A common and common phenomenon - bitterness in the mouth, can have both the most banal nature, and be peculiar to very exotic situations and diseases.
It's one thing when a person consciously tasted vodka or some other tincture with a bitter taste, the other uses an inedible herb mixed with edible. And if some determine the nutritional value of mushrooms, bravely trying them to taste, then others eat, watching TV and throwing everything in their mouths without a glance, then to complain: in the mouth everything has reduced!
But in addition to the natural bitterness inherent in the food( or medicines) consumed, cases of bitter taste in the mouth caused by the pathological cause are frequent. Tasteful papillae of the tongue, unmistakably diagnosing the most unusual combinations, warn the owner in a timely manner: cautiously, danger! And, perhaps, the danger is deadly!
But a person often ignores their warning( like the first, and it's the last one, and all the subsequent ones), leading you to the fatal line.
- When bitterness in the mouth is pathology
- The main cause is bile
- Other common causes
- About female joy-trouble
- About "male" bitterness
- Children are no exception
- Bitter with
- features Do not ignore
When bitterness in the mouth -pathology
The cause of the pathological( unnatural, not conditioned by taste of food) sensation is one - a perversion of metabolism.
This can be a short-term phenomenon - poisoning( blitz disease), and the disease of the "maxi" format, which came for good, either for a long time or for a long time.
Poisoning can be triggered:
- food, either in poor quality, or mistakenly or unknowingly, or simply unacceptable to the body;
- by taking medications, including with a suicidal purpose, either in an inadequate volume, or other reagents;
- is found in a poisonous environment( gassed or otherwise altered) or in an environment of extreme, when self-poisoning occurs( poisoning by own slags due to dehydration in the desert).
The disease, which provokes severe bitterness in the mouth, need not necessarily be associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It can be both connective tissue disease of the category of rheumatism, and a nervous or mental disorder, and a different, non-digestive disease.
But, since liver involvement is inevitable in any disease, both prosaic and rare, all pathology somehow leads to a change in taste sensations in the mouth.
The same method of getting rid of both diseases and poisonings, one is treatment. And the mandatory eradication of some dangerous habits.
The main cause is bile
Given that the oral cavity works not only for absorption, but also for excretion( with the help of tiny glands with thicker mucous membranes), any substance that gets into the blood and circulates in it sooner or later appears in the mouth,his presence in the body of this or that shade of taste. It can be both magnesium salts, and other substances with a characteristic, easily recognizable bitter taste.
But since a civilized person has long ago completely discerned the sensations from such microdoses, the main noticeable bitterness in the mouth is bile( for some, pronunciation is preferable: bile).
The appearance of the taste of bile in the mouth is a characteristic symbol of acute or chronic disease, requiring the identification of its cause and elimination of that.
Chronic bitter taste in the mouth, independent of neither sex nor age, occurs in the case of bile congestion due to:
- inflammation of the bile duct and liver, which develops most often in combination with pancreatic pathology;
- endocrine diseases( diabetes mellitus and allied with it diseases);
- appearance of the "valve effect" due to the episodic appearance of an obstruction in the bile ducts( with the passage of stones, creeping in them ascaris, with their clogging clot of mucus with lamblias);
- anomalies in the structure of the biliary tract( strictures and the like);
- irregularity of the position of the gallbladder and bile ducts( due to kinks, squeezing, etc.).
Other common causes of
Other common causes of bitter taste in the mouth are:
- neglect of oral hygiene rules, leading to diseases of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx;
- smoking;
- addiction to alcoholic beverages of any strength;
- disrespect to the rules of eating( eating on the go, not thoroughly chewing it, addicted to fast food), leading not only to gastrointestinal illnesses, but also the general decline of vital activity.
About the female joy-trouble
The bitterness in the mouth of a woman during pregnancy is most often due to the peculiarities of her condition. This is not only a difficulty in emptying the gallbladder, the bottom of which lies on the top of the pregnant uterus, but also the simultaneous support of the stomach from below, leading to the inconsistency of cardiac pulp and the occurrence of gastroesophageal regurgitation( gastric emptying into the esophagus).
Excess estrogens in the blood of a pregnant woman are also responsible for relaxing the cardiac sphincter. And not only for him, but also for the drop in the tone of the musculature of the intestines, leading to chronic constipation, also not conducive to freshness in the mouth.
Excess of adrenaline circulating in the blood of a woman during this period of life, on the contrary, leads to a hypertonic muscle blocking the gallbladder and bile ducts.
On the "male" bitterness of
To the grounds for the appearance of bitterness and dry mouth in men( besides the reasons combining all categories of those suffering from trouble with taste) are:
- occupations of heavy physical work or power sports( leading to the inconsistency of the gastroesophageal sphincter);
- hobby of tourism or a propensity to stay in extreme situations;
- poisoning with destruction of the liver during the performance of production duties( on motor vehicles - associated with vapors of gasoline, contact with preparations of mercury, copper, lead and other poisons).
The solution of these problems, to medicine not subject to power, often causes the greatest difficulties.
Men are also more prone to smoking and drinking alcohol-containing drinks - this alone would cause bitter feelings in the mouth even in a healthy gastrointestinal tract.
Tourism and the desire to experience acute-extreme sensations lead to the use of unusual food. For example, for Siberia, sherbet - raw frozen fish - is a common dish. But with it enter the intestines eggs of a wide ribbon - very difficult to destroy the helminth, which causes obvious damage to the body.
Children are no exception
The bitter taste in the mouth of a child is often due to the desire to explore the world. You can do it by different methods, including, having tried an unfamiliar taste. Hence - frequent infection with worms, poisoning with berries, herbs, mushrooms, substances and liquids of unknown composition.
With the onset of the change of teeth, new interests appear - smoking and alcohol are tried, there is no special desire to practice oral hygiene. This is the age of sick and decaying milk teeth, creating an appropriate atmosphere in the oral cavity and around it.
The principles of "antihygiene" started from childhood and the onset of GIT diseases( cholecystitis, lambliasis, helminthiases) lead to unhealth in later adulthood.
Bitter that has the characteristics of
Bitterness, combined with dryness, arising in the morning, can result from sleep with an open mouth( a frequent occurrence among those suffering from snoring).The abundance of food taken at night contributes to the appearance of such unpleasant sensations.
The habit is hastily and with an unreasonable surplus of calories leads to a stretching of the stomach with a breakdown of the blocking function of the cardiac pulp - hence casting bile in the mouth with a bitter astringent taste during and after a meal. This is all the more tangible when you need to work with the incline and strain.
Dryness and bitterness in the mouth are the right signs of dehydration due to smoking and drinking, or due to other poisoning, not necessarily fatal.
Do not ignore
Any case of a frequent occurrence of a bitter taste in the oral cavity requires a thorough examination of the causes of this phenomenon, the diagnosis can be entrusted only to the profile doctor.
For it is necessary to analyze:
- complaints;
- external inspection data;
- results of assigned and conducted studies;
- opinion attracted to the diagnosis of other specialist doctors.
Only after this, a decision is made about the advisability of this or that conservative or surgical treatment.
In case of a rapid increase in symptoms, the victim should immediately call the "emergency room" team.
In a situation that does not require haste, the patient must try to identify the cause of bitterness in his mouth, revise his way of life, abandoning the questionable value of doubtful pleasures.