Let, despite the calendar age in your soul always thunder fanfare. Let your life shine with all the colors of the rainbow, will be filled with only positive events. My dear girlfriend, be happy and loved.
Happy birthday! Let the sky be blue, spring in the shower, a light breeze in your head, a bag from Gucci on your shoulder, Labuten's shoes on your feet, earrings with diamonds in your ear, flowers in your hands, and full pants of female happiness. And also, let there be one with you who will bring this to you, at your feet!
What do you need for a happy life? Good weather outside the window, a bag of gold, an interesting job? All this, I will say honestly, does not matter compared to love! When there is love, as we have with you, you do not need to desire more than to preserve these feelings, to carry through the years. .. Everything else that will be desired will necessarily follow, because love works wonders! I congratulate you on your birthday and once again I confess my love, I will never tire of talking about it! And since we have love, it's time to get something else. .. so I wish you every day a fine mood, an environment of good people and more luck!
I congratulate you and I want to wish you the most important thing in the life of any girl, what comes in the sweetest dreams, what is so hard to achieve in real life and what you can talk about for hours. I wish you always be the first in exclusive sales!
There are famous love stories that the whole world is talking about, about which novels are written. .. Beloved, let our life is not full of adventures and adventures, but I have you - my only, and for me our relationship is the most magical storylove of all time! On your birthday, I'll tell you again "Love" and gently kiss, look into your eyes. .. Be happy, my love!
My favorite! On your birthday, I want to congratulate you and give you several gifts, including your heart, which belongs to you completely! I'm happy that next to me is the same girl for whose sake I want to perform feats and tear the stars from the sky! Rejoice in life, do not be sad, smile sincerely, and I will always be with you!
Who is the nicest in the world, all rosy and whiter? A magic mirror would answer - everyone in the world is nicer, all rouge and whiter, all are more tender and kinder than the girl whose birthday we celebrate today! My beloved, with you I learned what true happiness is, I have found the meaning of life and see it for many years to come, and always beside you. .. I wish you also to clearly and enthusiastically look forward and believe, know - everything will be fine with us!
I know that I'm very lucky that you met me once. I wish you eternal joy in your soul, a good mood and smile more, because your smile makes my day happy. I love you and every day spent next to you is the best day of my life.
We congratulate the beautiful, kind girl on the holiday. We wish you love in your personal life, career in the workplace, success in all your endeavors. Be as attractive, feminine, charming, affectionate and cheerful. All the flowers and gifts are only in your honor. Happy Birthday!
Charming, always beautiful and fluttering, beautiful young girl with a holiday. You, like a star, are irresistible, you smell sweet and you soar. You can only admire, you are gorgeous! Clever, gentle, charming. Let every day of your life be unforgettable. Millions of roses, thousands of mimosas. ..
For the birthday of my beloved, I prepared a lush bouquet of royal flowers - from roses. But the tenderness of their petals can not be compared with your skin, and their freshness - with your freshness and beauty! And still accept flowers as a token of my love! Let the smile always play on your lips, let the mischievous stars always shine in your eyes! Be happy, Queen of my heart!
My love! You are happy on your birthday, and I have no words to express the whole palette of my feelings for you, which, incidentally, you already know everything, because right now I'm reading the answer to your confession in your eyes! I wish you from the bottom of my heart to always be content with yourself, flirtatious and gentle, playfully laugh and generously give your warmth to close people, among whom, I dare to hope, you will find me an honorable place! Just know: I love you and, if necessary, I will carry to the end of the world in my arms!
At the birthday party of my beloved, it's so fun and noisy, friends and relatives crowd around the table, toasts sound, and I do not have to yawn, so I can get myself a minute of attention! I want not only to cordially congratulate my beloved and wish her a bright, like a rainbow, happiness, but also to wish to be with her once on a desert island! Of course, it should be warm, let it be covered by a shady forest with fruit trees, there are no predators, but the birds of paradise sing. .. then I will be able to reign supreme my beauty and until we are picked up by a passing ship, we will rest for a hundred years ahead!!
Once the Creator thought. .. The world is so great, there are many miracles in it. .. But so it wanted to create something that will make the light gasp and the sun to be embarrassed. .. And then he created you, my beloved. I know, that's exactly what happened! You're the only girl I can be happy with. Your birthday is the most desired holiday for me! I congratulate you, I will say a thousand times that I love you, and I wish you from the bottom of the heart to always remain as beautiful as today, always smiling and never to be sad, because you were created for love!
Flower, sun! Today is not just a day, today YOU were born! You are that boundless shining sky that illuminates my life! Let for you today all the colors of the world merge into an unforgettable sparkling rainbow, for you today all wishes come true! Blossom, blossom, remain the most beautiful, kind, dear! Let your life always be only a holiday filled with happiness and love!
Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you bright impressions, fulfillment of desires, let all dreams come true, fans let them give you bunches of flowers. Let your youth last forever and the happiness of youth will be endless!
The light of distant stars is beautiful, but how can it compare with the brilliance of your eyes and the warmth of your heart? Amazing, wonderful, talented, my congratulations to you! Let this birthday be remembered to you, it will be flamboyant and cloudless. With all my heart I wish, my dear, be always so beautiful and delicious! Believe, I will not let the sorrows and sorrows touch you. Joys to you and happiness, success and recognition!
Birthday is a great holiday, bright and cheerful, but with you - the culprit of the celebration - it's even more beautiful and beautiful! I congratulate you from the bottom of the heart and I wish you this Happy Birthday to open a new, breathtaking turn of your life! I wish you well-being and love, luck and prosperity! Keep always in your heart warm and boldly fulfill your dreams!
Sweetheart, Happy Birthday! I wish a true female happiness, an ocean of all-consuming love, a positive attitude in life, so that depression can not creep close. Let the impeccable, glowing smile of happiness never leave your charming face.
I wish you to be beautiful, like a spring flower, tender as silk, light as a breeze, fresh as a dew-washed grass, let your thoughts be as pure as a mountain stream. I wish you to meet your happiness, and that everything in your life is real - and people, and deeds, and feelings!
Next to you stars fade, roses drop petals, the sun hides its rays, because your beauty is divine. We wish that everyone could see a mysterious, but no less elegant, soul behind an unusually beautiful wrapper. Your presence is happiness. We wish life to present you only pleasant surprises and gifts.
Let your life be like a mountain stream, then stormy and frothy, then quietly gurgling, but always crystal clear! Let the spring of your destiny reflect the blue cloudless sky, let it fill many streams of your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and never run out, let the source of your happiness, luck, love never dry up! Our birthday girl, our beautiful uncle, be happy!