There are women who are looking forward to menopause, as in this period a lot of gynecological problems go to zero or at least reduce the activity of manifestations. Another thing is the ovarian cyst in the period of menopause. This neoplasm causes great concern, and not without reason.
Contents of
- 1 A cyst with menopause: where did it come from?
- 2 How is the cyst found in the menopause?
- 3 More on the risks of postmenopausal ovarian cyst
- 3.1 Is surgery mandatory?
- 3.2 Conservative treatment
- 4 Surgery against ovarian cysts
Cyst in menopause: where did it come from?
Cysts on the ovaries can occur and most often do it in the reproductive age. Most neoplasms are the result of the work of organs, regular cyclic changes in them. These are functional cysts that have a property that sometimes dissolves on their own without a trace or occur more than once after their disappearance.
No regular changes in the reproductive organs have been implicated in the appearance of certain types of neoplasms.
Often such a cyst of the ovary is found during the menopause for the first time or crosses this age line together with its possessor, giving her anxiety and many unpleasant manifestations.Neoplasms of this type are divided into:
- Serous, filled with an appropriate fluid. The shell is dense, consists of epithelial cells, which are similar in structure to the maternity of the fallopian tubes or the ovary surface. The perpetrators of their appearance are endocrine diseases, transferred venereal infections, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis;
- Mucinous, representing several connected capsules with mucus. The contents of this type of cysts produce epithelial cells, their shell is also quite thick. The latter from the inside resembles the vaginal mucosa at the point of its connection with the cervix;
- Papillary, on which the papillae are seen on the outside or on the inner surface. Has a tendency to degeneration into a malignant tumor;
- Paraovarian, taking the form of a single bubble with a liquid inside. The culprits of their growth are appendages, in the menopause of this type cysts have a chance to appear in those who suffer hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, other endocrine disorders, suffered many abortions. This species is the only one of all rarely degenerates into cancer, as it grows not from the multiplication of cells, but because of the fluid entering the capsule;
- Dermoid, containing within itself different types of connective tissue. They have thick walls and are characterized by slow growth. Climax is considered a provocateur of their occurrence, especially if it occurs against the background of endocrine problems;
- Endometrioids, originating from the mucous uterus, extending beyond its cavity. They contain blood. If a similar type of ovarian cyst is found in postmenopause, then there is a hormonal failure with excess estrogen over progestins or dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, problems with thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus.
The main danger of all listed neoplasms is that many of them are capable of malignancy.
Imbalance of female hormones, natural in menopause, does not allow to hope that the cyst will resolve. On the contrary, this period can spur its increase in size and the appearance of atypical cells.
How is a cyst found in the menopause?
Symptoms of ovarian cysts in women in menopause depend on many factors: the type of tumor, its size, the age of the woman, the accompanying gynecological pathologies, which are often supplemented, as well as the time of its existence.
If it appeared recently, has a small value, it can in general anything to not detect itself or cause slight discomfort in the area of location. Find a neoplastic specialist on examination or hardware examination. It leads to the fact that the organ is enlarged, easy to be probed.
With the development of the disease, the ovarian cyst begins to behave more actively during the menopause, adding sensations to the already difficult period:
- There are abdominal pains that are dull but intensifying with intense movement during sex. They are predominantly one-sided, sometimes they are replaced by a feeling of bursting or the presence of a heavy object in the abdomen. It seems that the remaining organs in this area are squeezed. Hence the frequent need to urinate, the difficulty and pain of the process;
- When the cyst is exposed to the intestines, constipation, widening of the veins in this area, popping of the hemorrhoids appear. Her pressure on the vessels is guilty of the appearance of varicose veins of the lower extremities. With a sharp movement, the cyst may tear or twist around its own base. Then the pain becomes stronger, spreads wider, provokes a febrile state with fever, vomiting;
- As the neoplasm grows, the abdomen increases, taking an asymmetric appearance, protruding at the site of the cyst;
- Some types of tumors provoke a cluster in the stomach of the fluid;
- If the cyst causes or itself is the result of a hormonal malfunction, painful menstrual-like discharge may appear that do not have regularity.
More about the risks that arise with the postmenopausal ovarian cyst
Naturally, for women who have an ovarian cyst in menopause, what to do is a major issue. The decision may not be as simple as at a younger age, when you can choose from different methods of treatment or even take a wait-and-see tactic.
