- Special features of
- How to distinguish a quality product from counterfeit?
- Composition
- Properties of
wax Beeswax is the most complex organic compound that bees secrete through special glands. For the bees themselves, he will be the building material for honeycomb, in which they carefully fold nectar. Wax is a unique food additive and an indispensable curative substance in one "face".
. Characteristic features of
First of all it is necessary to consider what beeswax looks like. This product has a dense structure and can be white, yellow, brown, black or brown. Characterized by a rich honey aroma. If this substance is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, then after a while its shade will become lighter. The wax containing propolis changes its original color to slightly greenish.
decreases. As stated above, there may be several shades of this product, but this does not affect its properties in any way. Both yellow and white beeswax are equally useful. Everything depends on the amount of impurities in it. For example, in everyday life there is either a yellow or brown product of the life of bees. White color is created artificially - industrial way. From wax remove all impurities, so that it bleaches and becomes more attractive from the point of view of sellers.
How to distinguish a quality product from counterfeit?
If your activity has nothing to do with beekeeping or the chemical industry, you can be advised, when buying, pay attention to the following:
- The color can be white, light yellow, brown and even black, sometimes you can find a product with a slight pink tint. This parameter will depend on which plants the bees collected pollen from.
- The aroma of honey is like the smell of propolis. If there are impurities in the wax, then it will smell accordingly.
Good to know! Most often it is bred with rosin, stearin, paraffin and ceresin.
- The structure is dense and quite solid. The fusion itself has a slightly concave shape, if there are additives in it, then the depression will be too large. If you hit the bar of natural beeswax with a hammer, it will split, and a fine-grained structure will be seen at the fault site. The counterfeit is not broken, only a dent will be formed in it, the edges of which will immediately become brighter.
- If a sharp knife is placed along the edge of the "clogged" product, small chips will be scattered. A long spiral will form on the bar of high-quality wax.
- The product should not change its original color when heated.
- Break off a small fragment and mash with your fingers - this wax will become plastic, and the fake will leave fatty traces and give a color heterogeneity.
- If the product is chewed, then it should not stick to the teeth. The admixtures of stearin, rosin or lard make it very sticky.
- Immerse a piece with a specific gravity of 0.95 in water or alcohol, the temperature of which will be + 20 ° C.A quality wax will drown, and a counterfeit will float on the surface.
- Melting point of beeswax ranges from + 60 ° C to + 70 ° C
Advice! Natural wax is an expensive product, which is also a deficit. And the knowledge of how to identify a counterfeit, significantly reduce the risk of acquiring a poor quality counterfeit.
Composition of
The composition of beeswax is very complex and has more than 50 chemical compounds, among them:
- aromatic colorants;
- limit hydrocarbons, which are about 15%;
- is occupied most of the esters - about 75%;
- 15% free fatty acids;
- up to 2% water;
- mineral substances;
- alcohols;
- carotenoids;
- impurities - larvae, propolis, pollen;
- vitamins.
Esters, which are the basis of wax, protect it from chemical reactions that may occur due to interaction with other substances. Therefore, it can be stored for a long time.
Tip! To store this product you need to choose a dark, dry, cool place. The color and aroma will not change, especially if you place it in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
Properties of wax
The useful qualities of this bee's life product were known to our distant ancestors. Many years ago, ancient Egyptians laid large bars in the burial places of the priests. And having lain there not one millennium, wax has kept all its curative properties.
An interesting fact! Wax of bees takes the second position in the list of apiary products. By his quantity of extraction and importance, he is second only to honey.
Therapeutic effect of
Bee wax shows its medicinal properties in medicine. This is due to its rich biological composition and the fact that it is a very active substance. Wax is able to have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, and is also considered a natural natural antibiotic.
This unique "gift" of nature can manifest a healing effect and is recognized as the best remedy for colds. It is worth while chewing a piece of wax and your immunity will increase significantly, and signs of acute colds completely disappear. About what other application this product found in folk medicine, and also about some features of its use, you can learn from the article: Apply beeswax for health and beauty.
Good to know! On the basis of this product, patches, warming dressings and therapeutic ointments are manufactured today.
With beeswax you can overcome such ailments:
- diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
- asthma and bronchitis;
- lack of milk production during lactation;
- allergic rhinitis and sinusitis;
- of the gastrointestinal tract;
- rheumatism and arthritis;
- is an inflammation in the oral cavity.
Properties of beeswax found application in cosmetology. It has been used for a long time as a basis for skin care products. This product is valued for a special protective effect, in other words, the wax retains the youthfulness of the skin, "preserving" its cells.
Today, this product is part of creams and face masks, skin care products for the hands and body, as well as lip balms.
Possible damage
In most cases, beeswax is of great benefit, but sometimes it can cause harm. The fact is that some people may suffer from intolerance to beekeeping products, and, since naturally occurring impurities in the form of propolis and honey are present in the wax, it can cause an allergic reaction from the body.
Attention! Before using this product or drugs on its basis, you should consult your doctor and exclude a possible side effect.
Another question arises as to what will happen if you accidentally swallow a piece when chewing. The answer is - nothing terrible will happen, of course, if you do not have allergies or serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And remember that this condition applies only to a natural product. Synthetic additives can seriously damage your health.