Regular exercise of physical exercises has a positive effect on health and well-being. This is an indisputable fact. However, each of the fair sex has its own special cycle that affects all spheres of life. It's about menstruation. The question is whether it is possible to play sports during menstruation, most women care.
Many people with menstruation are very problematic, so sports are the last thing women think about during "hard days".Some feel fine, but they fear that physical stress can worsen their well-being, and they refuse training in critical days. It is dangerous for health or vice versa - some exercises will help to stabilize the condition and reduce pain syndrome? With these questions, it is important to understand each woman.
- 1 Medical point of view
- 1.1 General recommendations for sports during menstruation:
- 2 Research results
- 3 Useful exercises during PMS
- 3.0.1 Running and fast walking
- 3.0.2 Swimming
- 3.0.3 Gym
- 3.0.4 Group Classes
- 3.0.5 Bodyflex during monthly
- 3.0.6 Yoga
- 3.0.7 Stretching
- 4 Contraindicated exercises during PMS
- 5 How to prepare for training
- 6 Conclusion
Medicalkai view
Previously, nearly all doctors say that a month is not the reason to engage in sports, that modern medicine has substantially revised its views on the matter. Menstruation can not be considered a universal contraindication to exercise. Everything depends on the state of health, as well as the actual state of health.
General recommendations for sports during menstruation:
- Healthy women who do not have gynecological diseases, and well-being during menstruation are normal, it is possible to engage in accordance with the standard program, excluding exercises with weights. In the exercise of exercises with obvious burdens( squattingbarbell, employment on power training apparatus) muscles of a perineum and a forward abdominal wall essentially strain, intraabdominal pressure raises. This provokes the release of blood directly into the abdominal cavity, which increases the likelihood of the onset and development of endometriosis. Also, many are concerned about whether it is possible to pump the press during monthly periods. This exercise should be deleted.
- If there are no health problems, but there is a slight weakness, you should choose a more gentle training regime( especially in the first few days of the cycle).It provides for reducing the number of repetitions, reducing the intensity and duration of classes.
- For women who do not have gynecological problems, but the body is asthenic( a little weakened, prone to rapid fatigue), it is better to change the power load to yoga, Pilates.
- If there are gynecological diseases, then fitness during the month is contraindicated. Those who do not want to interrupt workouts should consult a doctor. He will be able to determine the list of exercises and types of classes that are allowed to be performed these days.
- In the presence of endometriosis or fibroid sports during PMS is strictly prohibited.
- The only common contraindication is not to perform exercises involving inverted poses during menstruation. This violates the overall energy balance.
Research results
Regular exercise helps to facilitate the flow of PMS.This is proved by recent research. So, in constantly training women it is observed:
- reduction of breast tenderness;
- reduced abdominal pain;
- no mood swings and moodiness.
This is achieved by maintaining muscle tone and improving blood circulation, stimulating metabolism. A similar effect has moderate loads. At the same time, another experiment proved that too intense training on critical days is undesirable because they aggravate the symptoms.
Useful exercises during PMS
Correctly selecting and normalizing physical loads, it is possible to stabilize the state during the course of PMS.What exercises can be done with menstruation?
Running and fast walking
One of the most useful types of exercise during menstruation is running. Therefore, the answer to the question "is it possible to run during the menstruation?" - positive. You need to move at a moderate pace. From running with alternating tempo( from slow speed to fast sprint jerks) should be discarded. Runs are better to make in the open air, choosing a route with an even road. You can do on a treadmill. Physicians recommend in the early days of ICP to replace running with ordinary walking at a fast pace.
The opinion that during the period of menstruation it is worth noting going to the pool erroneously. Swimming helps reduce pain in the lower back and minimizes muscle spasms. The water in the pool must be necessarily warm. It is forbidden to swim in cold water. The rate of navigation should be kept moderate.
You can practice aqua aerobics for the lower body. Classes should not be very intensive. The most important thing when visiting the pool is to observe the rules of hygiene. Use tampons or silicone cap. From swimming in open reservoirs it is better to refuse.
In the gym, preference should be given to cardio-loads. Classes on a stationary bike, ellipse, treadmill, stepper are recommended for aching abdominal pains. It is better to refuse exercise exercises.
Group lessons
During PMS you can visit shaping, aerobics, martial arts, pilates. Any exercise that contributes to a slight increase in heart rate, positively affects the overall condition. It's good to dance during this period.
Bodyflex during monthly
They certainly can be engaged, but if thus there are no uncomfortable sensations. One should only abandon the exercises that provide stress on the pelvic floor muscles and the press. You can not do "internal locks", involving the retraction of the abdomen. Bodyflex helps to facilitate ICP, helps to restore the cycle. Many women who regularly perform these exercises dissolve spikes.
During menstruation, it is recommended to perform asana hatha yoga, as well as yogalatas. These exercises help reduce pain syndrome, spasms, discomfort sensations. There is a special set of exercises designed to be performed during the PIP period. Yoga during menstruation can be a real rescue from pain.
It is useful during the monthly stretch. They are well tolerated by the body, relieve painful spasms. Any kind of training of physicians is recommended to begin with streching.
Contraindicated exercises during PMS
During the monthly it is forbidden to perform the following exercises and types of loads:
- corpus twisting;
- twisting;
- exercises on the press, especially the lower part of it;
- weight training, training on simulators;
- jumps;
- the load on the abdomen and lower back should be excluded;
- pull-up;
- weight lifting;
- aerobic exercise of excessive intensity;
- sharp movements.
If there is a question, whether it is possible to twist the hoop during the period, then the answer is negative. Such exercises provide a greater burden on the abdomen, which is undesirable.
Refuse to perform physical exercises if:
- profuse bleeding;
- strong cramping, worse with movement;
- poor state of health( weakness, dizziness).
How to prepare for training
Observing a series of simple rules, you will be able to avoid unpleasant moments during training. Basic tips:
- Dressing on classes should be sporting pants of dark color. From shorts and tight leggings it is better to refuse.
- Begin training with stretch marks.
- During lessons, you need to drink enough water. This is necessary to avoid dehydration.
It can be concluded that the answer to an important question, whether it is possible to engage in sports during menstruation depends on the woman's well-being. Under normal conditions, a gentle physical load will be beneficial to the body. Exhausting same training should be postponed.