the cause of irritation can be completely harmless things from the perspective of adults. How to behave properly if your child exhibits increased aggression?
In practice, public punishment( spanking, stripping, compelling to ask for all forgiveness) has the opposite effect: it only intensifies the conflict and causes the child to desire even more pain. If you ignore the aggressive actions of the child, the kid perceives this as permissiveness, and the manifestations of unmotivated aggression become for him the norm. How to help an aggressive child?
- At the first sign of aggression, you need to switch the child's attention to another topic. In this case, a very important close physical contact of the baby and the parent, since hyperactive children are very attached to the parents, especially to the mother
- Instruct the child to share with you the causes of anger. Firstly, the very process of investing emotions in words distracts and calms the child; secondly, it will be easier for you to understand what triggered aggression and how to eliminate it.
- . Carefully ensure that in everyday life the child does not encounter the aggressive behavior of others. Inadmissible aggression in the family, it is necessary to avoid watching cartoons and adult films with an increased level of aggression, comics, pictures and computer games that carry aggression, should also be excluded from the child's field of view.
- Start a child with a whipping toy. If he can not cope with anger, ask him to pour out all the emotions on the boxing pear or soft pillow. Beat your gift and teach the child to throw off aggression without harm to others
How to calm the child?
- Speak - that is, at a very fast pace, start telling something "important" and interesting for the child. He will involuntarily listen, and hysteria will gradually stop.
- Switch attention to another object, show your interest in this subject and turn the child into a conversation: "Oh, look how interesting, I've never seen this. What do you think this is? Help me figure it out »
- Try to puzzle the child. For example, ask him to transfer his vagaries to another time: "Let's go quickly to the store until it's closed, and when we get home, you'll be able to cry."Or, for example, ask the child to cry with a bass, because the high sounds of the grandmother hurt your ears. Comprehending your proposal, the child will calm down
- Well calms the child close tactile contact. Take the child to his knees, hug him, whisper in his ear how much you love him, wipe the tears
- Ask him about the causes of crying, empathy the parent gives the child a sense of protection and peace
Working with hyperactive children
Hyperactive children have a very high need for approval,praise, acceptance, recognition. Because of their usual behavior, they hear reproaches and threats more often than words of admiration. How can you create conditions in which your child will feel successful and confident?
- Give the child to a section or art school. Usually hyperactive children are very gifted creatively: they paint beautifully, they have excellent hearing, against the background of ordinary children their talents stand out quite noticeably.
- You can give the child to the sports section if he has a favorite sport and clear abilities for him. In hyperactive children, the threshold of fatigue and pain is usually quite low, so in sports they also achieve notable success.
- Direct the activity of the child in a useful direction: water the flowers, bring water, wash the dishes, clean the cage with parrots. It is important that the case does not require a long time, but it brings appreciable help. You can give several tasks with small breaks. So the kid will throw out energy and at the same time feel pride from the work done.
- Praise the child for every success he has achieved: he assembled a puzzle piece, painted a picture, finished any work that was started, sat quietly in the class, lay quietly in sleep. Ask for the same teachers in the kindergarten and primary school. The positive reaction of adults will cause the child to develop success in this direction.
Hyperactive child. Psychologist's advice
- Psychologists advise when talking with a hyperactive child first to establish eye contact( "look at me, please"), only then start a conversation. If during the conversation the child is distracted, to establish tactile contact( to take a palm, to stroke on the shoulder) - this action will gently return the child's attention to the topic of the conversation
- Define a strict schedule of the day. Stability and predictability is a very important factor for hyperactive children. The established regime will help to avoid excessive stress on the nervous system of the child caused by unforeseen business or lack of habit to one or another occupation.
- To try to keep everything in the apartment and in the child's room strictly: a lamp, a basket with toys, a wardrobe. The hyperactive child is very distracted, and the strict order of things will help him to find the desired object faster and consequently, will lower the grounds for unnecessary excitement.
Hyperactive child. What should parents do?
Changes in the brain that cause increased excitability and hyperactivity of the child are not life-long, and often go to adolescence.
Hyperactivity is not a disease in the strict sense of the word, it's just a temporary deviation. To make life easier for yourself and your baby for the period of growing up, parents need to adhere to a few simple rules:
- Avoiding excessive penalties for disobedience, because the child's bad behavior is unintentional, he himself experiences some discomfort from what can not be adjusted to the general rules. Swearing and accusations only aggravate the state of the child
- Try to prevent the hysterics of a child even before it occurs or develops before the hyperactive phase.
Avoid situations that can cause the baby too violent emotions: do not arrange surprises, sudden situations, sudden changes in the situation. - Develop certain rules, in which the child receives a small encouragement for each job well done, requiring diligence and attention.
Develop rules of conduct( situation inwhich the kid always hears the word "impossible") and gently but surely adhere to them - Avoid crowding people, big noisy holidays, a lot of guests in the house;this situation is very conducive to overexcitation
Avoid bright details, contrast combinations and screaming colors in the design of the children's room;give preference to calm tones - Avoid piling furniture and a large number of toys in the nursery, do not allow confusion and clutter
- Play with your child more often in developing and learning games. At the same time, there should be no extraneous sounds in the room( TV or radio included, extraneous conversations).Your child is difficult to concentrate, the noise background will cause an additional burden on the psyche
- . Hyperactive children are well helped to relieve the tension of the game in the fresh air, trips to nature, active sports( but not competitions!) - any activities that will allow them to give energy,without causing concern to others
- It is advisable to develop a certain ritual of preparing for sleep in order to develop a stable habit in the child and a certain psychological mood.2 hours before bedtime, stop all active games and activities. One hour before sleep, turn off the TV, receiver, reduce the overall background noise in the apartment. For 30-40 minutes before sleep, drink herbal tea, take a bath, massage the legs. This helps to relax and remove the tone of the nervous system
- You need to set the child with the lights off and windows and doors closed from extraneous noise. It is advisable to stay close to the baby, setting it to sleep: whisper, soft stroking, cradling movements and sounds.
- It is important that the room where the child sleeps is well ventilated. Materials for bed linen and pajamas should be made of natural materials that do not become electrified, since static electricity raises the tone of the nervous system