Is it possible to drink and how does Nurofen work on the body with menstruation?

The relief of severe pain during menstrual bleeding is a serious medical problem. Nurofen with menstruation allows many women to easily transfer this complex time interval, to maintain activity and efficiency. The pharmacy network offers a fair selection of fair-sex women a wide choice of drugs, the basis of which is acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and ibuprofen. It was the latter substance that became the main component of the anesthetic of nurofen.


  • 1 Mechanism of pharmacological action of the drug
  • 2 Contraindications to taking medication and symptoms in case of an overdose
    • 2.1 Side effects of
    • 2.2 What to do with an overdose of Nurofen
  • 3 The various drug dosage forms offered by the pharmacy network
    • 3.1 What is the difference between Nurofen Fort from usual
    • 3.2 Medication for painful monthly
  • 4 Several tips for the treatment of painful monthly

Mechanism of pharmacological action of the drug

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RasmsThe medicated drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The main feature of this pain medication is the ability to quickly remove swelling and inflammation in the problem area of ​​the human body, which leads to a decrease in the severity of the pain syndrome.

Nurofen from pain with monthly takes on the popularity of a solid second place, second only to the known drug "Ketanov".The sequence of action of the medicine on the woman's body is interesting.

With blood flow, our drug gets to the uterus and other organs of the female genital area, where it interrupts the production and action of prostaglandins. These active substances are the cause of the development of pain during menstruation.

Simultaneously, the drug blocks the effect of cyclooxygenase on cells of the active substance and promotes the rapid removal of this enzyme from the tissues of the internal genital organs. In passing, the edema and spasm of the muscles of the uterine wall are removed. Nerve endings cease to be exposed to pressure, which leads to a reduction in pain syndrome.

The duration of exposure to a single dose of nurofen, which is 200 mg, ranges from 3 to 6 hours. At the end of this period, the drug dissolves in the liver and is excreted from the body of a woman with calves. Only 10% of the medication is eliminated by the kidneys.

The mechanism of action of the drug allows its use in severe pain in patients suffering from migraine, various neuralgia, sciatica, toothache. Nurofen for women with menstruation is currently considered the drug of choice, it is allowed by most specialists to self-administer. This is facilitated by the availability in the pharmacy network of a large selection of dosage forms of this substance.

Contraindications to taking medication and symptoms in case of an overdose of

Although the drug under consideration is the safest in comparison with other representatives of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, various negative reactions are possible with its use.

Side effects of

Many women turn to specialists of the women's consultation with the question of whether it is possible to drink nurofen with menstruation. Contraindication to taking this drug can only become an individual intolerance, but some caution in the treatment of pain all the same required.

Most often, pathological reactions with the use of a medicine can occur on the part of the gastrointestinal tract. There may be abdominal pain, a woman's chair disorder, nausea and vomiting.

The changes from the side of the central nervous system are not uncommon. Headache, visual disturbances, fluctuations in blood pressure may accompany pain relief during menstrual bleeding.

Nurofen is not recommended for painful periods if a woman has various stomach and liver problems. The mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach wall is extremely prone to irritating effects of the drug, which can be expressed in pain and even in the development of gastric bleeding.

As noted above, nurofen is excreted from the body of a woman by the liver, therefore, in the pathology of this organ, various problems are possible, up to the development of of hepatitis.

What to do if the Nurofen overdose

A single dose of the drug should not exceed 400 to 500 mg, but there are situations when trying to reduce the pain syndrome with a monthly, the patient exceeds the allowable amount of the drug. Symptoms in this case will be sufficiently eloquent:

  • The first sign of poisoning may be weakness, inhibition, loss of consciousness. This is due to the effect of the drug on the central nervous system.
  • There may be a drop in blood pressure, which is manifested in the affected by noise in the ears, headache, nausea and vomiting.
  • On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, sharp pains are seen in the epigastric region, signs of bleeding from the esophagus or stomach are possible.

In addition to the above symptoms, many women who admitted an overdose of nurofen, noted a violation of the heart, bradycardia and arrhythmia. In rare cases, in the absence of care and high concentration of the drug in the blood, ventricular fibrillation of the heart and even its arrest may occur.

