All kinds of violations of the course of critical days require clarification of the causes and treatment. Tranexam with monthly specialists are included in therapy with abundant discharge to restore normal volume, stop bleeding. This drug is relatively new, but has already proven itself. It is important only to know in which cases it is shown.
- 1 Composition and properties of Tranexam
- 1.1 Forms of the preparation
- 2 How does the tool work with intense menstruation
- 3 Can the remedy be used in a normally flowing menses
- 4 How to stop menstruation with Tranexam
- 5 Why use of tranexamic acid may be undesirable
Composition and properties of Tranexam
The drug is itselftranexamic acid. This substance can affect the presence of fibrinolysin in the blood. The latter inhibits the folding of biological fluid.
When fibrinolysin is too much, bleeding can be very severe and prolonged, leading to tragedy. There is it at an inability of thrombocytes to sufficient development plazmina
.This component also ensures normal blood clotting.The active substance of the drug converts fibrinolysin into plasmin, thereby stopping the enhanced elimination of biological fluid from the vessels. Traneksam used when menstrual, when there is such a problem, but not only. He has other important for the normal passage of menstruation quality:
- Relieves inflammation;
- Fighting bacteria;
- Opposes allergies;
- Works against tumors;
- Eliminates the pain.
Forms of the preparation
The preparation is manufactured in tablets or solution. Its great advantage is the rapidity of exposure, regardless of the form of the drug. Receiving the pill will ensure its greatest content in the blood after 3 hours.
With the use of a solution, the process of converting fibrinolysin to plasmin will go even faster.
How does the tool work in intensive menstruation
When used in intensive menstruation, Traniksum is used both as a remedy and as an emergency. The volume of excretions depends on many circumstances. Enlarge it can gynecological diseases: endometriosis, endometritis, polyps, all sorts of inflammatory ailments, hormonal disorders.
But in all cases, the blood is removed from the damaged vessels of the uterine mucosa. The more of them, "thanks" to its thickened layer, the higher the volume of excretions. Tranexamic acid does not prevent the destruction of capillaries. It makes the blood more dense, which does not allow it to flow quickly.
How to drink traneksam at copious monthly, will explain the doctor who appointed him. The drug can not be bought without a prescription, self-application can be dangerous. The standard method of using this: drink 3-4 tablets a day at different times, starting with the first critical day. But in general, the scheme of use can be individual. And how to take traneksam with copious monthly, depends on the specific case, the disease that caused bleeding, accompanying pathologies:
- Someone is shown to drink on the first day at once 2 tablets, and so three times;
- In other circumstances it will be necessary to accept 4 pieces at once, and then 1 at a time;
- If the viscosity of the blood has a level corresponding to the norm, there are problems with eyesight, it is necessary to use the tranecam with caution when the monthly dose is high, the dosage in this case is reduced to 3 tablets per day.
Doctors do not advise using the drug for more than 3 consecutive cycles.
Along with the reduction in the number of menstrual discharge, it is possible to achieve the following effects:
- Reduction of painful sensations in the field of reproductive organs;
- Improvements in overall well-being;
- Reducing and narrowing the prevalence of the inflammatory process.
Is it possible to use the remedy for a normally flowing menstruation
Monthly do not always please with their appearance, even if they arrive on time and without special difficulties. Sometimes it is vital to slow down their offensive for several days. Traneksam may delay the periods for this period, but before drinking it for this purpose, it is worthwhile to imagine what such a use of a serious drug can lead to. Moreover, you can not make it a constant companion of the cycle. This is a dangerous provocation of a hormonal disorder, a negative effect on blood composition and general health.
Therefore, for such a strong and not for all safe means, as traneksam, the instruction for use with monthly does not contain information that it is permissible to use it for their postponement.
How to stop menstruation with Tranexam
Having received information about the properties of the drug, many will want to know if the tranecs can stop the monthly. For this purpose, the agent is also prescribed and used. After all, if a critical period lasts longer than 7 days, there is a danger of a large loss of blood.
Tranex for stopping menstruation is taken from the moment it becomes clear that they can last longer than the norm. The treatment regimen is determined by the volume of excretions and many other factors that have already been mentioned. Usual consists of eating 1 tablet every 6-8 hours before the termination of menstruation, but no longer than 8 days. With a strong bleeding, the transexes to stop the monthly appoint and 6 pieces for a one-time reception, and in just 24 hours there are 3-4 of them.
It is not necessary to be cunning with the drug, wishing to stop normally walking menstruation for 1-2 days. To make it real, but the consequence can be an inflammatory process in the uterus because of the coagulated and not bleeding.
We recommend to read an article about profuse menstruation. You will learn about the symptoms and the main causes of intensive discharge, postpartum disorders, methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Why use of tranexamic acid may be undesirable
If you are prescribed to use tranexam, instructions for the use of the tablet with a monthly should be studied by the patient to the end so that there are no unpleasant surprises. The drug is able not only to help stop menstruation, but also cause:
- Nausea;
- Tachycardia;
- Intolerance manifested by skin rash and itching;
- Drowsiness;
- Decreased appetite.
Especially cautious should be provided:
- Thrombosis( in this case, the doctor may oppose the use of the drug);
- Renal failure.
Everyone who has been helped by tranex, when used on a monthly basis, it should be noted that the drug wins only a few symptoms. And intense menstruation, of another kind of bleeding, needs to eliminate the cause that the remedy can not be implemented. Therefore, it is important to find it by examining, and take, if necessary, tranecks, along with other medicines that can affect the disease itself.