Menstruation is natural for a woman of reproductive age. And yet sometimes they pass in such a way that they have to search for means of influence on them. It is a question of excessively painful sensations, intense secretions, unsuitable periods of critical days. Tincture of water pepper with monthly is able to regulate their out-of-the-rule norms of the feature.
Contents of
- 1 A little about the plant itself
- 2 Influence of the plant on the passage of menstruation
- 2.1 How the mountaineer pepper affects the amount of excretions
- 2.2 Can the mountaineer pepper move away the critical days
- 3 How to use the tincture
- 4 Contraindications
A little bit about the plant
Water pepper or mountain pepperIt is known for its medicinal possibilities in various areas so much that its use is recognized and official medicine. And because there is a ready tincture, which can be taken at the pharmacy. The extract of water pepper with monthly, being made on alcohol or water( home), has in the composition vitamins A, D, K, tannins, flavonoids, tocopherol acetate.
The plant is able to fight bacteria, reduce the area of inflammation in many tissues of the body, eliminate pain and spasms of various origin, to act calmingly.
But the main thing is the quality that makes water pepper with monthly irreplaceable, ability to act on the vessels. The plant contains substances that enhance the elasticity of their walls and reduce susceptibility to any effect. And the fact that the composition with it is prepared and on the water, allows you to take tincture for almost all women.
Influence of plants on the passage of menstruation
The tincture is used for menstruation in the following cases:
- If they are painful. Menstruation rarely goes without any discomfort, but if they are too strong, interfere with the performance, it is not necessary to drink tablets. Relax the smooth muscles of the uterus, whose spasm and causes pain, will help tincture of the plant;
- With severe manifestations of PMS.Increased nervousness, irritability, despondency are easily eliminated if you take water pepper with monthly, as well as some time before them. Tincture of the plant is good and that it saves from the disorder of the intestine, peculiar to the period of menstruation. If it did not happen because of the coincidence of the infection, but because of the natural increase in the level of progestins, water pepper will reduce the gassing and excessive activity of this part of the digestive system;
- With long lasting menstruation. Water pepper for stopping menstruation is advisable to use if they go for more than 7 days. It is better to cope with this home remedy from 40 g of dry ground plant and 500 ml of hot water. The infusion is prepared for 5 minutes in a water bath, kept closed for 2-3 hours and taken at 100 ml every 6-8 hours;
- When rashes on the skin before critical days. During this period, the hormone progesterone quantitatively exceeds the amount of estrogens. And it increases the production of sebum, because of which the epidermis is fatter, can appear acne. The plant regulates the production of progesterone, reducing the likelihood of inflammation.
How the mountaineer pepper affects the amount of excretions
The tincture of water pepper with copious monthly doses is used in most cases of using the remedy. It is shown when:
- Intensive discharge for their normalization;
- Uterine bleeding, arising for various reasons;
- Intermenstrual secretions with a view to their elimination.
The effectiveness of the facility is based on its ability to "seal" blood vessels. After all, a significant part of the discharge during menstruation is their content. The endometrium layer, rejected at critical days, is permeated with blood vessels. To strengthen their shell are capable of routine and vitamin K, which are in the plant.
Water pepper with abundant monthly reduces the amount of secretions and due to a gentle effect on the balance of hormones. It does not allow to significantly thicken the endometrium, so that at the onset of critical days its functional layer has a normal value.
Can a mountain pepper move away the critical days of
Menstruation is rarely welcome, there is always a hope that they will need to be postponed over time. And although you should not experiment with the cycle often, sometimes tincture of water pepper for postponement of monthly is irreplaceable. This is a physiological enough and safe method to move them "later".
The agent acts by the ability of routine, vitamin K and tannins to slow the development of the endometrium, as well as reduce the permeability of the vessels. With its help, it is possible to push back the critical days for three days.
Ways of using
tincture The first question that causes women to tincture water pepper with monthly, how to take in each case. It is important to understand that an overdose is unacceptable under any circumstances, the plant may be poisonous. Self-treatment is also dangerous. If you use the tool mistakenly, without any reason, it is easy to harm the work of the reproductive system.
How to apply water pepper with monthly:
- To eliminate pain, normalize the amount of secretions during the renewal of the endometrium, the liquid is drunk 30 drops 2 times a day. There are allowed only 30 minutes after admission. The course lasts at least 3 months. Repeat it is allowed after 30 days. The same scheme is effective for severe manifestations of PMS, increased skin greasiness;
- For postponing critical days for a later period, the composition can drink 45 drops three times a day, the first time on an empty stomach, the rest 30 minutes before eating. Start the reception should be 3-4 days before the critical, then according to the wishes of the women they will be late for the same period.
How to take water pepper with monthly, depends not only on the desired result, but also the body's response to the plant. If there are noticeable side effects in the form of a rash on the skin, nausea, you will have to look for another remedy. Sometimes the complexity may appear because of the taste of the tincture. But this can be corrected by washing it with water.
We recommend reading the article about getting rid of pain during menstruation. You will learn about the symptoms and causes of dysmenorrhea, diagnosis, ways of alleviating the condition.
When a potent plant such as water pepper is used, the instructions for use with the monthly necessarily contain contraindications. They are:
- Ischemic manifestations;
- Arterial hypertension;
- Renal failure, nephritis;
- Enterocolitis with a tendency to constipation.
Using ready-made tincture, it is worth taking note that it is made on ethyl alcohol. So when intolerance of the substance or problems with the perception of alcohol, it is better to use a home prescription based on water. For such a tincture, 1 tablespoon is needed.plants and 200 ml of liquid. They are combined, heated in a water bath to a burning state and left under the lid for 45 minutes. To reduce the amount of discharge drink 1 tbsp.daily for 3-6 months.
The agent can be used concomitantly with other preparations, they do not decrease its effectiveness, it does not enter into chemical reactions.