First aid in this case is not original. The victim is placed on the bed or floor, giving the lower limbs an elevated position. It is necessary to wash the stomach, best with a thick probe, an enema with such poisoning is also desirable.

For the removal of intoxication, it is possible to use activated charcoal and conduct intravenous fluid transfusion. Forced diuresis in this case is ineffective, since nurofen is excreted from the body by the liver. Recommended medicinal substances that protect the liver from the effects of a large amount of anesthetic.

Further treatment is carried out in a specialized hospital, and if necessary, and resuscitation department. Timely assistance provided will avoid the various pathological consequences of such poisoning.

Various drug dosage forms offered by the

pharmacy network To ensure adequate relief of menstrual pain, pharmaceutical companies have developed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances of prolonged action. To this variety of the drug include nurofen forte.

How does Nurofen Fort differ from conventional

? In order to reduce the negative effects of ibuprofen derivatives on the gastrointestinal mucosa, the specialists have developed a strengthened and extended form of the drug. Nurofen forte with monthly allows you to achieve the desired result after taking one capsule.

One tablet of this medicine contains 400 mg of anesthetic, to reduce the effect on the walls of the stomach, it is covered with a special coating, which includes gelatin and sorbitol. Thanks to these substances, the mucous membrane of the digestive organs does not lend itself to negative effects.

If the patient is using nurofen for menstruation, the tablet should be taken with a large amount of liquid or milk. Often, with a constant intake of a drug, experts recommend that you pre-protect the mucosa by taking Almagel A.

When a woman asks the pharmacist Nurofen Express for pain medications at monthly intervals, she usually means "Nurofen Fort" capsules. The thing is that the producers, in particular, the firm "F.Hoffmann - La Roche Ltd. ", Produce this analogue of ibuprofen under the general name" Nurofen Express Forte 400 mg. "The price policy for the sale of this drug is quite democratic: in Russia, a medicine can be purchased from 400 to 500 rubles for 20 tablets, and in Ukrainian pharmacies it is somewhat more expensive - 180-260 hryvnia, depending on the owner of the pharmacy network.

Medication for painful monthly

Most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity lead a fairly active lifestyle, expressed by tenderness during menstrual bleeding forces them to change their daily habits. For this group of women, pharmacologists have developed a special method of alleviating the condition - nurofen lady with menstruation( the official name of the drug is Nurofen Express Lady).It differs from other anesthetics with an increased content of ibuprofen in one capsule and excipients that facilitate the absorption of the drug in the woman's digestive tract. It is important to include in the capsules of xylitol and magnesium stearate.

Tablets contain 500 mg of drug substance. It is the dosage of the capsule "Nurofen Express Lady" that differs from other types of medication, which makes it possible to get the desired result in painful menstruation after 20 - 30 minutes with only one capsule.

Ironically, the price of female painkillers is less than that of Nurofen Express Forte. In Russian pharmacies, a woman will have to pay 200 - 250 rubles for 12 capsules, and in Ukraine the same package will cost about 100 hryvnia.

It should be noted that when using extended forms of the drug, the risk of drug overdose increases. This is due to the high dosage of the therapeutic substance in one capsule. Patients need some care when using Nurofen Lady in painful menstruation.

We recommend to read an article about taking the drug "Ketanov" with monthly. From it you will learn about the causes of pain during menstruation, the mechanism of action of the drug, the removal of pain, recommendations for taking the drug.

Several tips for the treatment of painful menstruation

Specialists recommend patients suffering from severe pain, take medication in minimal doses and do not stretch treatment over time. It is not always possible to immediately stop pain, but this is not the reason for exceeding the maximum allowable dose.

Nurofen is not indicated if a woman has a history of bronchitis with an asthmatic component. Nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs can cause bronchospasm in such patients, which is quite a serious pathology.

As mentioned above, the use of Nurofen by patients with a provoked liver is not recommended. If such therapy is still performed, it is necessary to constantly monitor the liver with liver tests and a general blood test.

Well, of course, a complete ban on alcohol. Ethyl alcohol actively interacts with nurofen, which often leads to heart disorders, vascular spasms and the development of liver failure.

Nurofen is authorized by specialists for independent use, however, when using this medication to reduce pain during the months, a preliminary consultation of the doctor is not only desirable, but also mandatory.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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