Diet with chicory is very simple, in the fight against excess weight it will help!

How and where to find a product that will help you get rid of extra pounds without doing you any harm to your health? This question is, almost the most urgent in the fair sex. And to solve it will help chicory. Its value lies in the fact that it not only promotes weight loss, but in parallel relieves the body of accumulated harmful substances, take care of the intestinal microflora and helps to overcome some diseases. Let's find out whether chicory is actually effective for losing weight, and how it works in this case.

Chicory for losing weight

How does chicory help in combating obesity?

So, does chicory help to lose weight. Here are the main arguments in favor of this plant.

  1. It contains a special substance - inulin, which monitors the level of sugar in the blood and does not allow its excess. Of course, this property of chicory is more important for people suffering from diabetes, but at the same time wishing to lose weight, it also brings tangible benefits, namely: due to inulin, the absorption of fats and simple carbohydrates slows, which has a direct bearing on the loss of body weight.
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  2. Chicory significantly improves the intestinal microflora and normalizes metabolic processes. As a result, calories that enter the body quickly "turn" into energy, which also plays an important role in losing weight.
Drink chicory instead of coffee, improve metabolism and get rid of extra pounds

Important! But do not put too much hope on chicory, as this product is not able to play a decisive role in combating obesity. It can become only an additional link that will be responsible for improving the activity of the intestine. After drinking a few cups of this drink, do not wait for the extra pounds to immediately disappear.

Remember that chicory helps to lose weight, you need to reduce the consumption of high-calorie dishes. Only in this case the accumulated fats will be used by the body to ensure normal activity. In addition, it is not recommended to dilute a chicory drink with sugar or any other sweetener, as these are extra calories.

Restrictions in the use of chicory for weight loss

When combating obesity, it is important to remember that in addition to the use of chicory in some cases can cause serious harm to health. Contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • varicose veins;
  • is allergic to or susceptible to ascorbic acid, as this substance is abundant in the chicorn root;
  • ARVI;
  • cough.

Important! At first glance, it may seem that such a minor ailment as a cough can not become a serious contraindication to the use of chicory, but in fact the substances contained in this plant will not only aggravate the cough, but also contribute to the occurrence of quite violent attacks.

Usage rules

Now it is necessary to sound the basic features of the use of chicory in the diet. There are several different schemes, considering which, you can choose the ideal way for yourself to combat excess weight. In addition, these recommendations will help to use this plant with maximum efficiency.

  1. Every day, replace the dinner with 200 ml of a drink from soluble chicory. But remember that between meals should be 8 hours, and the daily diet should be balanced, that is, consist of natural products.

    Note! This variant of the chicory diet allows you to quickly adapt the metabolism, but at the same time be prepared that before going to bed you will constantly "pursue" the feeling of hunger, as chicory increases appetite.

  2. Half an hour before each meal, you need to drink 100 ml of a chicory drink. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweet fruit to 2 pieces per day, as well as completely abandon pasta, desserts, potatoes and semolina. Enrich the diet with cottage cheese, buckwheat, vegetables, lean fish and meat.

    Note! During this diet it is very important to listen to yourself. If the use of a chicory drink before eating becomes difficult for you - do not force yourself! It is better to choose another variant of the diet.

  3. Before each meal, drink 100 ml of a drink of chicory, and at dinner eat only a salad of chicory leaves. In this case, a fractional 5-times meal should be used: breakfast - curd or omelet, snack - natural yoghurt or one fruit, lunch - buckwheat porridge, meat and salad, snack - avocado or a small handful of nuts, dinner - salad chicory. Thus, you can maximally correctly distribute meals throughout the day and saturate the body with an optimal amount of protein.

    Important! Adhering to this diet, remember that your diet should not consist only of low-calorie salads, but eating fast food is also unacceptable. Develop the menu correctly, according to the above recommendations, and chicory is sure to help you lose weight.

Salad chicory is a suitable product for fasting days.

It is as easy to consume salad chicory for losing weight as it is to brew a drink from its root. It is enough to choose the most suitable ingredients and combine them in one dish. So, for example, an excellent addition to the salad chicory will be:

  • celery;
  • green apples;
  • nuts;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • parsley greens.

Ingredients are recommended to fill with natural yoghurt, linseed oil, low-fat sour cream or lemon juice.

Of course, chicory is not a panacea for those who want to lose weight, but it can be considered a great additive to the diet. Be sure to support this method of combating excess kilograms of physical loads, moderate appetite and consumption of natural products and a positive result will not take long.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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