It has been established that most cases of ovarian cancer occur precisely during this period. Especially at the risk of those who have
- In youth, dysfunction of paired organs was diagnosed;
- There was no sexual life, pregnancies, or they did not end in childbirth;
- Climax came prematurely;
- There were previously benign neoplasms on the ovaries, fibroids, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs;
- Bleeding from the genital tract in postmenopause is documented, but they are not associated with a pathological process in the uterus.
Given the high likelihood of a benign ovarian tumor degenerating into a cancerous one, it is important to carefully examine and fully rely on the opinion of specialists in the fight against the disease.
Is operation mandatory?
Is it necessary to remove the ovarian cyst in menopause? In each case, this should be decided by a specialist. Doctors conduct studies on the basis of which they conclude that the cyst can be transformed into ovarian cancer.
There is a malignancy index calculated using the following parameters:
- The menopause period in which a new growth occurred;
- Multi-chamber it or single;
- Small or significant in size;
- Density of the cyst;
- In one or both organs tumor is localized;
- Is fluid accumulation seen in the abdominal cavity?
All these signs or their absence are visible by ultrasound. If most of the negative criteria are not noted, there is a chance that treatment of ovarian cysts without surgery in menopause will be successful. This is the opinion of foreign specialists, who are sure that a single-cell neoplasm of less than 10 cm in diameter with thin walls and without proliferation in 70% of cases does not degenerate. They calculate in this way the indicator of the oncomarker, which not only reveals the need for an operation or its absence, but also the tactics of intervention.
Domestic doctors are sure that it is possible to calculate the nature of neoplasm by 100% only with the help of histological examination. And it is carried out after the operation, when the cyst is in the specialist's hands.
CT and MRI can be used as additional methods for studying neoplasm. It is necessary to donate blood to hormones( testosterone, estradiol, FSH).If the combination of the criteria for a woman's risk in premenopause is found from 12.9% and above, this is an unconditional indication for the operation. A year after the arrival of the last monthly, this figure can be up to 24.7%.If it is larger, the cyst is capable of being reborn and must be cut out.
Conservative treatment
Ovarian cyst treatment without surgery in menopause can have, if does not cause doctors oncologic alertness, that is not dermoid, mucinous, papillary. Medications will help in eliminating or reducing neoplasms in premenopause, when the body itself is still able to fight them.
The woman is prescribed:
- Combined funds that normalize the hormonal background( Ovidon, Marvelon, Diane-35, Rigevidone);
- Progestogens( Norkolut, Duphaston, Gestrinone, Depo-Provera, Organometr);
- Antiestrogens( Tamoxifen, Biel, Zitazonium, Novofen);
- Androgens( Testenate, Methyltestosterone);
- Antigonadotropins( Danazol, Danol);
- Anabolics( Nerobol, Retabolil);
- Vitamins E and C, agents for increasing immunity( Levamisol, Splenin, Timalin, Cycloferon);
- Painkillers in tablets( Baralgin, Spazgan) and anti-inflammatory in candles( Indomethacin).
Self-treatment with these drugs is unacceptable. Otherwise, the cyst can be a bomb in the body, which will grow in a matter of weeks.
We recommend reading the article about the peculiarities of the ovaries working with menopause. You will learn about the functioning of this body, the changes in the period of menopause, the size and prevention of diseases.
Surgery against ovarian cysts
In many cases, the ovarian cyst in menopause treatment is forcing surgical. The nature of the operation depends on several circumstances already mentioned here. That is, with oncologic alertness, different options are possible:
- Laparoscopy. It is the removal of a small-sized neoplasm through the holes in the abdomen. For the patient, the operation is minor traumatic. The abdominal cavity is expanded by injecting a special gas there. Laparoscope gives the opportunity to see the surgeon the field of activity on the screen. With tools he removes the cyst, sutures incisions with absorbable materials;
- Laparotomy. A large ovarian cyst in postmenopausal treatment is more extensive and more complex. It is also performed with the help of a laparoscope, but the incisions will be more extensive, since there is a need to remove organs, and sometimes the uterus with appendages.
Whatever the ovarian cyst after menopause, you can not leave it without observation. Moreover, the high probability of its appearance and the danger brought about by neoplasm dictates the need for a healthy woman in menopausal age to regularly show herself to a gynecologist and undergo ultrasound. The disease, caught in time, gives a 100% chance of getting rid of it.